Disaronno liqueur: review, history + 7 cocktail recipes

About the drink

Дисаронно (Original Disaronno) – This is a famous Italian liqueur, which is famous for its unsurpassed aroma of almonds. He quickly managed to gain popularity all over the world thanks to a bitter and moderately tart taste, and this is his distinguishing feature among other liqueurs.

The liqueur has a beautiful dark amber color and belongs to the Amaro class, as it contains almond and apricot kernels. It is they who give the liquor a taste reminiscent of marzipan.

For the production of this drink, sweet and bitter almonds are used, which are poured with grape syrup, vanilla and other aromatic herbs and roots are added. High-quality grape brandy is used as an alcoholic base. The strength of the finished product does not exceed 28 degrees.

Despite the fact that lovers of this drink still call it Amaretto, since 2001 this word has not been in the name.

The name “Amaretto” comes from the Italian word “amaro”, which literally means “a little bitter” and characterizes this drink in the best possible way.

The legend of Disaronno liqueur

There are many different legends around the Disaronno liqueur. One of them says that Bernardo Luini was the most talented student of Leonardo da Vinci. In 1525 he was commissioned to paint a fresco of the Maddona dei Miracoli.

Like a real artist, Bernardo was looking for his muse. And then one day he met a girl, she had incredible beauty.

According to one version of the legend, she was a widow and, as a sign of her true love, presented her beloved with a gift in the form of a rich amber drink made from apricot pits, grape brandy and spices, which eventually became known as Amaretto Disaronno.

And another version says that the girl was a fatal beauty and part-time owner of an inn, which was famous throughout the district in Saronne. And as a token of gratitude, she presented this marvelous liquor to the novice master.

This is just a legend, but to maintain it for a long time, a mysterious smiling stranger was depicted on the label of the alcohol we were considering.

The history of the creation of Disaronno liqueur

In the XNUMXth century, mass production of alcoholic beverages began in Italy, many families were engaged in distillation. But only Giovanni Rein created a unique drink, the recipe of which was kept in the strictest confidence and passed down from generation to generation, and eventually went down in history as the creator of almond liqueur.

After 300 years, one of the descendants of Giovanni Domenico Reina opened a liquor store “Domenico Reina Coloniali” in the center of Saronno.

On July 23, 1947, the small shop turned into the company Industria, Lombarda, Liquori, Vini & Affini Saronno (abbreviated as ILLVA Saronno), which, in addition to liqueurs, also specialized in wines.

The company’s products received worldwide recognition in the late 60s-90s, when they began to be exported abroad. Today it is known in 160 countries of the world.

Bottle and label of Disaronno

In addition to taste, the hallmark of the liquor is its square bottle, which was invented by craftsmen from Venice.

But since this almond liqueur is simply shrouded in legends, there is another version of the creation of the bottle. It says that the best master glassblowers that could be found on the island of Murano designed the bottle for Disaronno liqueur. Its unique shape is made so that in complete darkness, by touch, you can determine which drink you are pouring into your glass.

The Disaronno Originale label was last changed back in 2009.

Illva Saronno, together with famous Italian designers, released a limited collection of bottles to support the initiative of the Fashion for Development charity foundation, which is under the auspices of the UN:

  1. Disaronno Originale, Moschino Special Edition – the design of this bottle is made in the traditional black and red colors of Moschino and part of the proceeds went to a special project in Africa.

  2. Disaronno Originale, Roberto Cavalli Limited Edition – the design of the bottle is based on the 2015 collection by Roberto Cavalli, the main theme of which is exotic safaris.

  3. Disaronno Originale, Versace Limited Edition This collection was released in 2013. The main colors are white and blue with golden decorative elements, and part of the proceeds from its sale went to support women working in the fashion industry in developing countries.

The culture of drinking Disaronno Originale

Dissarono is a classic digestif and should be served after a meal. Best of all, it reveals all its flavors if you drink it in its pure form, in small sips.

As a snack, you can serve nuts, fruits, chocolate or cheese.

This strong almond liqueur pairs well with hot drinks such as tea, coffee and hot chocolate, filling them with a nutty flavor.

Cocktails in which Disaronno plays an important role deserve special attention.

Cocktail Burning Henry


  1. Disaronno liqueur – 15 ml

  2. Bourbon Jim Beam – 15 ml

  3. Carolan cream liqueur – 15 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Pour alcohol (almond liqueur, cream liqueur, bourbon) into a glass using a cocktail spoon.

  2. When serving, it is necessary to set fire to it and quickly drink it through a straw.

Cocktail Burning Doctor Pepper


  1. Disaronno liqueur – 25 ml

  2. Strong rum – 25 ml

  3. Light beer – 200 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Fill the highball 2/3 full with beer.

  2. Pour liquor into a shot glass and top with a cocktail spoon add rum.

  3. We set fire to the contents of the stack and lower it into a glass of beer.

Blowjob cocktail


  1. Disaronno liqueur – 20 ml

  2. Carolan cream liqueur – 20 ml

  3. Whipped cream – 5 g

  4. Ice – 200 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Shake almond liqueur and cream liqueur with ice in a shaker.

  2. Strain the contents of the shaker into a glass using a strainer.

  3. When serving, garnish with whipped cream and drink hands-free.

Rose cocktail with cherry


  1. Disaronno liqueur – 10 ml

  2. Pink Vermouth Martini – 50 ml

  3. Cherry juice – 140 ml

  4. Cocktail cherry – 5 g

  5. Ice – 180 g

Method of preparation

  1. Fill the highball with ice cubes.

  2. Pour liqueur, vermouth and cherry juice into the prepared glass, stir with a cocktail spoon.

  3. When serving, garnish with cherries and insert a straw.

Cocktail Fruit Blazer


  1. Disaronno liqueur – 5 ml

  2. Cinnamon liqueur – 20 ml

  3. Southern Comfort liqueur – 20 ml

  4. Apple – 20 g

  5. Grapes green – 5 g

  6. Orange peel

Method of preparation

  1. In a cognac glass, you need to put a little orange peel, a chopped apple and one grape.

  2. Then pour all three liqueurs into the prepared glass and put it on a rocks glass and set it on fire.

  3. While the cocktail is burning, we twist the cognac glass.

  4. After 30 seconds, pour the cocktail into the bottom glass and drink at a time.

Cocktail Hot Gold


  1. Disaronno liqueur – 50 ml

  2. Orange juice – 150 ml

  3. Lemon juice – from 1 quarter

  4. Orange – 1 slice

Method of preparation

  1. In a saucepan, mix the liqueur, orange and lemon juice.

  2. We put the saucepan on a slow fire and heat the liquid, not bringing to a boil.

  3. Pour the “hot gold” into a cup.

  4. Garnish with an orange slice when serving.

Cocktail Disaronno Mai Tai


  1. Disaronno liqueur – 15 ml

  2. White rum – 40 ml

  3. Lime juice – 20 ml

  4. Orange liqueur – 10 ml

  5. Sugar syrup – 5 ml

  6. Crushed ice

  7. Orange peel spiral

Method of preparation

  1. Mix all ingredients in a shaker.

  2. Pour some crushed ice into a glass, pour the contents of the shaker and mix thoroughly.

  3. When serving, add some more ice and garnish with orange zest.

Relevance: 02.11.2017

Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Brands of liqueurs

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