Dill water: how to prepare for a baby? Video

Dill water: how to prepare for a baby? Video

Due to the immaturity of the digestive system, children under the age of 4-6 months often suffer from intestinal colic. Attacks are accompanied by pain, bloating, increased gas production and cause serious discomfort to the baby. A proven remedy for colic is dill water, which you can prepare yourself.

How to prepare a dill broth for a child

Contrary to popular belief, dill water is not prepared from ordinary dill, but from the so-called “pharmacy” – fennel. Outwardly, these plants are really similar, however, their chemical composition, smell, and also their properties are very different. There are two ways to prepare dill broth. The easiest way is to dissolve one drop of fennel essential oil in a liter of water, mix everything thoroughly and remove the liquid in a cool dark place. It can be used within a month in an amount of no more than 100 ml per day. It is advisable not to give the baby the entire daily allowance at once, it is better to divide the prescribed volume into 2-3 doses.

In the absence of fennel essential oil, you can prepare dill water from the seeds of the plant. To do this, take them in the amount of one teaspoon, pour a glass of cold water and put on low heat. Dill water should be boiled for 10-15 minutes. After the allotted time, you need to turn off the gas, cover the container with the broth with a lid and let the seeds brew for another hour. The prepared dill water must be filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

Dill seeds are also suitable for preparing dill water, but the taste of the finished drink can cause rejection in the baby. In addition, this infusion is much less effective than fennel.

A properly prepared homemade fennel seed infusion has a pleasant taste and aroma. It should not contain any foreign matter or sediment. In addition, dill water prepared according to this recipe cannot be stored for a long time. It should be given to an infant baby exclusively fresh in an amount of no more than 100 ml per day.

Dill water intake and dosage

With intestinal colic, dill water can be given even to a newborn child. As a rule, 30 ml of such a decoction is enough for the crumbs to relieve pain and reduce gas formation. For a baby older than a month, a single dose of dill water can be increased to 50 ml.

In addition, dill water can also be used to prevent colic. In this case, it is prescribed 40-60 ml twice a day between feedings. It is good if the last portion of dill water is drunk shortly before bedtime.

Dill water can be drunk not only for a baby, but also for a nursing mother. It helps to increase the amount of breast milk, and also normalizes digestion in the early postpartum period.

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