Diphenyl (E230)

Diphenyl is a food concentrate used primarily to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. This food additive can be seen under the index E230. Another name is biphenyl. At its core, it is an organic compound with a pronounced antibacterial effect. Processing the crop with diphenyl helps prevent the onset of decay, the appearance of mold and fungi.

It is thanks to the E230 that it became possible to transport fresh crops over long distances without losing its quality characteristics. But, like any other reactive substance, diphenyl has a certain effect on the human body. We will talk about this effect and other properties of the food concentrate in more detail.

Method of obtaining

Diphenyl is also found in natural conditions, only not in its pure form, but as a component of combustible minerals – some types of tar, oil and gas. From combustible materials, E230 is isolated by distillation. There is also an industrial method for obtaining a preservative based on the dehydrogenation of benzene.

Since biphenyl can be obtained exclusively by chemical reactions, the substance contains a variety of impurities, some of which are toxic. For example, phenylphenol.

Appearance E230 – transparent, whitish or yellow crystals, which are almost insoluble in water. Often, the substance is immediately mixed with wax in production – it is the wax-like mass that is intended to protect vegetables and fruits from rapid spoilage.

The solvents are alcohols and benzenes. The additive has no taste. Depending on the amount of impurities, diphenyl may be odorless or have a rather sharp specific aroma.

Packaging depends on the volume – small doses of the preservative are packaged in glass bottles and jars with sealed lids. For industries that purchase the additive in large volumes, it is packed in metal drums.

Physical properties of matter

The main property of diphenyl is the ability to significantly increase the shelf life of food products, in particular vegetables and fruits. That is why the additive is among the preservatives.

E230 is a fairly strong allergen and can cause both local skin reactions and more severe consequences for the body – shortness of breath, upset of the gastrointestinal tract, swelling, etc. An allergic reaction is usually almost instantaneous – immediately after eating a vegetable or fruit treated with a preservative, redness of the skin areas in contact with the treated surface appears. The lips and tongue may swell.

A significant increase in adverse reactions is observed in the presence of individual intolerance to this component or exceeding the maximum permissible consumption rate.

The nutritional value

Biphenyl does not have a beneficial effect on the body. And because of the content of many chemical impurities, it can be harmful to health. Some highly developed countries have classified the E230 additive as prohibited for use in the food industry. According to the current legislation of our country, it allows the use of diphenyl in the manufacture of food products. The only thing is that there are established norms for the introduction of a preservative into the product, which manufacturers must adhere to.

The daily intake of a chemically active substance with food should not exceed 0,5 mg/kg.

Application in food production

Despite the fact that today the toxicity of the E230 additive has scientific confirmation, many food manufacturers continue to actively use it in production. Diphenyl can be found in the following foods:

  • yogurt and other dairy products;
  • spread, margarine;
  • fruit preserves;
  • ice cream;
  • confectionery.

But most often, the outer surface of vegetables and fruits is treated with biphenyl before long-term transportation. Therefore, before eating overseas fresh fruits, be sure to wash them thoroughly and cut off the peel. Thus, it is possible to get rid of the preservative almost 100%. Since E230 will not dissolve in pure water, a weak alkaline solution can be prepared for washing.

In addition to the food industry, biphenyl is used in leather dressing, as well as in the production of oils, paints and for the manufacture of coolant for nuclear reactors.

Influence on the body

As mentioned above, diphenyl can harm the human body. The main danger is borne by additional substances formed in the composition in the process of obtaining a food concentrate. It is these carcinogens that poison the body and provoke the development of malignant neoplasms. In most countries of the world, it is forbidden to use E230 not only in food production, but also in the manufacture of animal feed.

Biphenyl is able to influence the work of the central nervous system, causing its excessive excitation. As a result, a person suffers from lack of sleep, nightmares and, as a result, nervous exhaustion occurs.

Large doses of E230 have a detrimental effect on the liver and kidneys, causing irreversible changes in vital organs. When the liver is no longer able to cope with the toxic threat that has arisen, poisoning of the whole organism begins. Another negative effect of diphenyl is the ability to influence the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

When working with biphenyl in dry form, dust is formed, which, if it gets into the eyes, causes burning and redness. The penetration of small particles of a substance into the upper respiratory tract provokes a headache, palpitations and disorders in the digestive system. With constant contact with the skin, the likelihood of a variety of skin diseases is high.

Severe health consequences caused by the use of diphenyl are possible if the maximum consumption rate (up to 0,5 mg per 1 kg of weight) is not observed. If the substance enters the body in minimal doses, then during the processing it is broken down into non-toxic components and excreted in the urine.

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