Heartburn during pregnancy
We are not alone! More than the majority of pregnant women experience heartburn and acid reflux. They can intervene from the first months and tend to get worse until the end of the pregnancy. These disorders are caused by progesterone, a hormone that decreases muscle tone, and in particular that of the esophageal sphincter (also called cardia). The further the pregnancy progresses, the more the cardia will open and the more it will allow the reflux of acidic gastric juices to pass. And that’s not all, at the end of pregnancy, the uterus presses hard on the stomach, which promotes reflux.
FYI, it happens that some women whose reflux has not been treated start to cough. So don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor about it, because gastroesophageal reflux disease may be hidden behind a cough.
How to solve these reflux problems?
Advice: the goal is to protect the lining of the esophagus. From the start of pregnancy, avoid acidic foods (citrus fruits, etc.), spices, vinaigrette, mustard, raw vegetables as much as possible. that the gastric reflux does not rise again. Side drugs, two types can be prescribed: one which prevents reflux, and one which lines the stomach and the esophagus (gastric dressings) in order to protect them from the aggression of gastric juices. If that’s not enough, the doctor can give us antacids which influence the acidity level of gastric juices.
In video: Digestive burns, we can avoid them
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
Nausea affects more than half of women and usually disappear between the 3rd and 4th month of pregnancy. Their intensity varies depending on the woman. Some “only have” mild morning sickness, while others are much sicker. The main reason: hormones, but not only it seems. It would indeed seem that women of African origin are prone to nausea and vomiting much more intense than those suffered by European women.
homeopathy and acupuncture sessions. Do not take anything in self-medication!
Hypersalivation or ptyalism during pregnancy
«I have saliva in my mouth during pregnancy!»Less common, hypersalivation or ptyalisme se translated by a stimulation of the salivary glands. Pregnant women affected by this phenomenon are forced to spit. A fairly unpleasant disorder that is usually accompanied by nausea and can last throughout pregnancy. Stress and anxiety can also promote hypersalivation.
Advice: there are no real treatments to fight against hypersalivation. However, homeopathy or acupuncture sessions can be offered to pregnant women. To note that foods containing starch tend to increase salivation. This is the case with bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, cereals … When you suffer from this disorder, the ideal is therefore to reduce its consumption.
Constipation during pregnancy
Very common, constipation can touch touch us from the start of their pregnancy. It sometimes lasts to term and some continues with breastfeeding. In question: progesterone which “puts to sleep” the muscles of the intestine. The latter therefore lose efficiency and transit is slowed down. Iron supplementation, often prescribed for pregnant women, does not help and on the contrary promotes constipation. Catastrophe!
Advice: the diet is very important to avoid constipation as much as possible. It is thus necessary eat a lot of fiber (fruits and vegetables…), to drink a lot of water (rich in magnesium like Hepar), and even during meals, because it helps to swell the fibers. On the other hand, avoid rice, carrots and tea. You can also give drugs that will draw water into the intestine and therefore make the stool less dry. A little tip often recommended by doctors: in the morning when getting out of bed, walking barefoot on the floor and drink a large glass of ice water.