Disability group after a stroke, how to get a disability?

A stroke is a violation of cerebral blood flow, which occurs as a result of blockage of blood vessels due to growths or blood clots, which leads to a disruption in the normal functioning of the brain, the death of nerve endings.

Most often, strokes occur in the pre-retirement age of 45-60 years. However, gradually these attacks begin to “get younger”. Every year more and more young people end up in hospitals with strokes.

What do you need to do to get a disability?

Disability group after a stroke, how to get a disability?

The conclusion on the receipt or denial of disability is issued by the MSEC (Medico-Social Expert Commission).

If you have had a stroke, then after discharge from the hospital, you need to contact your doctor at the place of registration. At the reception, talk about the problems that have arisen and also warn that they intend to get a disability. At the same time, the attending physician is obliged to write down everything in your medical record, give a referral to the necessary narrow specialists. Such as a cardiologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist and endocrinologist.

After that, they undergo a complete examination in the hospital. Do not be ashamed and hide your injuries or problems resulting from a stroke, for which you intend to receive a disability. Feel free to tell your doctor where everything came from, how it affects your performance. All your testimony must be entered on your card. In the hospital, you will have to take biochemical and clinical blood and urine tests; undergo REG, EEG, ECG examinations; MRI or CT; make an x-ray of the skull; Doppler ultrasound and others.

Be prepared for the fact that when passing the ITU commission, you will have to defend your rights and prove that you cannot have a full life.

Documents required for MSEC

In order to pass the MSEC, you need to have with you all the certificates and documents that can confirm the violation of vital functions or your disability.

You need to have with you:

  • a referral from your attending physician for a commission;

  • passport, be sure to have a photocopy of the pages with your data and registration with you;

  • a copy of your employment record, which is certified by the personnel department;

  • income statement if you are employed;

  • outpatient card;

  • an extract from the hospital where the examination took place and its photocopy;

  • application for an examination.

  • If you are not undergoing an examination for the first time (repeated), you must also prepare:

  • certificate of disability;

  • received earlier IPR.

Do not forget that these are only the main documents for passing the MSEC, for patients from the regions, some additional documents may be required. Which ones – you are obliged to tell in your clinic.

The meaning of the MSEC procedure

Disability group after a stroke, how to get a disability?

Depending on what violations of body functions have occurred or what restrictions have arisen as a result of a stroke, a patient who is recognized as a disabled person is assigned I, II or III disability groups. In the event that he is not yet 18 years old, he is recognized as a “child with a disability”.

If a person does not have a certain place of residence, then the social protection service of citizens sends him to pass the MSEC.

Disabled people of group I need to be re-examined every two years, and disabled people of groups II and III – every year. This is necessary so that the commission can track the deterioration or improvement in the state of human health and, depending on the results of the MSEC, disability is either extended or revisited the relevance of the previously assigned group.

The grounds on which the patient is recognized as disabled:

  • deterioration of health with a strong deterioration in the functions of the body, which is caused by the consequences of the received defects or injuries after an attack;

  • partial or complete loss of the possibility of self-service, independent movement and orientation, loss of speech and control of one’s behavior;

  • poor course of heart disease, repeated violations of blood flow in the brain, strokes suffered earlier.

Is it possible to pass MSEK at home?

A medical and social examination can be carried out at the place of residence, registration or attachment to a medical institution of a person. However, if the health care institution issues a conclusion on the inability of the patient to appear for the ITU due to his state of health, then the commission is allowed to pass for examination at home or in the hospital.

The ITU commission can also be held in absentia according to the documents provided, referral and written consent of the attending physician. The direction must contain a note on the permission to conduct ITU at home.

Criteria for establishing a disability group after a stroke

I group: assigned with strong visible violations of the functions of movement, self-service and communication of the 3rd degree.

II group: assigned for obvious violations of the functions of movement, orientation, communication, behavior control and self-service of the 2nd degree.

III group: assigned for mild violations of the functions of movement, ability to work and self-service of the 1st degree.

During the re-examination, it is always taken into account that with an improvement in the state of health, a person can return to their usual work and life. If within 5 years the invalids of group I or II do not improve, disability is established without a period of validity.

How to get a disability pension and everything for an IPR?

After recognition by the ITU commission of disability, you are issued a certificate confirming it and an Individual Rehabilitation Program.

After you have been given these documents, you need to apply for a disability pension. To do this, you need to write an application to the pension fund so that the necessary accruals are drawn up for you. You must also be registered with the Social Security Administration. It is there that you will be given walkers, crutches, canes, hearing aids, wheelchairs, diapers, etc., if necessary.

What to do if the conclusion of the ITU commission is a refusal?

Disability group after a stroke, how to get a disability?

If you have been denied recognition of disability, then you can file an appeal against the decision of MSEK. You write a statement, which then must be taken to the ITU bureau, where the examination took place. It takes about three days to process the application, about a month for consideration, during which you may be able to re-pass the examination. You have the right to have an independent examination carried out, for this you can apply to the court, however, the decision received after the court can no longer be challenged.

What is the help of relatives

The help of relatives for a person who has had a stroke is very important, especially their support, both moral and physical. On their shoulders lies a very large responsibility for the care, rehabilitation and return of a loved one to their former lives. Sometimes it turns out to be much more difficult than it seems at first glance, so moral preparation is necessary.

It is quite possible that it is the relatives who will have to deal with the preparation of all documents for receiving a disability pension, free prescriptions, assistive devices for rehabilitation. In addition, it is likely that they will have to give injections to a loved one, follow the medication regimen, and fulfill all the doctor’s prescriptions.

The most important thing that a person who has had a stroke needs is care, love, sensitivity and understanding of the people around him.

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