Dikul Diet

Short-term options for weight loss programs are in particular demand among those who seek to achieve the desired volumes before a certain special day. One of the most famous helpers for this is the Dikul diet.

Its features are based on strengthening the muscular component of a person. Since the developer of the system did not belong to the camp of adherents of fasting or depletion of the body, he preaches a more satisfying version of the behavior for weight loss.

The development principle is based on the replacement of adipose tissue with muscle fibers. To achieve the desired result, you need not only to lean on foods high in protein, but also on exercise. Such an algorithm is preferred by professional athletes and even amateur bodybuilders working on the relief. Moreover, the scheme works equally productively for both the male body and the female.

Distinctive features

Valentin Dikul, in whose honor the diet was named, put the dairy products, which are familiar to Slavic citizens, at the forefront. The reason for this is the high content of not only protein in them, but also proteins that are easily digested.

To achieve excellent performance from the very beginning, you should abandon carbohydrates at least at the initial stage of the schedule. Such a voluntary refusal will serve as a catalyst for starting the processing of accumulated fatty layers. They will be used as the primary source of energy necessary for normal life. The process of burning fat will be the guarantor of dropping unnecessary kilograms.

Only after starting the burning mechanism can you gradually introduce small portions of your favorite carbohydrate dishes. But the main secret of productivity is three other aspects: heavy drinking, a special vitamin set and maintaining the balance of minerals with trace elements at the proper level.

If you combine this with a well thought out alternation of carbohydrate and carbohydrate shifts in the schedule, you get an effective system. At the same time, wishing to become slimmer will not be in dire need of any specific elements, which will be the key to the absence of unnecessary stress.

Another positive quality is the ability to calculate the period of the program, according to individual needs. It does not provide for particularly strict prescriptions for exit or stricter framework for the failure of nutrients. It is enough just not to overeat, and also be wise about the process of replenishing the body with “fuel.”

Obvious advantages and hidden disadvantages

Many fans of this format of bringing themselves into shape say that with its help you can easily activate the removal of unnecessary fat. But besides this useful property, the diet can demonstrate other positive features:

  • muscle building;
  • lack of hunger;
  • availability of ingredients;
  • ease of cooking recommended dishes;
  • protect muscle atrophy.

To achieve optimal performance on the last point, it will be necessary to apply all willpower and not to miss the previously planned workouts. This applies even to those who previously ignored the sport. Otherwise, the performance can be reduced by an order of magnitude.

As a physical activity, it is better to choose training with a personal consultant at least for the first time. These can be trips to the gym, or power aerobics, or other variations with average loads, depending on the current state of the body. But you should start small, especially unsportsmanlike people.

In addition to a number of positive aspects, the method has several significant drawbacks, among which it is especially noted:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • increased kidney stress;
  • excessively enhanced work of the excretory system.

These shortcomings can be called contraindications for those wishing to use the method presented. You should also avoid this version of weight loss for those who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines in acute and chronic form.

But even if the experimenter has never before encountered problems with a given part, you should first consult with your doctor about whether the chosen solution is suitable for a particular patient. Usually, the doctor for the safety of the applicant sends to do his simplest tests like blood and urine, and according to the results of the examination will issue a conclusion. If all indicators are within the normal range and no contraindications are found, then there will be no obstacles to the beginning of a new life.

Phased approach

So that novices could independently deal with the subtleties of the method without problems, the author broke it down into several steps.

The first phase provides a duration of from three to ten days. To focus on a certain period is necessary, based on the initial parameters of the figure, as well as the number of kilograms that need to be reset. With the right approach, you can lose from two to six kg of unnecessary weight.

At this time, all recipes must be based on the inclusion:

  • fish;
  • kidney;
  • liver;
  • languages ​​(beef, veal);
  • lean pork;
  • seafood.

They can be absorbed without special restrictions. The only warning is the rejection of seasonings, spices and a minimum salt content.

The second step lasts an order of magnitude longer: from ten days to a couple of months. Here the alternation of protein days with carbohydrate is taken as a basis. It is allowed to dilute the table of vegetables, which will be absorbed in tandem with vegetable oil. Professional nutritionists second phase is called protein-vegetable.

It is extremely important at this stage to protect yourself from the temptations to break and try any bakery products. Delicacies from the confectionery department are also prohibited. The refrigerator must be freed from:

  • sweets and chocolate;
  • potatoes and boiled carrots;
  • eggplant and beets;
  • bananas, avocados, oranges and other high-calorie fruits;
  • nuts;
  • seeds, clog the stomach, even supporters of a healthy way of life.

You need to get rid of sugar in any form.

After successfully overcoming the equator, you can proceed to the third approach, the duration of which is determined independently depending on the current state of health.

There is a freer alignment based on:

  • the obligatory use of two spoons of bran;
  • one full protein day per week;
  • the ability to add cheese, bread and fruit without fanaticism.

To pamper yourself for the works, even eating high-calorie meals is allowed. But this should be moderate – no more than twice a week. In no case can not abandon the previously approved control over the amount of consumption of proteins with carbohydrates.

The final period brings the long-awaited permission to eat everything, but in moderation. A compulsory protein day once a week acts as a supportive assistant. And if you still remember that oat bran should be eaten daily, the effect will be fixed for a long time.

Approximate diet

Using Dikul’s calculation, you need to remember that body weight will not decrease instantly. The emphasis will be shifted towards burning fat, turning into muscle, which must also weigh something. Therefore, it will be more productive to share your own successes on the basis of measuring the figure with a tailor’s centimeter, and not resort to using scales.

Beautiful musculature will be a reality if a typical menu consists of a third of a fruit and vegetable set and 70% protein foods. After the first phase, consisting almost exclusively of proteins, is completed, the optimized menu will become something like this:

  1. First breakfast. Provides two eggs in tandem with cereal breadcrumbs. Milk and sour cream will help to dilute dryness. A light vegetable salad is welcome.
  2. Lunch. Apple juice or pureed apples.
  3. Dinner. Minimal fat chicken stock along with chicken fillet. It is allowed to add cucumber salad.
  4. Tea time Signature cocktail.
  5. Dinner. Fish cooked in a double boiler with green beans. You can drink citrus juice.
  6. Second dinner Any kind of fruit.

Cocktail Effectiveness

Almost any thematic menu of the described technique includes drinking a special cocktail. It is aimed at generating useful muscle mass and does not take long. To prepare, you will need only two medium packs of zero-fat cottage cheese, two medium chicken eggs and two tablespoons of honey.

The last ingredient, in extreme cases, can be replaced with homemade jam or jam. First, the composition is thoroughly mixed in a deep bowl, and then supplemented with half a glass of walnuts. Enjoy a healthy mixture before and after training, based on the personal needs of the dosage.

This has a beneficial effect on building up the “necessary” muscles: the press, hips, arms and buttocks. In conjunction with the correctly selected physical exercise, a qualitative result will not take long to wait.

Most experts agree that the Dikul diet lives up to the expectations. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of fans of the method. But it works only if the rules are completely followed and there are no contraindications.

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