Diphtheria in babies

Why is diphtheria dangerous for a baby?

La diphtheria is a infectious disease very contagious which has long been feared. Having become rare in France, this disease, which often turned out to be fatal, is still alive in many countries such as Russia. Diphtheria affects the respiratory tract and, in the most critical cases, the heart and peripheral nerves resulting in paralysis. In infants and young children, the diphtheria bacillus often causes many complications.

How can a baby get diphtheria?

La diphtheria is caused by the bacillus Corynebacterium diphtheriae. This highly toxic bacillus causes diphtheria angina with inflammation of the tonsils and the formation of a whitish obstructive false membrane. Angina can spread to the pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi, creating a difficulty breathing manifest. In the most serious cases, cardiac and / or neurological damage is noted. The diphtheria bacillus is highly contagious. It is transmitted from human to human through the airways. All you need to do is play with another child’s blanket, bring it to her mouth or rub her eyes to get diphtheria. Today, the only way to protect yourself from the disease is vaccination, with DTP (Diphtheria Tetanus, Poliomyelitis).

How do I know if my baby has got diphtheria?

At the beginning, the baby diphtheria is like a sore throat with a mild fever. Very quickly, a false membrane is created on the tonsils, making breathing difficult. It is this false membrane that makes it possible to establish the diagnosis of diphtheria. The disease develops rapidly until suffocation, which can cause irreparable damage to the nervous system (polyradiculoneuritis) or the heart (myocarditis, tachycardia, etc.). If a baby has been in contact with a sick person, if he has a sore throat, swollen tonsils, a slight fever and especially if he is not vaccinated, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately. The incubation period of the bacillus is 4 to 10 days, when the person is contagious. In France, thanks to compulsory vaccination, cases of diphtheria are extremely rare. As soon as a doctor notices a new case, he must report it to the departments concerned. Emergency measures are taken, such as isolating the patient’s entourage to prevent the spread of the diphtheria bacillus.

How can I protect my baby from diphtheria?

Today, so that baby does not have diphtheria, there is only one way: vaccination. This is compulsory in France. It is done by two injections, one when the baby is 2 months old and the other when he is 4 months old. Then, a booster is done at his 11 months, then at 6 years, at 13 years and then every 10 years. The vaccine is the best protection against this very serious disease. Babies aged 6 months to 24 months are very susceptible to diphtheria bacillus. In the absence of vaccination, diphtheria is treated by the injection of an anti-diphtheria intramuscularly, combined with antibiotic therapy.

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