Director of the Bielański Hospital: the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal did not block our activities

-Till the publication of the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal, pregnancy termination procedures will be carried out – Dorota Gałczyńska-Zych, director of the Bielański Hospital in Warsaw, confirmed today to Medonet.

  1. When asked by the editorial office, how many patients are waiting for such a procedure at the Bielański Hospital and for what indications, the director did not provide information
  2. Gałczyńska-Zych: “The judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal (…) put the medical personnel involved in the performance of these procedures in an extremely difficult situation”
  3. Back in October, Bielański Hospital was one of the first to refuse patients abortion due to severe fetal defects.
  4. More current information on the protests in Poland in connection with the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal can be found on the main page of TvoiLokony

On October 23, shortly after the announcement of the judgment of the judges of the Constitutional Tribunal, prohibiting the so-called eugenic abortion, Bielański Hospital was one of the first institutions to refuse patients abortion due to severe fetal defects.

The management justified this in a letter to the head of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. In it, she asked “not to perform abortions in the case of severe fetal defects as part of therapeutic and therapeutic activities in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics”.

In the same letter, she also added that “it is necessary to immediately comply with the announced judgment”.

  1. We explain why the term “eugenic abortion” should not be used

The document was issued by director Dorota Gałczyńska-Zych, even though – as the Government Legislation Center informed at the time – the publication of the judges’ judgment under the chairmanship of Julia Przyłębska was not supposed to take place until November 2.

The anxiety of the patients

The actions of the hospital management aroused great anxiety among the patients. The case was also publicly commented by Jerzy Stępień, former president of the Constitutional Tribunal. “I hear hospitals refuse and discharge patients who have already been positively indicated for surgery. These are absolutely illegal actions, ”the judge repeated in the media.

Also, according to other lawyers, the decision of the Constitutional Tribunal should be valid only after its publication in the Journal of Laws.

In response to the criticism, director Gałczyńska-Zych decided to send a statement, which she placed on the hospital’s website on October 26. In it, she withdrew from the appeal for immediate compliance with the judgment.

Bielański has always helped and continues to help

Director Gałczyńska-Zych then wrote:

“I would like to inform you and all the patients that the Bielański Hospital has always helped and continues to help women in need. On Thursdays, patients are usually qualified for the procedure at the Bielański Hospital. The judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal did not block our activity.

Unfortunately, the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal last week significantly impeded activities in this area and, above all, it is important to realize that it has put the medical personnel involved in the performance of these procedures in an extremely difficult situation. In fact, I am not a lawyer, but the Constitutional Tribunal has created a new category of crime punishable by imprisonment of up to 3 years ”.


Today the director confirmed this state of affairs by e-mail:

“We are acting in accordance with the previously submitted statement: treatments will be performed until the publication of the Constitutional Tribunal’s judgment.

Yours sincerely, Dorota Gałczyńska – Zych ”.

When asked by MedTvoiLokona, how many patients are waiting for such a procedure at the Bielański Hospital, and for what indications – she did not provide information.

Read also:

  1. It was a mistake that we cared too much for our son. What if we die before him?
  2. Gynecologist: Forcing a mother to be an incubator for a corpse is unworthy
  3. “If I had known how sick my child would be, I would not have decided to be born”
  4. Gynecologists against the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal. “We are witnesses to the despair and tragedy of women”

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