Dirty dishes cause insomnia, and mirrors reflect evil

15 unusual home rituals for good luck and wealth

The famous American writer and anthropologist Scott Cunningham, in his book “Magic in the House”, assured that the magical rites that our ancestors used to secure the house and attract good luck can easily be used in the modern world. The simplest rituals and magical rites invented by ancient people still work perfectly to this day.

For example, in Germany and Holland, frescoes and drawings in the form of hexagons or six-pointed stars can be seen on some buildings. Such geometric shapes, according to the designers, protect houses from witchcraft, fires, floods and lightning. Very often, when painting houses, the owners use special natural paints that have magical properties. Green, for example, brings wealth to the inhabitants of the house, red – love, blue and white – provide residents with spiritual purity and protection from ill-wishers.

Cunningham collected many magical signs and rituals that our ancestors used and which can be used today to protect the house from evil forces and troubles.

1. Fresh ash, scattered in the corners of the house, protects it from the visits of ill-wishers.

2. A pumpkin, a wreath with thorns, or bamboo branches hanging from the outside on the front door are also great at protecting the house from negative energies. And if you put some mustard seeds under the rug, then the protection will increase significantly.

3. A well-known technique in ancient times was considered to be the cultivation of special “protective” plants at the entrance to the dwelling. Fern, juniper, sage were very popular. Moreover, pots with them can be placed both inside the home and outside.

4. You can protect the inhabitants of the house from troubles by placing a small box at the door filled with stones with holes (chicken gods) and dried tansy.

5. Keys have powerful protective properties. Wear a yellow key around your neck to get rich, and if you want to get rid of nightmares and insomnia, hang the upside down key above the bed. The main thing is that the keys are from real locks and doors in your house.

6. You can bring well-being to your home by washing the windows with ammonia and vinegar.

7. If you put dried seaweed under the rug, you will be financially successful.

8. Wooden items also play an important role in your home. Made from pine, for example, bring health and money to their owners, from cherries – love, and from oak – strength, protection and stability. By the way, it is best to rearrange furniture on the new moon, then you are simply guaranteed luck and prosperity!

9. A large number of mirrors in the house helps to reflect evil and attract good. By the way, if you accidentally broke a mirror, throw salt over your left shoulder, turn counterclockwise three times and throw the shards of the mirror into the fire. Then bad luck won’t work.

10. If your surroundings permit, place your favorite chair in front of the front door. It will protect the house from any negative impact.

11. To get rid of quarrels and disagreements with your family, hang a picture of peonies in the living room.

12. If you sleep on a mattress, turn it over each time to the waxing moon. Then your sleep will be deep and deep.

13. For those who suffer from insomnia, it is useful to thoroughly clean the apartment before going to bed and be sure to wash the dirty dishes. Plates and cups left overnight in the sink won’t let you fully relax. And the brownie will be pissed off.

14. An excellent protection from evil people and envy is considered a quilt, hand-sewn with love and tenderness. Wrapped in it, you will be reliably protected.

15. Plant “magic” plants at home to ensure prosperity and happiness. Aloe gives love, and also perfectly protects against negativity, saffron fills the house with an atmosphere of luxury, violets and succulents bring wealth, ivy and cactus neutralize aggression.

Several “home” signs from Cunningham.

Anyone who always forgets to close the door behind him will never have his own home.

To get rid of impotence, you need to put your house keys under your mattress. And if your back hurts, put a wine stopper under the mattress.

The head of onion and head of garlic in the kitchen window captures all the negativity in your home.

To energize food with positive energy, move counterclockwise while using the mortar and pestle to grind the spices.

To avoid causing trouble, don’t sing in front of the stove, and don’t kiss, swear, or chop onions on it.

If the house runs out of salt, expect misfortune. To prevent this, buy an extra pack of salt and keep it in your closet.

You cannot sit on the dining table and put money, this can bring misfortune.

Always leave a couple of slices on the plate with your meals. Whoever scrubs a plate to a shine will never get rich.

Collect some of the first snow in winter and add it to your bath to help keep you healthy throughout the year.

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