Film «Yours, Mine and Ours»

A disciplinary approach with respect for the personality of the child.

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The disciplinary approach gravitates towards traditional rather than free education, and it is difficult to argue which approach is better «in general». A disciplinary approach is closer to a masculine worldview, a free upbringing is closer to a feminine one. In both approaches, there are excellent educators and bad ones. Good teachers in any of these approaches may well combine respect for the personality of the child, respect for his rights — with the requirement of strict discipline in what is agreed upon.

The disciplinary approach is more exacting, rights and obligations are clearly defined, and sanctions are allowed. Discipline is welcome — both the discipline of the body and the discipline of the spirit. In this approach, the educator does not hope for a “good start” in the individual, he develops skills and instills habits: habits of responsibility, independence, courage and creativity.

In free education, the educator assumes that the best lessons are those that the student himself has received from life, and he transfers the matter of education to life. The wisest of the ideologists of free education openly write that they control education, but they do it covertly, indirectly, through the creation (arrangement) of pedagogically expedient life situations.

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