Dill Aurora: reviews, photos, cultivation

Dill Aurora is a relatively young early ripe variety, which differs among other species in dense foliage, late formation of inflorescences and resistance to powdery mildew. The variety was included in the State Register of Our Country in 2001 and recommended for cultivation in all regions of the country, due to the good frost resistance of Aurora dill.

The originator of the variety is CJSC Research and Production Company ” Seeds”.

Description of the variety of dill Aurora

Dill Aurora is a short, sprawling variety. The plant is a fairly powerful, lush bush with large dark leaves. The color of the leaf plate is greenish-gray, a mild waxy coating is felt on its surface. In their form, the leaves are slightly dissected. What distinguishes Aurora dill from many other varieties is the raised rosette of leaves – so the plant practically does not get dirty after heavy rains.

In the description of the Aurora variety, the excellent taste of dill and the rich aroma of bushes are emphasized. Favorable reviews of gardeners also earned dill for its good keeping quality – the collected greens remain fresh for a long time and do not lose their marketable qualities.

The purpose of the Aurora variety is universal. First of all, Aurora dill is grown for greens, however, part of the late harvest can also be used for conservation.


The culture of the Aurora variety ripens quickly, after 3-4 weeks you can cut the first greens. The yield of the variety is on average 2 kg per m2, with good care, this figure can reach 2,5-3 kg per m2. The mass of one plant varies from 10 to 15 g.

You can harvest several times per season. At the same time, they are guided by the size of the dill – the optimal height of the bushes should be about 20 cm.


In the description for the Aurora variety, it is indicated that dill is resistant to low light, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. The plant develops well both in the sun and in partial shade. With strong shading, only a slight inhibition of dill growth is observed, however, this does not affect the yield indicators if the plantings are fed in time and weeded in a timely manner.

The frost resistance of the variety is high, the first shoots appear at a fairly low temperature – only + 3-5 ° С. Also, plantings of the Aurora variety do not freeze slightly during the return spring frosts.

Particularly noted in the reviews is the resistance of Aurora dill to powdery mildew. The disease rarely affects plantings. However, violation of the rules of agricultural technology can lead to an outbreak of one of the following diseases:

  • blackleg;
  • Phomosis;
  • peronosporosis.

The Aurora variety practically does not attract pests. The greatest threat to the plant is the aphid.

Important! In order to get rid of pests, they use, if possible, exclusively folk remedies. It is undesirable to process dill with chemicals – the plant quickly absorbs pesticides and becomes toxic.

Dill Aurora: reviews, photos, cultivation

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the Aurora variety include the following characteristics of dill:

  • the splendor of the bushes, which ensures excellent yields;
  • rich aroma, pleasant taste;
  • frost resistance;
  • immunity to most diseases typical of this culture;
  • belated stalking, prolonging the terms of economic suitability of plants;
  • versatility of destination;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • good keeping quality;
  • a structural feature of the plant – the dill rosette is raised, which facilitates harvesting;
  • the possibility of multiple collection of greenery;
  • resistance to light deficiency;
  • unattractive to pests.

There are no shortcomings as such in the Aurora variety, however, this variety of dill is still young, which does not inspire confidence among some gardeners. Many summer residents prefer old, time-tested varieties.

Rules of landing

Aurora dill is planted starting from the 3rd decade of April, planting deadlines fall on the last days of May. To obtain greenery in early spring, sowing can also be done before winter, and planting material can be sown both immediately in open ground and for seedlings.

Best of all, Aurora dill develops in areas that meet the following requirements:

  1. The future bed should be open and well lit, but partial shade is also suitable. In extreme cases, you can plant dill in the shade, however, under such growing conditions, the yield of the variety will be slightly lower.
  2. Aurora dill does not impose special requirements on the type of soil, but the variety shows the best performance when planted on sandy and loamy soils.
  3. The Aurora variety culture responds well to planting in a place where tomatoes, cucumbers, beets and cabbage used to grow. However, it does not grow well in areas previously occupied by carrots, fennel and parsnips.

The site must be prepared before sowing. To do this, in March, the place of future beds is loosened with a rake and brought into the ground:

  • 20 g of potassium salt;
  • 15 g of urea;
  • 30 g superphosphate.

Based on 1 m2. In no case should the site be fertilized with lime, dolomite flour and ash. Such dressings inhibit the growth of culture.

Planting material the day before sowing is soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, 2-3 hours is enough. This procedure is preventive in nature – so the dill will hurt less.

Dried seeds are sown in furrows about 2 cm deep, maintaining a gap of 20 cm, as the bushes are branched and will interfere with each other with a closer planting. Then the seeds are covered and the plantings are moderately watered. Additionally, you can mulch the beds with a 3 cm layer of peat.

Advice! Dill of all varieties reproduces well by self-sowing. To do this, umbrellas are not removed from the beds in autumn – so in early spring it will be possible to collect the first greens.

Dill Aurora: reviews, photos, cultivation

Cultivation technology

Further care for Aurora dill consists in loosening row spacings, weeding, regular but moderate watering and top dressing. It is also recommended to thin out seedlings to avoid thickening of plantings – the cramped arrangement of plants provokes the development of the fungus.

Plantings of the Aurora variety are watered 2 times a day at the rate of 2-3 buckets per 1 m2. In conditions of heavy rains, watering is minimized. The plant is fed only if the dill was planted on a sparse, unprepared site. Suitable top dressings:

  1. Fermented infusion of nettle – fresh leaves and stems in the amount of 1 kg pour 10 liters of water and insist 5 days.
  2. A solution of mineral fertilizers: 500 ml of mullein and 1 tsp. urea must be filled with 10 liters of water.
  3. 10 g of potash-phosphorus fertilizers.

Loosening and weeding are especially important at the initial stage, while seedlings are still small. During this period of development, Aurora dill is especially vulnerable and can weaken when surrounded by weeds.

Diseases and pests

In the course of breeding work, excellent immunity was genetically incorporated into Aurora dill, so it is resistant to most diseases. However, with thick plantings, excessive watering and a large number of weeds, dill can get sick with a fungus. The following diseases are among the most dangerous:

  1. Blackleg. Manifested in the decay of the root collar. Aurora dill is treated with a solution of “Fundazol”.
  2. Fomoz. The disease is determined by brown spots on dill leaves. Sick plants are sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, however, one treatment is not enough. In this case, it is important to maintain a break of 10 days between treatments. The last time plantings are sprayed at least 2 weeks before harvest.
  3. Peronosporoz (or downy mildew). The first sign of the disease is light spots on the stem and dill leaves, which turn brown over time. At the first symptoms of the disease, the beds are sprayed with a solution of copper oxychloride (30 g of the substance per 1 bucket of water) or 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Of the insects, the most dangerous are:

  • carrot fly;
  • Italian bedbugs;
  • umbrella blind;
  • aphid.

Dill Aurora: reviews, photos, cultivation

Carrot fly causes rapid drying of Aurora dill leaves. At risk are primarily those plants that were planted in close proximity to carrot beds – as the name implies, the pest is attracted by the aroma of carrot tops. You can protect dill plantings from flies with the help of a folk remedy, for which it is necessary to mix in equal proportions:

  • mustard powder;
  • fine-grained sand;
  • hot ground pepper;
  • dry peat and ash.

The resulting mixture draws a strip between the beds of carrots and dill. If the fly continues to damage the plant, plantings are sprayed with Vantex, Actellik or Fitoverm.

Important! “Fitoverm” is the most benign option, since this remedy is of biological origin, and therefore cannot harm human health.

From bugs, umbrella blind and aphids, dill treatments with Arrivo, Vantex or Karate Zeon chemicals will help, but it is better to use natural insecticides instead – a decoction of potato tops and tomato stepchildren. Substances contained in plants of the nightshade family are toxic to many insects.

In order to prepare a decoction, it is necessary to grind 2 kg of potato tops or stepsons, pour 10 liters of water into the resulting mass and boil the mixture for 30 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. l. shavings from laundry soap and thoroughly stir the mixture until the substance is completely dissolved. Upon contact with the plant, such a solution will create a soapy film that will prevent it from being washed off by rain or during watering.

Not bad repels pests tobacco. You can mix it in dry form with mustard powder in a ratio of 1: 1 and sprinkle with dill mixture. A tobacco solution has proven itself well: 100 g of the substance is infused in 10 liters of water during the day.

Finally, you can feed the culture of the Aurora variety with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers: 3 kg of ash is poured into 10 liters of water and insisted for a day. Then add 1 tbsp to the solution. l. liquid soap.

Important! Before eating, the treated dill bushes are thoroughly washed to remove the soapy film from the surface of the leaves.


Aurora dill was bred quite recently, however, the variety is rapidly gaining popularity. Aurora dill is in demand among gardeners primarily due to its cold resistance and high yields, beginners are also attracted by the unpretentiousness of the plant and its resistance to diseases and pests. The variety is practically not damaged by insects and does not get sick, which greatly facilitates the care of the crop.

You can learn more about the features of growing dill from the video below:

How to grow dill at home – an easy way to plant dill on the windowsill


Pavlova Anastasia Mikhailovna, 39 years old, St. Petersburg
We tried many varieties of dill, but could not find one to eat in the summer, and there was enough for preparations. It usually turned out that all the greens were quickly eaten, and there was almost nothing left on the spice. I saw the Aurora variety in the store, searched the Internet for reviews on dill with a photo. Everything looked promising, so we decided to take another chance. Lucky this time. Dill smells very pleasant, the smell is rich, the greens are juicy. Enough for salads and preserves. They even froze a little.
Illarionova Evgenia Alekseevna, 40 years old, Kaluga
I am new to gardening, so I was looking for something productive, but simpler. A neighbor gave some Aurora seeds, planted them for testing. As a result, I have been planting for a year now, I see no reason to change anything. The bushes are lush, I cut the greens many times. I feed a little, sometimes I weed when the beds are overgrown, but in general I don’t spend a lot of time on the garden. For me, this is the most important thing. So, I advise the variety for those who love to relax in the country, and not pore over what they planted.

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