Discoloration of the panties in the crotch – is it dangerous? “It took me years to find out what this means”
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Unusual discoloration of women’s underwear in the crotch is a problem that many women may have encountered. The problem is even greater that ladies are ashamed to ask and do not know where to seek help. Meanwhile, the answer to the question of where the bright stains on the panties come from is simple.

Discoloration on underwear – what do they mean?

Contrary to what one may think and what speculation – it is a sign of health. Normal the pH of a woman’s vagina is acidic, and this acts like a bleach on women’s underwear. Ladies who noticed that their underwear in the crotch is discolored can be calm.

«It’s nothing serious, no anomaly. Do you see lighter spots in your dark underwear? It’s normal! The vagina is acidic and has a pH of 3,8-4,5 – enough to whiten the fabric. These stains are not stains of blood or secretions – the material has been bleached by a perfectly healthy vagina »read in the post by the London Vagina Museum.

The post also featured photos of discolored panties.

The entry met with a great response, there were many comments in which women share their experiences about discolored underwear.

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“It took me years to find out what this actually means”, “Now I know my vagina is healthy” – women write under the post. Internet users also noticed that the reinforcement of the material in many models of underwear is in the wrong place, which shows the place of discoloration.

«I figured the extra layer of fabric was in the wrong place on all models. (…) It is as if the manufacturers of panties never consulted women where additional fabric is needed »- they write.

If you want to reduce the risk of intimate infections and maintain an appropriate vaginal pH, it is worth using an antibacterial and antifungal cleanser on a regular basis, which will also work well for cleaning erotic gadgets.

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