
A large number of Russians combine two problematic poles: negativism and a tendency to daydream. They diligently pay their attention first of all to their shortcomings, and not just look for them, but seek out, remember, collect, collect … This is wrong. It seems that the more a person sees minuses, difficulties and problems in everything, the more he needs to dream in order to have some kind of outlet.

If this is sometimes characteristic of you, it’s time to change it: develop yourself better on the positive, on the knowledge of your strengths. Learn to see your strengths, your skills, abilities and virtues. Imagine you have been writing a list of your virtues for two weeks, and now you can read to yourself:


There is logic.




I can see my mistakes.

I can correct my mistakes.

Deep thinking.


I write beautiful texts.





How will you now answer your inner question: “Am I smart?”. Now, when faced with a difficult task, you will not sigh sadly: “What can I do?”, but quickly remember your strengths and capabilities. Fine! But what if this list is just a small island of your virtues, and the full list looks much more impressive? We look:

It’s already — wow! Do you agree?

No problem, there are creative tasks for those who are armed with an arsenal: an arsenal of skills. Multiply this arsenal throughout life and keep it ready in your memory. To know what to rely on in yourself, start collecting your strengths, study your virtues. Get started! For example, today you can write about yourself like this:

I’m great at drawing.

I have an excellent memory.

I have a great figure.

I can stand my ground!

Writing the first ten advantages about yourself is usually a very real task. Get it right. It is more interesting and more difficult to start writing your virtues: every day a new top 10! From experience, somewhere on the third or fourth day it becomes difficult, resistance arises, but if you don’t give up, it’s as if you will break through, and it will go on easily.

Fine! When 10 new virtues per day becomes an easy task for you, set the following goal: 10 new virtues every hour. Every hour — 10 new virtues and skills! Do not give up, be attentive to yourself, and suddenly you will understand what is starting to happen to you … perhaps you can call it “enlightenment”: you will understand that you can talk about your best features, virtues and strengths just without interruption.

Naturally, there is no need to tell about this to those who are not interested, but if you are suddenly asked: “What are your strengths?”, You will smile and ask: “How much time do you have?” Actually, this is the criterion that you have coped with this task: you do not want to brag, but it is easy for you to talk about your strengths.

It is pleasant to keep a diary of virtues. Such a diary will remind you how talented and beautiful you are, and more importantly, what you will understand is that you have everything to start making your dreams come true!

So, open a notebook and start: «My first ten virtues: … what?»


The course consists of 2 parts of 6 video lessons. View >>

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