Discolorations and acne scars – a problem for teenagers and adults
Discolorations and acne scars – a problem for teenagers and adults

Difficult to hide and eliminate acne scars are also a problem for people who have long passed their teenage years. How to get rid of them and avoid creating new ones at the same time?

Atrophic scars affect both adolescents and adults. Acne itself is something like inflammation. The body tries to defend itself against it like against any other disease. If the damaged tissue does not heal properly, i.e. bacteria and cells are not removed from the eczema, an atrophic scar will form, i.e. a characteristic, local depression.

This happens when we do not thoroughly clean the place where the eczema has arisen, and the healing process will be constantly disturbed, so the newly formed tissue is thin and improperly built. The size and depth of the scar depends on the severity of the acne that is in this place.

How to avoid it?

Of course, it is much easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, acne skin should be cared for in a special way to prevent scarring. You must not cause inflammation, so you should constantly cleanse and exfoliate the skin, and when it starts to turn red, which signals the beginning of inflammation, you need to act anti-inflammatory. Once a month, a light microdermabrasion treatment or peeling with salicylic acid should be performed.

A proper diet is also important – limiting spicy dishes and enriching the menu with antioxidants and vitamins. Remember not to dry the skin, as this will cause increased work of the sebaceous glands, because their purpose is to rehydrate it. Drying causes clogging of the pores and promotes the formation of acne.

In a situation where we are dealing with very strong acne, doctors often prescribe special antibiotics, which, however, do not guarantee that after the treatment, the pimples will not return. What’s more, such treatment is taxing on the body, so it should be reserved only for very severe cases.

Treatment of acne scars

When it is too late and scars have already appeared on our face, they can be eliminated with the help of an ablative fractional laser. The laser accelerates proper healing by creating micro-damages in the skin. In this way, the skin heals again and the scars disappear. The treatment itself then requires almost a week of convalescence, and its repetitions depend on the degree of depth and extent of the scars. Sometimes it is necessary to perform a series of about three treatments, each with monthly intervals. Then you should take a six-month break so that the skin can regenerate.

In some cases, the skin may not become flawlessly smooth, but the effect will certainly be satisfactory – this type of aesthetic medicine treatments to a large extent allows you to rebuild the skin damaged by acne.

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