Discharge from the urethra is the first characteristic sign of a violation of the normal functioning of the urinary tract. There are many reasons for this, but most often, sexually transmitted infections become the primary source of the problem in men and women.
Discharge from the urethra can have a variety of shades and textures. Such differences are considered important indicators during the initial examination to establish a preliminary diagnosis. Also, in addition to color and texture, the secret can differ in the degree of transparency, a characteristic smell.
An infection or pathology caused by a strong mechanical impact can be detected not only in women who lead a promiscuous sexual lifestyle, but also in men who often change sexual partners. In some cases, such troubles await even children, people without sexual experience, and elderly patients.
Physiological discharge, which is the norm
Despite the fact that doctors recommend that if you find suspicious discharges, you should immediately contact the clinic to get tested, not all of them pose a threat to health. This is a transparent secret, which is considered the norm in urological practice. If you find such traces on your underwear, you should not sound the alarm, because it just shows that everything is in order with the body.
Consideration of mucus, which begins to disturb women of reproductive age, deserves special attention. Transparent, thick vaginal discharge indicates that in a few days they will have an ovulation period. They last approximately three days, usually without causing significant discomfort. This phenomenon is considered quite normal for the female body, provided that the stretching clots are not white, but transparent, do not have a fetid, putrid odor and disappear in a couple of days.
The reason for such a reaction of the body to ovulation is changes in the hormonal background. The separation of mucus from the vagina is within the normal range if the process is completed in a day or two.
Separately, options for the natural discharge of secretions from the urinary tract in men, from the urethra and vagina in women are considered. This is possible in the case of strong sexual arousal after the completion of sexual intercourse.
A common scenario for the normal discharge of mucus from the urethra for both sexes and from the vagina in women is considered to be a sharp release of large amounts of hormones. The reasons for such an outcome can be both an extreme degree of sexual arousal before the onset of sexual intercourse, and some specific stressful situations.
When does the discharge indicate the onset of the disease?
Despite the fact that doctors do not get tired of repeating that it is worth contacting a gynecologist or proctologist immediately after discovering the first signs of a deviation from the norm, people usually hold out until purulent clots begin to bother them.
Usually, the presented picture is additionally accompanied by burning, itching, which indicates the defeat of the urinary canals by an infectious agent. In women, this clinical picture indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in the organs located in the small pelvis.
The secret may even contain an admixture of blood.
The color will vary from yellow-green to gray, complemented by thick lumps with a stretchy consistency. Another sign of the onset of the development of pathology is pain in the lower abdomen.
It will not work to cope with the disease on your own, if only simply because it is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis during an external examination. You should sign up for a consultation with a specialized specialist so that he issues directions for testing. Only with the combination of the results of diagnosis, examination, taking into account the complaints of the victim and the presence of concomitant chronic diseases, hereditary predisposition, it will be possible to understand the intricacies of the diagnosis.
Other common primary sources of damage include:
- neoplasms;
- urethritis;
- disease of the newlyweds.
When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases, women have to deal with a burning sensation in the vagina, and men have to deal with an identical sensation in the urethra. Representatives of both sexes will have to experience some difficulties during urination. Often, burning is accompanied by the secretion of a white color.
At the advanced stages of the pathology, the appearance of suspicious impurities in the urine, including milky flakes, is noted. Urine also changes its natural smell. Women may experience menstrual irregularities, and men may experience difficulty with erection.
The fact that the patient is faced with a possible neoplasm in the early phase of development is indicated not only by burning. The classic symptomatology is accompanied by brown discharge. Almost the same thing happens if the bladder is accidentally injured. But only an experienced specialist can accurately diagnose after studying the results of laboratory tests.
Another common disease with characteristic symptoms is called urethritis. It is often confused with the traditional inflammation of the bladder, cystitis. In fact, urethritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the urethra, and not the bladder in general. This kind of deviation is accompanied by clear, non-viscous secretions, which occasionally may have a curdled sediment.
A relatively safe scenario can only be called the disease of the “newlyweds”. It provides for a mucous secretion in both sexual partners who are too sexually active. No specific treatment is needed here. Just enough to take a short break. Abstinence will help to adjust the body in the right way without the involvement of medications.
Discharge without infection
Separately, in medical practice, there is a list of unnatural secretions in a person without infection. These include:
- mechanical damage;
- preparation before ovulation;
- allergic reaction;
- elderly age.
Inadvertent damage to the integrity of the urinary canals most often occurs in children, or during the recovery period after surgery, when the patient was placed and removed the catheter. Also, trauma to the urethra can cause:
- gynecological manipulations;
- rough sexual contact;
- misuse of sexual toys.
With a mucosal injury, sometimes there is no discharge, but most often the victims have to deal with bloody fluid, discomfort during urination, and burning. If you find any symptoms that threaten your health, you should immediately seek qualified help. Otherwise, one small damage or minor scratch will turn into the cause of the development of an incurable pathology.
Another reason is an allergic reaction to:
- contraceptives or lubricants;
- low-quality underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
- means for intimate hygiene.
As soon as a specific allergen enters the vagina or urinary tract, it immediately begins to provoke the formation of white, yellow, brown discharge. Allergy is often not accompanied by any pungent odor, disappearing within a few days after the problematic element is removed from everyday use.
Women who encounter copious secretions in the middle of the menstrual cycle, in the absence of serious concerns, are not sent to the doctor. After all, it simply breaks the follicle, releasing the egg according to the physiological process in the woman’s body.
A relatively normal indicator is a change in the shade of urine in the elderly, who complain of the presence of dark brown or pronounced orange urine. Sometimes it may include white streaks. But itching suggests that the changes are pathological.
Standard classification of secretions
There are several clinical classifications of a secret that has received abnormalities. One of the most important options for separating pathological fluids emanating from the urinary tract is called color separation. Schematically, the classification includes three categories:
- yellow;
- white;
- transparent.
The first variation can be traced mostly in men, signaling the onset of prostatitis. A greenish tint may indicate that the patient is developing a sexually transmitted infection that has spread to the entire reproductive system. When the mucus contains impurities of pus, accompanied by a mild putrid odor, then with a high degree of probability the victim suffers from gonorrhea.
It is promptly necessary to contact a venereologist and a urologist if the victim has four typical symptoms at once:
- itching;
- copious discharge;
- problematic urination;
- kidney pain.
Then the applicant is diagnosed with gonorrheal urethritis, requiring immediate treatment.
Women who complained of discomfort in the perineum, as well as found white marks on their underwear, strange curdled clots, most likely became victims of one of the most common female ailments – thrush. At the initial stage, it is treated relatively simply. And if the listed signs are found in men, then this is a sign of candidiasis.
A transparent secret does not always indicate the absence of problems with the genitourinary system. In young people, scanty and viscous discharge may signal an infection transmitted during sexual intercourse.
Occasionally, doctors fix the secretion, which is complemented by soreness in the kidney area. But usually patients in the list of main complaints, in addition to the unusual abundance of secretion, include other signs:
- frequent urination;
- itching, burning;
- a feeling of sticking together of the urethral canal, which intensifies in the morning upon awakening;
- bloody impurities;
- pain syndrome, aggravated at the end of urination;
- soreness of the pubic region;
- discomfort in the perineum, bladder;
- discharge fluid from the vagina.
Sometimes several symptoms are mixed, and sometimes none of them are present at all.
Features of discharge during pregnancy and in babies
As with ordinary patients, discharge in pregnant women is classified into physiological and pathological. After a successful conception, the fetus begins to grow, along the way causing squeezing and a constant hard effect on the bladder. This explains why pregnant women have more frequent urge to urinate when they find traces of several shades on their underwear:
- yellow;
- brown;
- orange.
All of the above is a consequence of increased concentration of urine in a compressed bladder. Adds complexity hormonal changes in the body. But if this does not bring discomfort, is not accompanied by health-threatening symptoms, then everything is in order.
But as soon as pain, soreness, discoloration with a white tint, pus, an unpleasant odor, bloody clots are added to the relatively natural list of phenomena, it is worth informing your doctor about this. It is likely that the expectant mother encountered urethritis or an infectious process, which is dangerous for the fetus.
Considering the most common diseases among babies that cause a typical body response with an abundance of secretions, doctors bring inflammation of the kidneys and bladder to the fore. Moreover, the complaints of boys will differ from the complaints of girls, which is explained by their physiological characteristics.
The former have pains, as well as:
- burning during emptying;
- impurities of blood in the urine;
- itching all over the genitals.
Girls have to deal with pain syndrome localized in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, blood streaks. At an advanced stage, as in pregnancy, purulent inclusions are possible.
How is it diagnosed and treated?
To identify the source of the problem, as well as prescribe the most effective treatment regimen, you first need to make an appointment with a doctor. During the initial examination, the doctor will conduct a simple questionnaire to find out how long ago the dangerous signs began to manifest themselves.
To understand the cause, ureteroscopy is additionally involved. This is the name of instrumental diagnostics, which is performed using a cystoscope. It is introduced into the urethra to obtain more complete information about the current state of the organ.
Next, the victim is sent for a laboratory test, which involves the need to take a smear for further study of the composition of the microflora for infectious pathogens and cytological analysis. After receiving the results, it is possible to select an adequate treatment.
Further therapy depends entirely on what caused the deviation. But in most cases, all forms of treatment include the use of antibiotics. Their appointment to oneself is strictly prohibited, since the uncontrolled intake of such strong medications will surely backfire with kidney dysfunction.
From non-traditional therapy, preference should be given to sitz baths, which will help eliminate irritation. The use of auxiliary techniques is allowed only after the approval of the doctor. He will tell you which solutions are best to add to the bath.
Usually these are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic pharmaceutical products, as well as herbal decoctions. They are often impregnated with tampons. It will be useful to involve local suppositories. Doctors call physiotherapy, including a course of electrophoresis, no less effective approach.
Relapse prevention
So that the discharge does not return again, it is worth taking care of the prevention of recurrences of the disease in advance.
One of the simplest and at the same time effective tips is called proper nutrition. We are talking about the rejection of spicy, too fatty, fried foods, fast food. Nutritionists remind that the quality of the daily diet directly affects how well the excretory system will function.
When the excretory system is loaded with preservatives, seasonings, aggressive chemicals, the mucous membrane of the bladder and the urinary system as a whole is irritated, which leads to the formation of pathological secretions.
Another provocateur is bad habits like alcohol abuse, smoking. They depress the urinary system. It is especially difficult for the female body if it receives a shock dose of alcohol every day. Very soon, an atypical liquid with a terrible smell will begin to leave the urethra.
In order not to have to treat a sick girl, parents will have to make sure that the baby does not get cold. To do this, in cold weather, you should especially carefully insulate the lower part of the body.
But the warning that mucous lumps will follow after wearing synthetic underwear applies to both sexes. The same goes for personal hygiene.
So that after going to the toilet, the remains of urine do not accumulate in the perineum, turning into an excellent place for the reproduction of pathogens, it is worth drying the perineum with a clean cloth. So it will turn out to protect yourself from suspicious transparent clots.
It is equally important to avoid increased physical exertion, which guarantees a cloudy secret. Stress, emotional stress, unhealthy environment at home, at work, can lead to an identical response of the body.
By following all of the above, it will be possible to maintain your own health. But if the trouble nevertheless occurred, it is not necessary to delay the visit to the clinic.
- Sources of
- Shirshova E.V. – Urethritis in men: diagnosis and treatment – 2008
- Urology: Textbook / N. A. Lopatkin, |A. F. Darepkov], V. G. Goryunov, etc.; In order. N. A. Lopatkina. — 4th ed., stereotyped. — M.: Medicine, 1995. — 496 p.