Leg swelling affects women much more often than men. Sometimes the whole leg is swollen. Generally, it affects the feet, places behind the knees and calves, the legs seem unnaturally heavy, each step encounters resistance.
Light legs are missed not only by pregnant women, but also by people who work standing up and complain about varicose veins. There are a whole lot of reasons. Learn simple home remedies that will reduce leg swelling and ease the resulting discomfort!
Tricks for swollen legs
- Try to lie on your back on the floor after a long day, and put your legs against the wall. Make sure that they are not constricted, because in this case the discomfort resulting from swelling could intensify.
- Start falling asleep with a pillow or a folded blanket under your calves.
- Often, leg swelling is caused by venous circulation, which weakens harmful substances consumed with food. It is recommended to drink large amounts of water, which, by cleansing the body, will deal with this ailment.
- Sometimes improvement is brought by a one-day fast limited to water and bread or porridge. In this way, we will get rid of excess toxins from the body, and the legs will “breathe”.
- Reduce the amount of salt you consume. As you know, salt retains water in the body.
- Temper your legs, which should relieve you of this problem for a while. Pour hot water into one bowl and cold water into the other. For 10-15 minutes, soak your legs alternately in each of these containers.
- After cooling your legs in the shower, opt for rubbing the coarse salt with your hands in circular motions from toes to thighs. After 10 minutes, wash off the rest of the salt.
- In hot weather, start the day with a cold shower, as it will improve circulation, which will directly reduce the feeling of heaviness in the legs.
- A cold shower is worth taking, also before and after the massage. A small soft bristle brush will be suitable for this. From ankles to thighs, we make vigorous, circular movements with it, which should be gentle enough not to hurt the skin.
- With regularly recurring leg heaviness, bandage wraps are a good solution. Soak the bandage in cold water and carefully squeeze it out. Before putting it in the fridge, you can sprinkle it with citrus, lavender or rosemary oil. We will appreciate its operation when a few hours later, after returning home, we leave it for a quarter of an hour with our legs up.
- Similar to bandage compresses, the result will be achieved by massaging the legs with identical movements with an ice cube wrapped in a handkerchief.