Discopathy – causes, symptoms, treatment. Cervical, lumbar and thoracic discopathy

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Discopathy is a disease closely related to modern civilization and modern lifestyle. At least 50 percent of Poles complain of back pain and other back problems. There is an alarming increase in the number of young people with back problems, known as discopathy or herniation of the nucleus pulposus. It is a disease closely related to modern civilization and modern lifestyle.

Archaeologists who study the skeletons of our ancestors from past centuries find no signs of discopathy in them. So what has changed in the lifestyle of the last generations that make back ailments so common today?

Discopathy – causes

Dr. Maciej Bujko, a neurosurgeon from the Allenort Radiosurgery Center, believes that one of the main causes of back problems is the extension of human life. Even at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, only a few lived to suffer from the wear and tear of the spine, with the unfavorable changes that appear in it over time.

The second cause of these ailments is the modern lifestyle. Instead of walking, we drive, we work more and more often sitting in a forced position in front of the computer. At home, we rest in an armchair in front of the TV set. Lack of movement, incorrect posture cause a non-physiological load on the spine and faster wear of its tissues.

In some people, degenerative spine disease is genetically determined. There may not be environmental risk factors, yet the spine is still troublesome. However, most patients with discopathy contribute to their ailments with inappropriate habits.

The degenerative process of the spine consists of pathological changes within the discs, i.e. the intervertebral discs, which consist of the nucleus pulposus and the fibrous ring. The discs protect the bone parts of the spine against rubbing and absorb all shocks and loads. A healthy intervertebral disc is made up of more than 90 percent water.

The degenerative process begins with the dehydration of the intervertebral disc. Dehydration, loss of elasticity and sagging of the fibrous ring lead to damage to the structure of the disc and sometimes also to cracking of the fibrous ring. Then the nucleus pulposus may fall out and the nerve structures are put under pressure. Such consequences can sometimes be caused by mechanical trauma or some unfortunate movement. Dr. Maciej Bujko emphasizes that our spine is able to bear really heavy loads if it is healthy. When it is neglected, when we behave in a way that is unfavorable to the spine, even not very sudden movement may harm it.

– An improperly prepared workplace often contributes to back problems – he says Gracjan Babula, an experienced physiotherapist, head of the Rehabilitation Department at MDClinic. If it is, for example, a desk with a computer, the chair must have the appropriate height and mobility, and the eyesight should be at a certain height in relation to the monitor. A workplace that does not comply with ergonomic standards results in incorrect posture and excessive strain on the spine.

A common mistake is to work for many hours at the computer without taking breaks and exercising to stretch and strengthen your muscles. The same applies to drivers who are immobilized at the wheel or are exposed to vibrations.

Today, the negative impact of chronic stress resulting from working too long under pressure under constant time pressure is also noticeable. Stress causes excessive muscle tension, which also contributes to back pain, as does the unbalanced balance between work and rest time. Many mistakes are made by people who work physically and lift loads inappropriately.

See also: Spine sections. Structure, functions and ailments of the spine

Lumbar discopathy and sciatica

The most common sign that something is wrong with your spine is back pain. The lumbosacral section of the spine is a particularly sensitive place where pain ailments occur. Why right there? The lumbar section, namely the 5th lumbar vertebra, is the most stressed during various activities.

In case of pain in the lumbar region, use Visiomed KINECARE VM-GB7 Lumbar Compress.

Lumbar discopathy is often the cause of sciatica. The sciatic nerves are considered to be the longest in the body. They start in the lumbar spine and run through the buttock along the back of the legs to the sole of the foot. Pressure on one of the sciatic nerves causes a sharp pain, felt not only in the lower back, but also in the depths of the buttock and legs. In addition to discopathy, sciatica can be caused by overexertion, sudden lifting of something heavy, or sudden coldness.

It should be added that discopathy in the higher parts of the lumbar spine leads to the femoral cervix. Strong muscle contraction causes the spine to curvature and makes the lumbar lordosis shallow or abolish.

Also check: Degenerative and deforming changes of the spine

Discopathy – degeneration of the cervical vertebrae

The degeneration of the cervical vertebrae can cause severe pain, involving the shoulder, scapula, and lower nape of the neck. The muscles react with pain to touch, and pain often occurs with every movement of the shoulder joint. Due to the pressure on the nerve roots, the patient may feel pain in the hand radiating from the neck. This pain is searing, rushing, and electric. These symptoms, caused by a cervical hernia, are called a shoulder pus.

The cervical spine is very much harmed by immobile sitting for hours, which causes severe tension in the neck area. We may then have trouble tilting the head in different directions, and after some time persistent headaches (the so-called cervical migraine) usually appear.

In case of problems with the cervical spine, we recommend compresses using Visiomed KINECARE VM-GB6 compresses for the neck, neck and shoulder.

Degenerative changes in the cervical spine cause not only shoulder and back pain, but also numbness and tingling in the hands, and even paresis.

In such extreme cases, only urgent cervical spine surgery can prevent permanent disability. It is also worth mentioning that tinnitus and paroxysmal balance disorders sometimes appear in the case of discopathy of the cervical spine.

Thoracic discopathy

In the case of thoracic discopathy, we are talking about symptoms such as pain in the thoracic spine, thoracic kyphosis and scoliosis. When the hernia compresses the nerve roots, the pain may spread to the chest and abdomen. With thoracic discopathy, the symptoms can also resemble gallbladder stones or heart disease. In extreme cases, neurological symptoms may appear, such as paralysis of the lower limbs.

Discopathy – treatment

In acute pain and inflammation, when it is difficult to move at all, you need to lie down in painless positions. You take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by your doctor. Improvement exercises must not be used in this phase of the disease. Delicate treatments with the use of manual therapy are recommended, performed by an experienced physiotherapist at the patient’s home.

In case of mild chronic back pain, we can help ourselves by taking generally available painkillers and applying ointments or gels with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Heating also helps, e.g. with a hot water bottle or an electric pillow. Heat reduces pain sensations as it relaxes the muscles. Cold therapy works differently. Low temperatures block nerve conduction, and therefore the flow of pain stimuli.

Don’t have a suitable warming device? At Medonet Market, you can order an electric pillow to relieve pain symptoms.

However, in the event of recurring ailments, it is necessary to visit an orthopedist or neurosurgeon and perform diagnostic tests. The diagnosis of discopathy uses:

  1. X-ray of the spine
  2. computed tomography of the spine
  3. MRI of the spine

Discopathy – rehabilitation and physiotherapy

Conservative treatment is sufficient for most people with back pain: broadly understood physiotherapy, elimination of risk factors, regular exercise, shedding excess weight, and during pain exacerbation taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Physiotherapy remains the basic method of treating discopathy – treatment with movement and manual treatment. – During the patient’s first visit, physiotherapists conduct a detailed interview concerning their lifestyle, the moment and circumstances of the pain, as well as the nature of the pain and its location. – informs Gracjan Babula – Then we move on to a detailed manual examination, i.e. we conduct tests that show us what the patient’s condition is, where is the problem.

If there are severe pain radiating below the knee, large restrictions in flexion, extension and other movements, this indicates a significant destruction of the intervertebral disc. This condition is very dangerous to health, especially if there are neurological deficiencies, such as foot drop, perineal sensory disturbances, weakened reflexes and muscle strength. In such a situation, it is necessary to promptly consult a neurosurgeon and perform imaging tests.

With less severe complaints, when there are any doubts during the examination and rehabilitation, we refer you to an orthopedist who usually also orders an X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging. With the results of imaging tests, patients are returned to a physiotherapist, which makes it much easier to choose the appropriate manual techniques.

There is no single regimen in modern manual therapy, treatment is individually tailored to the patient. We work with soft tissues. We currently use very gentle techniques to reduce skin and muscle tension, and to eliminate muscle contractions. We increase joint mobility, teach stretching and strengthening exercises. We provide knowledge about ergonomics. Physical therapy is a supplement to manual techniques, but it cannot be an independent treatment method.

Gracjan Babula admits that rehabilitation is not able to repair the disc, make it healthy and resilient again. However, it can inhibit the discopathy process, provided that the patient also practices at home and follows the principles of ergonomics.

Rehabilitation also prepares the patient for a neurosurgical procedure, strengthening his muscles and general condition, increasing mobility. Sometimes it happens that the patient’s condition improves so much that the surgeon postpones the operation.

Discopathy – surgical treatment of spine diseases

About 20 percent of patients with back pain are qualified for surgical treatment, says Dr. Maciej Bujko. – Indications for surgery are individual. Neurological deficits such as sensory disturbance, urinary or stool incontinence may sometimes disappear after physical therapy, but not always. Therefore, a neurosurgical consultation is needed and the cooperation of a physiotherapist with a doctor is needed.

All surgery is now aimed at the least invasive procedures. This is also the case with spine surgeries, which on the one hand are aimed at eliminating the source of pain and, on the other hand, at strengthening the weakened structure of the spine. We have a choice of many surgical techniques, ranging from pharmacological, thermal and chemical blockades, ablation (destruction) of nerve endings in the intervertebral disc, through surgery to remove the fallen out fragments of the intervertebral disc, endoscopic and microscopic surgery, to implantation of inter-process strengthening and insertion of artificial discs.

The technique that best solves the patient’s problem at a given moment is selected, e.g. spine instability or bothersome neurological deficits. Of course, each operation carries a certain risk and the possibility of complications, but the chances of eliminating the problem that is the cause of the procedure are certainly greater than the chances of failure.

The measure of recovery in discopathy is not a temporary pain relief, but making it possible to avoid recurrence of pain by changing the lifestyle, losing weight, taking care of ergonomic working conditions and proper rest. Visiting a doctor for check-ups and periodic rehabilitation are a guarantee of keeping the spine in good shape.

Also check: Does your spine hurt? Feet may be the cause

Other methods of treating discopathy

If we are talking about the treatment of discopathy, it should be noted that this issue depends on the severity of the case. In the light case, medications, spine rehabilitation, exercises and manual techniques are enough. In the USA, epidural injections are very often used to treat discopathy. If we are dealing with the worst case, the only option is surgery. Among the methods used in the treatment of the spine, the following can be mentioned:

  1. Massage – used in the case of sciatica. However, it is used with positive results in other cases of discopathy, especially in the case of shoulder cervical disease. Massage relaxes the muscles and reduces the feeling of pain.
  2. Chiropractic – unfortunately it does not work in severe discopathy. A chiropractor should not perform maneuvers that can damage the nerves or the spinal cord.
  3. Epidural injections – used positively in the most severe cases of discopathy, when traditional treatment does not bring results. It consists in a precise injection directly into the area of ​​nerve compression in the spine. The procedure can often heal even very large hernias.

we recommend: Spine massage – purpose, activities

Do you have discopathy? Use brine baths. Buy Zabłocka thermal iodine-bromine bath salt today and use it in your own home.

Discopathy – prophylaxis

It should be said at the outset that, unfortunately, but there is no single effective method to prevent spine degeneration. There are, however, some ways to reduce the risk of back disease and back pain. For this purpose, you need to avoid unnecessary stress on the spine, and avoid exercises that could lead to some spine damage. In addition, it is worth starting an active lifestyle and paying attention to special exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and paraspinal muscles. It is also important to maintain a proper posture when performing daily activities such as walking and sitting. Curble corrective seats, which you can buy today at Medonet Marker, will help you maintain the correct posture while sitting.

Prevention of discopathy – motor activity

In this case, physical activity is a certain basis. A passive lifestyle, spending all days in one place and in one more position (in most cases the wrong one) can only lead to more and more problems with our spine. What’s more, as reported by specialists who have been conducting research on this subject for years, properly selected physical activity for a given patient brings a significant improvement in back pain and reduces movement limitations.

By adding regular exercise, even at home, stretching and endurance exercises, you can guarantee pain reduction and prevent recurrence of symptoms in the future.

You should also remember to maintain proper body posture during the day. Another important element in the prevention of spine diseases is maintaining a healthy body weight. Proper diet is another important element in the prevention of spine diseases. A balanced diet will affect the proper hydration of the tissues, but also allow you to maintain an appropriate body weight, which is crucial, because obesity and overweight often contribute to the degeneration of the spine.

In the case of obese people, the pressure on individual intervertebral discs is much stronger than in people with a normal body weight. As a result, extra kilos begin to gradually deform the vertebrae and cause increased muscle tension. Over time, this leads to pain and limitation of joint mobility.

Find out more: Exercises for the spine – TOP 5 exercises for a healthy spine

Discopathy prevention – diet

It should also be added that the elimination of calcium and water deficiency plays a very important role in the prevention of discopathy. The former can be supplemented, for example, by consuming dairy products. Our diet should include cottage cheese and kefir. Of course, calcium is not everything, you should also include a number of vitamins in your diet: A, B, C, D and mineral salts (calcium, magnesium, silicon, zinc and chromium). A great source of these ingredients can be, for example, plant-based products (cabbage, carrots, parsley, broccoli or beetroot), fish (especially marine).

Fish is a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids, which positively affect the functioning of the joints and their better mobility. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be found in olive oil, seafood, linseed oil and rapeseed oil. It is worth recalling that in fish, and more specifically the fatty ones (mackerel, tuna, flounder, herring, sprats), you can find vitamin D, which has anti-inflammatory properties and supports the absorption of calcium.

Discopathy prevention – correct posture

Another important “pillar” in the prevention of spine diseases is also taking care of our spine not only in free time, but also during work. This is important because we spend many years at work, so we have to take care of our posture when sitting in front of the desk. Keep your back straight while sitting, with properly supported forearms and feet, these are things everyone must remember when working in front of a computer.

In such work, however, not only our position is important, but also the position of the monitor towards which we direct our eyes. We cannot look down, because in this way we can lead to slouching and the formation of the so-called. “The widow’s hump”. However, not everyone has a sedentary job.

When working while standing, it is important to remember to do some strengthening exercises and to take a slightly stretching position. Equally important, in standing work, you should also pay attention to the footwear in which you work. It should be equipped with an orthopedic insole and a flexible sole.

If we perform physical work, we must pay attention to the correct technique of lifting heavy objects, and also limit the working time with the use of vibrating machines. Such machines transmit vibrations to our body during work and at the same time have a negative effect on our spine, favoring the formation of degenerations.

Discopathy and further life

It should be said openly that although the discopathy has healed, the discs will not return to their former state, although the pain may completely subside. It is not worth breaking down, after a history of discopathy, you can usually return to work without any major problems. However, some very important rules cannot be forgotten. Namely, it is impossible to bend with a rounded back and avoid torso rotation. It is also worth regularly exercising the spine, which is aimed at strengthening it and stretching the appropriate muscles.

During longer periods of sitting work, you can put the Exclusive Support lumbar orthopedic pillow under your back, which you can buy at a favorable price at Medonet Market.

Find out more: Pillow for special tasks – shapes of orthopedic pillows

Discopathy – the incidence rate

A spinal hernia can occur anywhere in the spine, but the two most common forms are a lumbar hernia and a cervical hernia. The first is the most common, causing low back pain (lumbago) and often leg pain as well, in which case it is commonly referred to as sciatica. Lumbar discopathy is 15 times more common than cervical (neck) discopathy and is one of the most common causes of low back pain.

Most types of discopathy occur in people in their thirties or forties, when the nucleus pulposus is still a gelatin-like substance. With age, the nucleus pulposus changes (‘dries up’) and the risk of a hernia is significantly reduced. After the age of 50 or 60, osteoarthritis or spinal stenosis is more likely to cause back or leg pain.

  1. Sciatica occurs in life in 4,8% of men and 2,5% of women over the age of 35;
  2. Of all people, between 60% and 80% experience back pain in their lifetime;
  3. In 14% of people, the pain lasts more than two weeks;
  4. Men are more likely to have this type of abnormality than women.

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