Psychologist Pavel Rakov teaches girls to see and pronounce their virtues. Useful skill!
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Exercise “My virtues. What do I value myself for?
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Disadvantages — negative features of a person. For example, laziness, cowardice, gluttony, baldness, belly …. Someone will also include here: “without a job, with bad habits, a visitor without a residence permit” or “a lady of the age of non-model appearance and with two children.”
Virtues are positive features of a person. For example, intelligence, health, decency, beauty … «With money, decent parents in a decent job, an apartment in a good area, great friends and great goals in life.»
It would seem that everything is obvious, but what to consider as one’s advantages and what as disadvantages is not always a simple question. For example, cowardice is usually considered a shortcoming and a negative character trait, but in a different situation, the same character trait will turn out to be saving and will receive a different name: caution and foresight. See →
Prudent people, when considering a situation from different angles, tend to use all their experience and factual knowledge to make a decision, they can use ready-made, accumulated algorithms for solving problems.
Psychologists are repeatedly faced with the fact that a large number of people turn their attention primarily to their shortcomings: they do not just look for them, but seek out, remember, collect, collect … Why, why? — Usually there is some internal benefit behind this, different people have different ones. Many men love to fight, and war with their own shortcomings often captivates them just like fighting external enemies.
If a young guy is accused of cowardice, he will be ready for the most risky actions in order to prove to everyone and himself that he is not a coward. Knowledge of shortcomings for an active person acts as a strong negative motivation that moves him to development. However, negative self-motivation is not the best engine for self-development, see →.
Clients in the Victim position love to feel sorry for themselves and complain to others, and their worries about their shortcomings are a wonderful pastime and a manipulative game that attracts sympathetic attention to the unfortunate victim and, as convenient excuses, saves the unfortunate being from the affairs that will be taken over by those who which these terrible shortcomings are not … See →
How to deal with your strengths and weaknesses? — Attentive and constructive. First of all, it is useful to pay attention to your strengths, to your merits, this will allow you to move forward more confidently and faster. As for your shortcomings, you should take them calmly, as a given, and not worry. Worrying is just a bad habit that can be unlearned just like smoking. If you don’t swear at yourself, then you have no flaws, you only have features. Really different. It is what it is. What you definitely cannot change — accept, sign and don’t worry about this anymore. Everything else is in our power, but not all at once. When you understand what and how you can improve in yourself, you should definitely do it. By taking one step each time, you can walk a thousand miles!