Digoxin – use, contraindications

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What exactly is Digoxin? What is its composition and are there any contraindications to its use? It is a drug from the group of glycosides that has been isolated from foxglove. Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside. It is an prescribed measure by a doctor. Its dosage should be prescribed by a specialist.

Digoxin is a drug that should only be prescribed by a specialist doctor in specific cases. The indication for taking the agent is a disturbed heart beat. The drug must be taken according to the strict instructions given by the physician or the information provided in the leaflet accompanying the drug. Digoxin must be administered in fixed doses at fixed times of the day. What is the use of the drug?

Digoxin – application

Digoxin is a prescription drug that must be used as prescribed by your doctor. The drug is recommended in specific cases related to diagnosed cardiovascular ailments. Dosage of Digoxin depends on the stage of the disease and the general physical condition of the patient. Before assigning the drug, the cardiologist should not only check the patient’s blood pressure, but also order thorough examinations. The dosage should be determined by the attending physician, as with the wrong use of the drug, poisoning of the entire body can occur.

Digoxin is assigned to patients with detected atrial fibrillation, with disturbed heart muscle, acute heart failure, ventricular fibrillation. The drug must be taken at the same time of the day, if one dose is missed, do not double the drug on the next one. During treatment, the cardiologist should order constant liver and kidney function tests, and it is also necessary to conduct an ECG check. The composition of the drug is designed to block the sodium – potassium pump, which is located in the cell membrane of the heart cells. Constant treatment with the drug is to improve the impaired contractility of the heart muscle, Digoxin also affects the sympathetic system, and the symptoms of advanced heart failure are also reduced.

The drug not only affects smooth and skeletal muscles, but also the vagus nerve centers and the renal tubules. Digoxin can be administered in two forms, intravenously and orally, intravenous administration is recommended for patients with difficulty swallowing. 75 percent of the drug is taken orally. it is absorbed very quickly, the rest of the drug is inactivated by the natural bacterial flora found in the lower part of the digestive tract. The effect of the drug is noticeable up to two hours after oral administration, while with intravenous administration, the noticeable effect is achieved after a maximum of 30 minutes. In biological terms, the drug remains in the serum for up to 43 hours. Most of the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine. The conditions of drug excretion, as well as the length of its residence in the serum, depend on many conditions, for example, the work of the patient’s kidneys.

Digoxin – contraindications

As with any drug, there are contraindications to the use of digoxin. First of all, the drug cannot be used by people who are allergic or hypersensitive to any component of the drug. Contraindications also include ventricular tachycardia, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. ventricular fibrillation, diagnosed arrhythmia.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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