Discharge from the hospital: what to dress the baby in? Video
Finally, the long months of pregnancy are behind us, it’s time to get ready for the hospital. Modern women generally do not pay attention to prejudices and go to the hospital in advance. This is the right approach: who, if not a mother, will be able to take into account all the child’s needs and choose the right things?
For discharge from the hospital
Each pregnancy is individual, and it is not known when the child will want to be born. Therefore, a ready-made bag to the hospital should be on the doorstep from the seventh month, so the expectant mother can be sure that she will have everything she needs. Even if it seems that the husband or grandmother will buy everything, practice shows that at the right moment all shops are closed or none of them has the required item.
First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the maternity hospital, since they differ significantly. If in one practice mandatory swaddling is practiced, and all the diapers and blankets are handed out in unlimited quantities, then in the other it is unlikely that you will be able to get at least one – all the problems of dressing the child on the shoulders of the mother.
In any case, you need to take with you several diapers of size “0” or “1” for children weighing from 3 to 5 kg
Enough for the first time, and then relatives or husband can bring diapers. Two or three thin knitted blouses with buttons or buttons, the smallest size, will come in handy. Some mothers immediately put on sliders or pants for babies, you can take a few with you. Caps in the hospital are unlikely to be needed, the room is warm enough.
What do you need to be discharged from the hospital
The choice of clothes for the baby for discharge depends on the season. In winter, it can be a warm envelope or overalls, and for summer, a thin cotton blanket will suffice. If you intend to go home by car, the envelope will not work, since it will not be possible to fasten the baby.
Clothes for the street are usually brought in on the day of discharge by relatives or husband. However, it is best to prepare everything before delivery and leave the package at home.
It is better if only the upper layers of clothing are elegant and laced. Bottom blouses and sliders should be very soft, without protruding seams and laces, they must be washed in baby soap and ironed on both sides.
The list for discharge from the hospital is in the lobby, you can familiarize yourself with it in advance. You will need warm or thin blouses, caps, sliders or pants, bodysuits, outerwear; the main thing is that the child is dressed one layer warmer than the mother (for example, the mother has one knitted hat, and the baby has a knitted hat and a knitted cap).
In clothes for mothers, everything also depends on the rules of the maternity hospital, in some they give out pajamas or dressing gowns and prohibit the use of their clothes. Nevertheless, it is worth stocking up on clothes just in case – a robe or pajamas, slate slippers, a nightgown. It is important that the robe and nightgown are comfortable for feeding, easily unbuttoned or open in the chest area.
Be sure to bring a good nursing bra
It should be one or two sizes larger than normal, in soft jersey with adjustable shoulder straps. You should be prepared for the fact that the breast will almost double in the first days after childbirth, milk will leak. It is better to immediately stock up on breast pads – they will come in handy.