Dirty hands disease – what is it and what do we know about it?

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Dirty hands disease is caused by the transmission of bacteria through the ingestion, for example by eating contaminated foods or by drinking contaminated fluids. The most common examples of dirty hands diseases are hepatitis A, pinworms, tapeworm disease, and salmonellosis.

Dirty hands disease it can happen to any child. It is associated with improper hand hygiene and eating improperly prepared vegetables and fruits. Children are exposed to it at every stage of their adolescence.

Dirty hands disease – how does it manifest?

One of the causes of dirty cancer disease is hepatitis A or E. The type A virus causes food jaundice. As for children with it, it is usually asymptomatic. In adults, the presence of dirty hands diseases symptoms include: severe abdominal pain, fever, yellowing of the sclera and skin, diarrhea. Fortunately, this disease is not life threatening. However, it is worth protecting yourself against it with a vaccine.

Another example dirty hands diseases is hepatitis E. It is a more severe form than the previous one, but it is also infected by the oral route – most often through the consumption of contaminated water, fruit and vegetables.

Another group diseases of dirty hands is a rotavirus infection. Pre-school children are at risk. It is manifested by intense vomiting and diarrhea, which leads to rapid dehydration of the body. The symptoms may last for several days, which makes the child weak.

Salmonella infection is also classified as diseases of dirty hands. It is caused by the enteric bacteria, typhoid, which is often found in infected chicken meat, eggs and poorly stored ice cream and desserts. The symptoms of the first type of poisoning are very acute – diarrhea, vomiting, fever.

Another kind dirty hands diseases is a tapeworm. As in the case of other infections, they occur through the consumption of unwashed fruit, or much less frequently during contact with sand contaminated with, for example, the faeces of an infected dog. Tapeworm eggs from a dirty hand placed in the mouth are transferred to the human body and here they begin their existence. You can get infected with, for example, roundworms in a similar way. Infection with parasites should be absolutely treated, not only the sick person, but often also their relatives prophylactically, because they can be easily infected, e.g. using the same towel or sitting on a toilet seat.

Prophylaxis in case of dirty hands disease – what can be done?

The basic preventive measure that allows you to protect yourself against dirty hands diseasehygiene, especially frequent hand washing. It is worth paying special attention to the education of children in this area. Children should wash their hands when they are dirty: after leaving the toilet, after returning from kindergarten or school, or after contact with animals – even pets.

The hand washing technique is extremely important in this case. Hands should be washed for about 30-40 seconds, with warm water and soap. When washing, rub them against each other. Thoroughly clean the spaces between the fingers, the thumbs, the backs of the hands, pads and wrists. Then your hands must be rinsed thoroughly and wiped with a paper towel. It is also good to use antibacterial gels with alcohol.

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