Digital-employees and «analog» bosses: how can they agree?

Different generations of Russians have their own “peculiarities of national motivation”. What do employees want from employers and vice versa? How to agree digital generation Z and analog generation X?

Representatives of different generations are driven by different motives, including when it comes to employment. This statement was made by Russian and foreign researchers. And the fact that Generation X dominates among employers makes the task of building communications with Digital Z difficult. But it is quite solvable if their features are taken into account and used to the maximum.

For the first time about the theory of generations, its authors Neil Howe and William Strauss announced in the book «Generations». In new works, they continued the theme, found common and distinctive features among those who were born in the same historical period of 20 years. In their opinion, representatives of the same generation are united not only by the same key events, but also by common values ​​and behaviors.

The theory had and has followers and opponents. Nevertheless, the proposed gradation came into use. And now everyone knows about the generations of baby boomers, X, Y, Z and even the new one — Alpha. In Russia, the gradation is somewhat different from the original, some Russian researchers believe. Evgenia Shamis’ most famous adaptation today divides Russians into the following groups:

  • The Greatest Generation (1900-1923);
  • Silent generation (1923-1943);
  • Baby boomer generation (1943-1963);
  • Generation X («X») (1963-1984);
  • Generation Y («Player») (1984-2000);
  • Generation Z «Zed» (c 2000).

But the current moment is interesting because today, like 12 months by the fire, all generations have gathered in one digital era. The generations of those who went through or remember the Great Patriotic War, those who were born during the war and after it, are still alive. Generation X is the parents of Ys and Zs, their teachers and university professors. And finally, X people are the main employers for Generation Z.

The pandemic has accelerated the digitalization process. How, under these conditions, to understand each other for those who do not know the analog reality, and for those who have to learn new rules, in which generation Z is like a fish in water? What motivates different generations and how can they find points of intersection of interests?

This question was asked by the candidate of psychological sciences Sima Musatova. Together with colleagues, she conducted a study of motivational factors and cross-expectations of labor market participants in the context of digitalization1.

Career, self-realization or salary?

“For generation X, the most important thing is wages, gaining new experience and the possibility of self-realization,” says the researcher. “The least important criteria for them are stability and the proximity of work to home.

This generation appreciates the freedom of action in work, the work-life balance. They bring to the company the spirit of entrepreneurship, openness to change, multitasking, informality, flexibility. The manager needs to teach them management skills and how to manage remote employees.”

Generation Y often has a lack of experience, difficulty getting a good job and decent pay.

“The most significant factors for millennials are career opportunities, salary levels and flexible working hours,” the expert comments. — The least important are the proximity of the place of work to the house, which makes them related to generation X, as well as relationships in the team. These are those who live at work and work. They value informality, flexibility, quick success. For their part, they bring teamwork, multitasking, manufacturability, and the ability to find information to the company. Management should teach them how to communicate, how to be customer-oriented, how to follow the rules.”

Generation Z was born in the 2000s, this generation will soon become the main force in the labor market, Sima Musatova is sure.

“The main features and values ​​of Z are high involvement in information flows and processes, lack of real communication, advanced multitasking, clip thinking, scanning a large amount of information and, as a result, problems with maintaining attention. They have their own position, diverse interests and a higher level of entrepreneurship compared to previous generations, the psychologist explains. — But it is difficult for them to make decisions because of the peculiarities of upbringing and interaction with the older generation. Z is quite pragmatic about planning for the future, and they also suffer from the fear of missing out on something important. Therefore, they are always at the forefront of new trends and remain highly competitive.”

Sima Musatova came to the conclusion that generation Z is interested in what other generations were little worried about. This is a convenient location of the office or workplace, the ability to work remotely and at a convenient time, the level of remuneration tied to a clear career growth perspective. Already from these conclusions, it is clear that there is little intersection in the motives of generation Z and Y, and even more so in generation X. How can we understand each other and motivate Z to cooperate?

Mutual expectations

The study was divided into two parts. The first one was attended by 100 young respondents aged 15 to 30 years old, the age core (84%) — 18-24 years old, who faced the employment process. The second part covered 40 respondents, and they included representatives of generations X (23%) and Y (77%), because the mainstream of processes in the labor market today is determined by generation Y, Sima Musatova believes.

The answers of the participants in relation to mutual expectations turned out to be interesting.

“Thus, representatives of generation Z believe that the conscientious performance of duties by young specialists (62%), a fresh look at the processes in the company (59%), and initiative in solving the problems of the company (42%) are important for the employer,” says the author of the study. — Employers, in turn, believe that young people need mentoring from experienced professionals (72%), interesting tasks and projects in their work activities (57%), financial incentives (50%).

For the employer, such personal characteristics as self-motivation, the ability to make decisions independently, observation and self-learning, loyalty are still a priority.

Another inconsistency was revealed in relation to digital technologies. Most representatives of generation Z (75%) understand the need for digital skills, and this skill does not depend on the field of activity. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​(56%), mobility and adaptation (51%), as well as soft skills (43%), according to the Zetas, will remain in demand in the labor market in the near future.

“Representatives of generations XY do not see the demand for digital skills: only 37% of respondents emphasize this competence,” states Sima Musatova. “For Xs and Ys, the priority now and in the near future is the need for personal and professional competencies (45% and 42%, respectively), as well as the ability to work in a team and make decisions independently (40% of respondents each).”

This will come in handy in the digital future, they are sure. Employers do not see a young specialist in one position for more than two years, which cannot be said about Z themselves: they are ready to work in one place for 3-4 years.

“This suggests a more relaxed attitude towards a career among generation Z than among older representatives (especially when it comes to generation Y). Generation Z, first of all, is waiting for an adequate position with an average market salary (63%), a convenient schedule (59%) and an interesting developmental job (54%), the psychologist explains. “For young people, the opportunity to work remotely (30%), a clear career prospect (28%) and a convenient location (28%) are important.”

HR specialists, managers and businesses need to prepare for new challenges, Sima Musatova concludes.

“As the author of the study, I can recommend taking into account the characteristics of the Zetas, because they will form the backbone of the workforce in the near digital future. And if they are properly motivated, then this will be the golden staff of any company,” Sima Musatova believes.

1 “Work Motivational Factors of Generation Z in the Digital Economy” (Atlantis Press, May 5, 2020).

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