Dill Vladyka (Vladyko): reviews on how to grow

Fresh greens appear on garden plots among the first shoots. One of the most popular varieties of herbs is Vladyka dill. It has a number of undeniable advantages that have made it so popular.

Description of dill Lord

The dill variety Vladyka (Vladyko) is the result of a long work of domestic breeders who set as their goal to get a plant with dense greenery and a strong aroma. This species passed the state registration and was included in the register in 2015. Its purpose is cultivation in personal household plots.

Dill Vladyko belongs to mid-season varieties. It is distinguished by a rather powerful bush up to 90-100 cm high, as well as a rich green color of the leaves. The leaves themselves are diamond-shaped with a strong dissection. The leaves form a rosette growing at an acute angle, which is high above the ground and does not get dirty during the rainy season. The central umbrella is larger and more convex than the others. The number of rays in umbrellas is average.

Dill Vladyka (Vladyko): reviews on how to grow

According to the description and reviews, Vladyka dill can be cut as early as 40 days after germination. In this case, the entire growing season until the appearance of the stem is about 70 days. From one bush, you can produce at least five green cuts per season. The plant is widespread in all regions of Our Country, as well as in neighboring countries.

The main purpose of the variety is to obtain bunched greens for food use. This dill has a pronounced spicy aroma, and also contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients.

Fresh herbs are great for eating fresh, as well as for preparing soups, hot dishes and salad dressings. The umbels of the plant are excellent for canning vegetables, and the ground dill seed Vladyka can be used in various spices.


Vladyka bunch dill pleases gardeners with the first greens already 35-45 days after the first shoots appear. At the same time, the plant is famous for its high yields, compared with other varieties of dill. From one bush you can get at least 35-70 g of greenery, and from 1 sq. m – up to 3-4 kg per cut.

The plant grows best in sunny places with light loosened soil. Also, the timely application of organic and potassium-phosphorus top dressings will help to increase the yield.

Important! Dill is harvested without pulling, but breaking off the stems along the edges, leaving the central shoots for further growth.

Dill Vladyka (Vladyko): reviews on how to grow


The surface of the leaves and stems has a waxy film, due to which moisture does not accumulate on the surface of the plant. In many ways, this is due to the high resistance of the variety to various diseases and the invasion of pests, for which high humidity is a favorable environment.

The plant tolerates both sunlight and shade well, does not like strong dampness.

Advice! The variety tolerates frost well, so it can be planted before winter for an early harvest.

Advantages and disadvantages

Variety Vladyka has a number of important advantages:

  • high yields both from one bush and from 1 square. m landings;
  • rich color of the leaves and a characteristic spicy aroma;
  • the ability to cut greens from a bush up to 5 times per season;
  • good resistance to diseases and pests;
  • short maturation time;
  • retains its taste qualities in dried and frozen form.

According to the numerous reviews of gardeners about Vladyko’s dill, it can be concluded that the variety has practically no flaws. It should be noted only a short shelf life fresh.

Rules of landing

Speaking about the agrotechnics of Vladyka bunch dill, it should be noted that preparation begins in the fall. It is necessary to prepare the beds for planting and feed the land with humus or compost.

Attention! Manure or nitrogen-containing fertilizers should not be applied, as dill has the ability to accumulate nitrates.

When choosing a place for planting, it should be borne in mind that the Vladyka variety does not tolerate acidic soils and stagnant water. An unsuccessful solution would be to plant dill in the place where parsley or carrots used to grow or in the neighborhood of these crops. This is due to the fact that they are affected by common diseases, and an outbreak on one plant can lead to the death of the entire crop. A good option would be to use the beds where legumes or nightshade crops used to grow.

The site should be well lit, dill grows much worse in shaded places.

Planting dates depend on weather conditions – the air temperature should ideally be above 15 ° C, although young dill can withstand temperatures of about 5 ° C. Usually sowing begins in the first half of April.

Before planting, Vladyka dill seeds are recommended to be disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then wrapped in a damp cloth, covered with a film with small holes and left at room temperature until the seeds germinate.

Germinated seeds are planted in moistened soil to a depth of 2-3 cm. The distance between the furrows should be at least 20 cm. After that, the soil is compacted and watered. For the first time, you can cover the landing with a film or other covering material.

You can grow a seedling variety – it tolerates transplanting well.

To obtain an early harvest, the Vladyka variety is sown before winter, in mid-November, scattering dry seeds over frozen soil, and then covering with mulch.

Dill Vladyka (Vladyko): reviews on how to grow

How to grow bunched dill Vladyka

Standard care is required for the Vladyka variety: at least once a week, the beds must be watered, the soil loosened and the weeds that have appeared should be removed. Although dill is undemanding to moisture, with insufficient watering, yields can noticeably decrease. To prevent stagnation of water and a crust on the surface, the next day after watering, the soil must be carefully loosened.

With proper preparation of the site for planting in the fall, additional fertilizers and fertilizing during the growing season are not required.

Dill Vladyka (Vladyko): reviews on how to grow

Diseases and pests

With proper care, the Vladyka variety is highly resistant to most diseases characteristic of dill. But still, the possibility of developing the disease cannot be completely excluded.

Among the dangers that lie in wait for the gardener is powdery mildew. It can be easily identified by a white or grayish coating on the leaves and stems of the plant. Prevention of this disease is the treatment of plantings with a solution of potassium permanganate twice a month. When symptoms appear, dill is recommended to be sprayed with a solution of mustard powder or kefir diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

Another nuisance is fusarium. Plants affected by it quickly begin to turn yellow and wither. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to disinfect the seeds before planting and periodically water the beds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Diseased plants should be immediately uprooted and burned.

Sometimes dill bushes are affected by phomosis, which appears as brown spots. For prevention, before planting, the site is treated with a solution of fundalose. The disease is practically not amenable to treatment, so the affected plants must be destroyed.

Among insects, the most dangerous are aphids and dill moths. When these pests appear, it is necessary to treat the plantings with the help of special insecticides.


Dill Vladyka is a variety with high yield and good disease resistance. It is distinguished by early ripening, as well as rich aroma and taste. At the same time, dill does not require special care, delighting with fresh herbs throughout the summer season.


Verentsov Sergey, 52 years old, Penza
I have been growing the dill variety Vladyka for the fifth season. I sow in early spring, and then again during the summer. Dill is very fragrant and tasty, suitable for salads and for freezing for the winter. I cut fresh greens until the fall.
Kardaviltseva Valentina, 40 years old, Zavolzhye
Two years ago, a neighbor boasted of a new variety of dill, Vladyka. I decided to plant it on my site. Dill is simply gorgeous – dark green, fragrant, with fluffy branches. I use it fresh, and for making soups, and for canning.
Fedorovskaya Oksana, 35 years old, Lipetsk
I have been planting Vladyka dill for several years now. I really like its spicy aroma and taste. However, it does not require any top dressing and special care. For all the years, there has never been any disease. I collect fresh herbs from May to October.
Dill beam Vladyka…

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