Dill  giant: reviews, photos

Dill giant is considered a versatile, late-ripening bush variety with large leaves and a lush rosette. Subject to agrotechnical rules from one bush, a bunch of juicy, fragrant and tender greenery is obtained. The variety is universal, suitable for fresh consumption, summer salads and winter preservation.

Description of dill giant

Dill giant is a compact bush, up to 110 cm high. The variety is included in the State Register for cultivation throughout Our Country. The plant produces dense dark green foliage with a medium waxy coating. The leaf plate is large, medium dissected.

The variety does not form an umbrella for a long time, which allows you to collect greens throughout the season. Thanks to the raised, dense rosette, the greens do not come into contact with the ground and remain clean even in rainy summers.

Important! Dill The giant has gained great popularity not only for the high yield, but also for the fragrant, juicy greens that appear 1,5 months after sowing the seeds.


Bush dill giant is a high-yielding variety. The weight of 1 plant when harvested for greenery for the entire season is up to 450 g. The yield depends not only on varietal qualities, but also on climatic conditions and compliance with agrotechnical rules. So that there is always greenery on the table, dill is planted at intervals of 15 days.

Dill  giant: reviews, photos


Dill The giant is resistant to many fungal diseases and is rarely attacked by insect pests. Due to frost resistance, young shoots can be planted after the air warms up to + 3 ° C, but in order to get early greens, experienced gardeners recommend covering crops with breathable material.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dill giant has its positive and negative sides. The pluses include:

  • high yield;
  • aroma and presentation;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • disease resistance;
  • cold resistance.

No deficiencies were found in the variety.

Planting and caring for dill giant

Dill giant can be planted in the spring after the snow melts and in the fall, after the temperature reaches minus.

Winter sowing has a number of advantages:

  • early, fragrant harvest;
  • minimal care.

Dill is a heat-loving plant, so the site for planting is chosen sunny without gusty winds. Before planting seeds, the bed is carefully dug up and fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers. If the soil is acidified, it is diluted with slaked lime or dolomite flour.

Advice! Dill hero grows well after beets, potatoes, cabbage, legumes and cereals.

To obtain early greenery, planting material must be prepared. To do this, the seeds are wrapped in cheesecloth and kept in hot water for 2 days. Before planting, the seed must be dried.

When planting seeds, you must follow simple rules:

  • the bed should be moistened;
  • planting depth no more than 2 cm;
  • row spacing is about 20 cm;
  • after sowing, the soil is not shed.

Cultivation technology

Dill giant, according to reviews and photos, is an unpretentious culture, but in order to get a generous harvest, you must follow simple rules:

  1. 2 weeks after seed germination, the planting must be thinned out. The interval between plants should be at least 10 cm.
  2. High soil moisture is the key to a good harvest. If the dill does not have enough moisture, then the foliage will be small and less fragrant. Irrigation is carried out 2 times a week, spending on 1 sq. m to 500 ml of water.
  3. After watering, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed.
  4. If there is a possibility of spring frosts, it is better to cover the crops with agrofiber.
  5. Since dill absorbs nitrates, it is better to use nettle infusion as a top dressing.

You can start collecting greens when the seedlings reach 20 cm (this is about a month after sowing the seeds). A few hours before harvesting, the bushes are sprayed with water. The harvested crop is consumed fresh, and preparations are made for the winter (drying and freezing).

Dill  giant: reviews, photos

Diseases and pests

Dill The giant is immune to many fungal diseases. But if the agrotechnical rules are not observed, the following diseases may appear on the bush:

  1. Rust – in early summer, bright orange pads appear on the inside of the foliage, stem and petioles, which eventually grow into irregularly shaped spots. If a fungus is found, the plant is treated with Bordeaux mixture. Treatment is stopped 2 weeks before harvest.
  2. Fomoz – affects the whole plant. The aerial part is covered with dark oval spots with numerous dots. Dark stripes appear in rows on infected roots. You can get rid of the disease by treating the plant with broad-spectrum fungicides. After processing, the cut greens are thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water.
  3. aphid – Insect colonies are located on the inside of the leaf and shoots. You can get rid of insects with onion or garlic infusion with the addition of laundry soap.
Important! Dill quickly accumulates nitrate compounds, so the fight against diseases and pests is best done with folk remedies.
We sow DILL in open ground


Dill giant – late-ripening, high-yielding, bush variety. Subject to agrotechnical rules, thanks to late flowering from 1 bush, you can collect up to half a kilogram of fresh and fragrant greens in a season. The variety is versatile, juicy leaves are used for salads, added to fish and meat dishes, and fragrant seeds are ideal for winter preservation.


Pechkina Irina Nikolaevna, 45 leg, g. Pavlovsk
I saw a photo of dill varieties giant on the Internet. I liked the variety for a sprawling bush with rich olive greens. Bought seeds, planted before winter. In the spring, a couple of weeks after the snow melted, sprouts began to appear. A month later, she took off the first crop of fragrant, juicy foliage. Thanks to good bushiness and late flowering, I received up to 300 g of greenery from a bush.
Mishina Oksana Pavlovna, 67 years old, Pushkin
Dill giant is a favorite variety. He is liked for frost resistance, unpretentiousness, fragrant and juicy greens. If I don’t have time to harvest the crop in the fall, then the giant dill propagates by self-sowing. Harvest appears early, more fragrant and juicy. Due to the high fruiting, I use dill fresh, it is also enough for drying and freezing.

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