Dilation of the renal pelvis in a newborn – what is the risk?

What is the risk of a dilated kidney pelvis in a newborn?

I am a mother of a 3 week old boy. During the last ultrasound of her pregnancy, the doctor diagnosed Cuba with a widening of the pelvis in the right kidney. The same was shown by an ultrasound performed immediately after delivery. What does it mean? A doctor from the hospital told me to come for another ultrasound when Kuba is 3 months old? ~ stressed out

The widening of the cup-pelvic system is found relatively frequently in fetuses and newborns. It is an expression of incomplete development of the urinary system. As a result, urine “goes back” to the kidneys, remaining in the pelvis. This condition is known as vesicoureteral reflux. In most children, it disappears with age – hence the indication for another ultrasound scan 3 months after delivery. If the pelvis is still widened, the child will be referred for a nephrology consultation and more advanced diagnostic tests (cystigography) to determine the size of the defect. Persistent reflux may cause frequent urinary tract infections, and in more advanced stages – damage to the renal parenchyma. Depending on the stage, treatment is conservative (microbiological urine control and, if necessary, antibacterial treatment) or surgical. However, please do not worry in advance – my experience shows that in most young patients, dilation of the renal pelvis resolves spontaneously within the first year of life.

Read also: Children’s problems with the urinary system

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