Dill Gribovsky: reviews, photos, planting and care

Dill is the most common plant among gardeners and gardeners, which is used as a flavoring additive in cooking. This herb is used fresh, dried and frozen, and also added during canning. Just for such purposes, Gribovsky dill was bred at the All- Research Institute of Selection and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops. The culture of this variety is grown throughout Our Country, as well as in Belarus and Ukraine. A photo of dill Gribovsky proves that this plant is universal and excellent for both fresh consumption and conservation.

Dill Gribovsky: reviews, photos, planting and care

Description of dill Gribovsky

The dill variety Gribovskiy belongs to the early varieties, its greens are suitable for consumption a month after the first shoots appear. Since the early varieties differ from the later ones in that their foliage is less dense, the Gribovsky variety culture related to them is recommended to be grown in order to obtain early greenery, seeds and umbrellas for canning.

According to the description of the Gribovsky dill variety, we can say that this plant is unpretentious and has its own characteristics, its leaves are dark green in color with a bluish tint and rich aroma. This plant can retain its taste and aromatic qualities even after freezing and drying. The shoots are even and erect, reaching a height of up to 25 cm. With strong dissected segments. The inflorescences are convex, multi-beam, their diameter varies from 18 to 30 cm.

For spices, the culture of the Gribovsky variety is harvested 55-70 days after sowing. The mass of one mature plant can be from 40 to 53 g.


The yield of dill variety Gribovsky is quite high, it is used as fresh herbs and in the form of spices for canning. When harvesting for greens from 1 sq. m can be collected up to 3 kg, and spices – up to 5 kg per 1 sq. m.


The resistance of dill variety Gribovsky to diseases is average, therefore it is recommended to follow a number of rules for planting it:

  1. In order to protect the crop from diseases, it should not be planted next to carrots and celery.
  2. The best predecessors for planting are legumes, cucumbers or tomatoes.

Also, the plant of this variety is susceptible to attack by pests, so it is required to treat it with insect repellents.

Important! Since dill is most often consumed fresh without heat treatment, it is categorically not recommended to use chemicals to control insects, you can use folk remedies.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to the general description, as well as a photo of the Gribovsky dill variety, it can be understood that this plant has many advantages over other types of dill:

  • early ripening;
  • good taste and aromatic qualities;
  • ability to tolerate temperature fluctuations;
  • unpretentiousness in cultivation;
  • versatility of use (both fresh herbs and as a spice for conservation);
  • high content of essential oils, vitamins and minerals.

The only drawback of the variety is that the plant is prone to self-sowing.

Rules of landing

From the photo of Gribovsky dill seeds, it can be seen that they are of the same type and the same size. Their germination is good, but they require a lot of water. They can be sown in open ground, greenhouse, as well as at home.

Dill Gribovsky: reviews, photos, planting and care

Planting in open ground of this plant is carried out both by sowing seeds and seedlings. Sowing can be carried out repeatedly in the spring-summer period with an interval of 10 days, as well as before winter.

Attention! Dill Gribovsky, grown from seeds sown before winter, has greater vitality.

Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked in water for 2-3 days, changing the water every 5 hours. Then they are planted to a depth of 1,5-2 cm in the prepared fertile soil. Sowing should be done in rows, leaving a distance of 20-25 cm between them. Water abundantly and monitor soil moisture.

Seed germination occurs at temperatures above +3 degrees. The optimum growing temperature is + 15-20 degrees.

Growing dill Gribovsky

There are no special rules for planting and subsequent care for Gribovsky dill. Particular attention should be paid to watering the plant. Dill for the formation of greenery requires moist soil, so on hot days, watering should be done 2 times a day.

The bed with dill should be lit as much as possible, since a lack of light will lead to a decrease in greenery and stretching of shoots.

When planting a plant in fertile, well-fertilized soil, additional feeding is not required. Nitrogen fertilizers can be applied to depleted soil.

Weeding and loosening the soil is carried out as needed. Loosening is recommended between rows. But hilling dill is undesirable.

Diseases and pests

Dill Gribovsky is resistant to diseases, but it can be infected with the following diseases if you do not follow the rules for planting it:

  • cercosporosis;
  • Phomosis;
  • powdery mildew.

The greenery of the plant can be damaged by aphids, leafhoppers, carrot flies. And the root system can be threatened by caterpillars, May beetle larvae, wireworms and bears.

The use of tobacco decoction and dust helps against pests. In no case should you use chemicals, as this can lead to poisoning after eating fresh dill.


Dill Gribovsky is an excellent plant variety that can be used for growing young fresh herbs, as well as for collecting its baskets for conservation. The plant is unpretentious and takes root well throughout Our Country.

Dill Gribovsky (Gribovskiy). Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seeds


Anna Nechaeva, 39 years old, Ryazan
I learned about this variety of dill from a neighbor in the country, it turns out that we have a fairly common type of greenery. And it has been growing for me for a long time, I would never have thought. Seeds themselves flutter and sprout in the spring. Last year I decided to collect the seeds and planted this year, after a month the bed was completely covered with greenery. Now we always have fresh dill on the table. I’m also going to use it for pickling.
Svetlana Naumova, 50 years old, Perm
I love Gribovsky dill for its excellent germination, crazy aroma and wonderful spicy taste. We use it with the whole family in the spring and summer for food, fresh, adding to salads and hot dishes. I also dry and freeze it, add it in the winter when cooking. And I don’t do winter pickles without it. After all, it gives an excellent taste and pleasant aroma.

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