Dill: health benefits and harms
Dill is an annual plant with a number of unusual properties. It is used in both cooking and medicine. ” Healthy Food Near Me” understands the benefits and harms of dill for human health

The history of the appearance of dill in nutrition

Dill has long been cultivated throughout Europe, North Africa and Asia. The latter is considered the birthplace of this herb. Dill has been used as a spice since ancient Greece.

In many countries, the taste and smell of dill is not very popular, it is most popular in the territories of the post-Soviet space.

Dill is eaten and used as a remedy. Dill seed oil has been and remains a popular ingredient in cosmetics, and is used as a flavoring agent.

In cooking, dill “umbrellas” with seeds are known not only for their rich aroma, but also for their ability to protect food from spoilage due to phytoncides. These compounds have an antibacterial effect, inhibiting mold growth.

The benefits of dill

— Dill is a healthy product, which contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and essential oils. In moderation, it brings a lot of benefits, – says gastroenterologist Olga Arisheva.

Vitamin C in dill is twice as much as in citrus fruits. It also contains vitamin PP, thiamine, riboflavin, mineral salts.

Flavonoids and phytoncides in dill protect the body by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and neutralizing free radicals. The latter destroy cells, causing premature aging.

Essential oils are responsible for the bright smell of dill. They are useful for the digestive system: increase appetite, increase intestinal motility. Dill-based preparations are used to treat flatulence and gastritis.

Dill is studied by many scientists: for example, the antibacterial effect of this greenery was discovered, which allows you to fight infectious diseases. This is especially true as many bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics and there is a constant need to develop more and more antimicrobial drugs.

The composition and calorie content of dill

Caloric content for 100 grams40 kcal
Proteins2,5 g
Fats0,5 g
Carbohydrates6,3 g

Dill harm

This product does not cause particular harm, but it should be excluded in case of food allergies.

– People with low blood pressure and pregnant women with complications or pathologies should treat dill with extreme caution. A large amount of it can lead to a decrease in pressure and tone of the uterus. In any case, there is no need to remove greens from the diet, but it is important to remember that any product is good in moderation, Olga Arisheva warns.

The use of dill in medicine

Dill is popular in folk medicine. An infusion of greens has the ability to lower blood pressure and helps with hypertension, and also has a diuretic effect.

The essential oil of seeds and preparations based on them relieve spasms, soothe, help fight flatulence. Dill oil promotes sputum discharge, as it irritates the receptors of the mucous glands. It is often added to complex preparations for the treatment of bronchitis and asthma.

“Dill water” is prepared from seeds to reduce flatulence in children up to 6 months. Such water has a bile and diuretic effect, which is useful for congestion and swelling.

– “Dill water” is prescribed for children suffering from colic, and for girls who have just given birth, in order to speed up the onset of the lactation period. Often dill is part of the gastric preparations, says Olga Arisheva.

Dry extract due to antispasmodic action is used for heart diseases: angina pectoris, coronary spasms. Dill helps with spastic colitis – an intestinal disease. The effect of the drug is cumulative, so it is not suitable for relieving acute conditions.

The use of dill in cooking

In cooking, greens are used, as well as “umbrellas” with seeds. Dill does not tolerate long heat treatment, it is better to add it to dishes at the very end or eat it fresh.

Green kefir

Idea for a healthy and fragrant snack, afternoon snack or light dinner

Kefir1 glass
Dillsmall bundle
Saltto taste

Remove large stems from dill, beat greens with kefir and salt in a blender. Drink cold.

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Cabbage salad with dill

Traditional vitamin dish. Can be seasoned with butter, but it tastes better with sour cream

Young cabbage200 g
Saltto taste
Garlic1 denticle
Mustard1 hours. Spoon
Cream3 hours. Spoon

Wash the cabbage and chop finely. Remove thick stems of dill and chop greens. Mix with cabbage and salt.

Prepare dressing: mix sour cream with mustard and garlic passed through a press. Dress the salad and serve.

Submit your signature dish recipe by email. [email protected]. Healthy Food Near Me will publish the most interesting and unusual ideas

How to choose and store dill

When choosing, pay attention to the color of dill – the grass should not be yellowish, and the twigs should not be withered or dry. A good freshly picked dill is very fragrant.

Fresh dill can be preserved by placing a bunch in a jar of water and putting a bag over the top. In this form, the greens will stand in the refrigerator for more than a week – just do not forget to change the water. Do not pre-wash the dill, it must be dry.

Also, dill sprigs can be frozen in bags or foil, they will remain fresh for 6-9 months. Some people dry dill or buy it ready-made – dried herbs are best stored in glass and canvas bags in a dry, dark place without extraneous odors. Dried dill is stored for up to a year.

Popular questions and answers

We will analyze important questions about the use of dill and medicinal preparations.

How much dill can you eat per day?

Fresh greens can be eaten without fear in a small bunch, but the frequent use of seeds and decoctions based on them requires a doctor’s consultation.

It is also dangerous to eat a large amount of dill daily (several large bunches) for pregnant women and people with low blood pressure.

How does dill affect the intestines?

Its main property is to improve gastric motility. Often dill is part of the gastric preparations, which are recommended for use in case of digestive problems.

How is dill different from parsley?

Dill and parsley are different types of plants that differ in taste and appearance. Parsley has carved leaves, while dill has narrow pinnate leaves.

In terms of calories and vitamin content, dill and parsley are about the same level: both greens are good for health in moderation.

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