Dill Lesnogorodsky: characteristics of the variety

Dill Lesnogorodsky is one of the most popular varieties, bred in 1986 by Soviet scientists. The variety is valued for its high yield, mid-season and unpretentious care. Due to the compact, tall bush, the crop can be harvested until the first frost. The variety is universal, it is used fresh, as a seasoning, added to conservation.

Description of dill Lesnogorodsky

Dill Lesnogorodsky is a tall plant, the height reaches 130 cm. The thickness of the stem is about 1,5 cm. The plant produces about 5 side branches of the first order. Dark emerald, fragrant leaves, large, formed 1 month after sowing the seeds.

Fresh leaves contain sugar, ascorbic acid, carotene, mineral salts and about 14% dry matter. The bush variety Lesnogorodsky is grown for greenery, since even when the seeds ripen, the bush continues to produce fresh, fortified foliage. Harvesting is carried out from the moment of emergence of shoots and until the first frost.

Due to frost and drought resistance, the variety can be grown both in the southern regions and in areas with an unstable climate.


The variety is mid-season, the first harvest is taken on the 30th day after planting the seeds. Dill Lesnogorodsky is a high-yielding variety, subject to agrotechnical rules from 1 square. m you can remove up to 2 kg of fresh, fragrant greens. The yield is affected not only by varietal characteristics, but also by compliance with simple rules. With a lack of moisture, the leaves grow medium-sized, hard and less fragrant.

Dill Lesnogorodsky: characteristics of the variety


Dill Lesnogorodsky has strong immunity to many fungal diseases. And due to the strong aroma, insect pests very rarely appear on the plant.

Advice! The variety tolerates sudden temperature changes well, so it is recommended for planting in regions with mild, cool summers.

Thanks to positive reviews and photos, Lesnogorodsky dill was very fond of many gardeners.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dill Lesnogorodsky, like any culture, has its strengths and weaknesses. The pluses include:

  • high fruiting – greens can be cut even after the seeds appear;
  • harvesting can be started one month after sowing;
  • the plant is tall, reaches 1,3 m;
  • from 1 sq. m remove up to 2 kg of fragrant greens;
  • unpretentious in care;
  • good keeping quality.

The disadvantages of many gardeners include the fact that with insufficient watering, the plant forms medium-sized, slightly fragrant, hard leaves.

Dill Lesnogorodsky: characteristics of the variety

Rules of landing

Sowing seeds of the Lesnogorodsky variety can be carried out in spring and before winter. Autumn sowing is carried out as late as possible so that the seed does not have time to germinate before the onset of frost. Winter planting makes it possible to get early, fresh greens. Before sowing, the bed is dug up and seasoned with organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Furrows are made on the prepared bed, and after the first frost, seeds are sown and covered with frozen ground. From above, the area is covered with mulch to protect against the formation of a crust.

It is also possible to plant in winter. For this:

  • the bed is cleared of snow;
  • superficially sow shift;
  • the top layer is covered with rotted humus and covered with snow;
  • during the spring snowmelt, the seeds deepen and, at a stable warm temperature, germinate.

Landing in the spring is carried out immediately after the snow melts. A bed for planting is done in a well-lit place. Despite the fact that dill is an unpretentious crop, it is better to grow it on nutritious, moistened soil. The best predecessors for dill are cabbage and cucumbers. Dill is very sensitive to neighbors. It grows well next to potatoes, cucumbers, onions and garlic.

Important! It is not recommended to plant Lesnogorodsky dill next to parsley, cumin and carrots.

In order for the seeds to start growing faster, it is necessary to carry out pre-sowing preparation. For this:

  1. The seed is wrapped in gauze and dipped in hot water for 3 days. This technique will help get rid of the ethereal film.
  2. Soaked seeds are covered with sawdust and kept moist for about 4 days. During this time, the first shoots should appear.
  3. Seeds are dried in the open air and planted in a prepared garden bed. Shoots appear 2 weeks after planting.

Sowing is carried out to a depth of 2 cm in previously shed grooves. The distance between the seeds is about 5 cm, the interval between rows is 20 cm. To obtain fragrant greenery throughout the summer, the seed is sown at intervals of 1,5-2 weeks.

Dill Lesnogorodsky: characteristics of the variety

Cultivation technology

In order for Lesnogorodsky dill to give a good harvest, you must follow the simple rules of care:

  • abundant, regular watering;
  • application of fertilizers;
  • disease prevention.
Important! When 3-4 true leaves appear, the planting must be thinned out, leaving at least 8 cm between plants.

In order for the dill bush to form well and be densely leafy, it needs phosphorus-potassium and nitrogenous top dressing. But since the plant tends to accumulate nitrate compounds, experienced gardeners recommend using nettle infusion. It will enrich the soil with essential trace elements and will be a good protection against insect pests.

Attention! Watering dill is carried out as the topsoil dries out. After irrigation, the soil is loosened and weeded from weeds.

Diseases and pests

Dill variety Lesnogorodsky is immune to many diseases and pests. But if the agrotechnical rules are not followed, the culture can be affected by powdery mildew and phomosis. When the first signs of the disease appear, the dill bush is treated with copper-containing preparations.

Very often, gardeners are faced with yellowing and drying of foliage. The main reasons for the phenomenon:

  • depleted soil and thickened planting;
  • increased soil acidity;
  • insufficient watering.

It is also not uncommon for aphids to appear on dill. You can fight it in several ways. This is watering the plant with nettle infusion, spraying with infusion of wood ash and onion peel with the addition of laundry soap.

Dill Lesnogorodsky (Dill). Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy anéthum seeds


Dill Lesnogorodsky is a high-yielding, mid-season variety. Subject to the rules of care, fresh herbs can be cut from the beginning of summer until the first frost. The plant is universal, it is consumed fresh, prepared for the winter in the form of freezing and drying, added to conservation.

Reviews about dill Lesnogorodsky

Poltavchenko Maria Ilyinichna, 54 years old, Kazan
I fell in love with Lesnogorodsky dill from a photo. Bought seeds and planted in the field. A plentiful harvest of fragrant greens appeared at the beginning of summer and lasted until the first frost. The variety is unpretentious in care, top dressing was applied only when preparing the site. Occasionally, the plant was shed with nettle infusion so that aphids did not appear. I recommend the high-yielding dill variety Lesnogorodsky to everyone.
Mishina Olga Pavlovna, 60 years old, Voronezh
I plant dill varieties Lesnogorodsky before winter. Since this method allows you to get early greens. The variety is unpretentious, high-yielding and very fragrant. I add fresh greens to vegetable salads, make preparations for the winter, and use them in the preparation of preserves. With a minimum expenditure of time and effort, fresh, fragrant and very healthy greens are on the table all summer long.

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