The navel is considered a good (from the aesthetic point of view) place for piercing: they admire it, flaunting it. Someone generally forgets about him. But it happens that discharge appears from the scar. Let’s figure out the possible causes of the disease.
The great Raphael painted the picture “Adam and Eve”, where the first people on Earth (created by God, not born) depicted … the navel. For this he was condemned by the church.
The navel remains for a person as a memory of intrauterine development, when through it the child received important nutrients, oxygen. Often, navel care ends in infancy, when it is treated and protected until it is completely healed. If it darkens and grows, the pediatrician tries to eliminate the pathology.
In all other cases, discharge from the navel may have the following reasons:
- Liquid and unpleasant odor – as a response to accumulated debris (dust particles, sand, dirt). First, inflammation develops, then a microcrack, followed by discharge. Infections can provoke putrefactive processes, which will be noticeable by smell. Signs: itching, weak soreness, does not extend beyond the umbilical region.
- Not overgrown urinary tract. It was supposed to close in childhood, but if this did not happen, the doctor will decide the problem. Lack of treatment can lead to bedwetting. Signs – the emitted liquid smells like urine.
- Inflammation of the umbilical tissue (omphalitis)… Signs – redness, soreness in and around the navel, the formation of pus and a repulsive odor is possible. If you do not treat, inflammation of nearby vessels will occur, then you cannot do without a surgeon.
- Piercing. Pathology manifests itself either when sanitary rules are not followed during piercing, or when an infection is introduced during the healing period.
- Large amounts of liquid can be released when kidney dysfunction (but then it oozes from other parts of the body as well).
- Candidiasis. It develops as a result of hormonal imbalance, a reduced protective function of the immune system.
If there is an unpleasant odor, and the liquid is not removed, pain occurs and a fever appears, it is time to stop self-medication and trust a dermatologist, therapist or surgeon.
Treatment of umbilical pathologies
- Going to the clinic is what to do if fluid comes out of the navel.
- If there is no pain, then you need to try to disinfect the navel. It is enough to blot it with a cotton swab in peroxide.
Preventive methods based on hygiene rules will allow to exclude some pathologies:
- The navel should be washed with soap while bathing in the shower. Wipe it off with a soft towel, gently but thoroughly.
- Overweight people and owners of a deep-set navel need a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide to wipe it a couple of times a week.
- After piercing, it is recommended to choose soft clothes, and delicately wash the navel with soap and water in the shower. For additional care, use a mild saline solution (when there is no bleeding wound).
And mothers of babies, and busy young people, and retirees – everyone needs to seek advice from a doctor if fluid appears from the navel. She is a harbinger of serious violations.
Expert Tips
– Like other parts of the human body, the navel needs to be cleaned to avoid collecting dirt that feeds numerous microbes. Microbes are known to be carriers of infections. Also, it is because of their vital activity that an unpleasant odor from the navel may even occur.
Daily hygiene can help prevent diseases such as omphalitis, or navel inflammation, which can be caused by a fungal or bacterial infection. This infection is far from always harmless and can turn into a phlegmonous form.
– Discharge from the navel is not always an alarming sign. People who are overweight and sweaty may experience irritation in the navel. If you do not notice it in time, it can become inflamed from here and pus and an unpleasant smell. Powders and treatment of the affected area with antiseptic ointments will help to cope with them. But you cannot self-medicate, you need to see a doctor.
The causes of a weeping navel can be:
– the development of omphalitis – inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the navel,
– the presence of a fistula near the umbilical ring (urachus).
To find out the exact cause, it is necessary to examine the surgeon with the obligatory bacterial culture of the discharge and revision of the umbilical ring.
Treatment tactics will depend on what was the cause. If it is omphalitis, the treatment is conservative. If a fistula, then you can get rid of it only surgically.
Omphalitis is an inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the navel. The development of omphalitis can be caused by various reasons, most often it is an infection (bacterial or fungal).
The disease is manifested by redness and swelling of the skin in the navel and the appearance of purulent bloody discharge in the umbilical fossa.
Often, the inflammatory process spreads to the umbilical vessels, then it can move to the wall of the artery and surrounding tissues, which leads to arteritis or phlebitis of the umbilical vessels.
Depending on the degree of the disease, omphalitis is divided into three forms:
- simple,
- phlegmonous,
- necrotic.
Each form differs in the scale of the lesion, has its own symptoms and methods of treatment.
Forms of omphalitis
With a simple form (weeping navel), the general condition of the patient does not suffer, weeping with serous or serous-purulent discharge is noted in the navel , which forms crusts.
Prolonged wetting leads to the formation of excessive granulations at the bottom of the umbilical wound (navel fungus), which impede its epithelization.
Perhaps a dense mushroom-shaped growth of pink color – a mushroom tumor.
The phlegmonous form is characterized by the spread of the inflammatory process to the surrounding tissues. In the circumference of the navel, redness is noted, infiltration of soft tissues is determined, palpation is painful.
The umbilical fossa is an ulcer surrounded by a compacted, thickened skin roller. When pressing on the umbilical region, pus is released from the umbilical wound.
The general condition gradually begins to deteriorate, there is a slight increase in temperature. In some cases, phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall develops. With the onset of phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall, the temperature rises to 39 ° C and above.
The necrotic form of omphalitis is usually the result of a phlegmonous form. The process spreads not only to the sides, as with phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall, but also deep into. Necrosis (necrosis) of the skin and subcutaneous tissue occurs and its detachment from the underlying tissues. The infection can spread to the umbilical vessels, leading to the development of umbilical sepsis. Therefore, it is very important to stop the process as quickly as possible before the development of periarteritis of the umbilical vessels.
Treatment of omphalitis
In most cases, treatment does not cause any difficulties.
With a simple form of omphalitis, treatment consists in daily treatment of the umbilical region and umbilical ring (with antiseptic solutions with the application of antiseptic ointments, if necessary with mandatory drainage, and the mandatory use of physiotherapy. To do this, contact the surgeon as soon as possible.
With phlegmonous and necrotic forms, complex treatment is used in a hospital, for which you need to contact the nearest emergency hospital.
The fistula of the navel is most often a congenital pathology. Develops as a result:
- non-closure of the yolk-intestinal
- urinary tract obstruction.
When the yolk-intestinal duct is not closed in the umbilical region, an entero-umbilical fistula with intestinal or mucous discharge is formed. Sometimes the intestinal mucosa falls out through the fistulous passage, less often the omentum.
When the urinary duct (urachus) is not closed, a vesico-umbilical fistula is formed, and then the discharge, as a rule, is urine.
Acquired umbilical fistulas are observed after a prolonged inflammatory process of the anterior abdominal wall, when a purulent abscess is opened through the navel.
In both cases, surgical treatment – excision of fistulas and suturing of defects in the wall of the bladder or intestine. Conservative treatment is possible in the absence of discharge from the fistula.
It must be remembered that self-medication most often leads to an aggravation of the process, and at best – only to temporary relief. Only after an examination by a surgeon and standard diagnostic studies can a correct diagnosis be made and the optimal treatment tactics chosen.
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