Digestive tea.
Tea is a unique healing drink, the history of which goes back more than 5 thousand years. The homeland of tea is China.
It is unlikely that for someone it will be a big discovery that tea is good for our health, especially green, white, yellow and red teas. Black, due to processing (fermentation), is less valuable. But there is one type of black tea that has such a beneficial effect on the entire body and especially on the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) that it is widely used in Chinese medicine – this is Pu-Erh tea. Why is it so useful that even in the collection of records of Fantianlu it was said that Pu-Er was comparable in value with the price of gold?
The positive effect of this type of tea directly depends on its quality and aging time. Yes, yes, the aging period, because the longer this tea is stored, the more it gains strength and strength. It can be compared to the storage of wine – the longer the aging, the better the wine. From a medical point of view, Pu-Erh is very useful for gastritis, duadenitis and colitis of various etiologies. In addition, it is one of the few teas that can be drunk by people suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. It can be used even in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage of development. Pu-Erh improves intestinal motility.
Are you overeating and feeling uncomfortable in your stomach? No problem – Pu-Erh tea can be of invaluable help. Do not forget about this and the next time, when after a hearty meal you are not very well, drink a cup of this miraculous drink and you will quickly feel the effect.
Another important property of this amazing tea is that it has a great effect on the blood. For example, consumption of black tea lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which are very important for diabetics. In addition, Pu-Erh will be no less useful for people prone to blood clots.
This tea is best drunk warm, but not hot. It can be brewed up to 6 times.
And remember one more important thing: buying Pu-erh is best in specialized tea shops.