Digestion: 8 essential tips for good digestion

Digestion: 8 essential tips for good digestion

Digestion: 8 essential tips for good digestion
Heaviness, bloating, stomach aches, acid reflux … Gastric disorders affect 25 to 40% of the population. The majority do not derive from serious disorders of the organism, but are nonetheless bothersome. Find out how to counter these daily worries through 5 essential tips.

Heaviness after digestion: limit fat

Fat stimulates gastro-colic bowel movements. When consumed in excess, digestive disturbances, such as stomach cramps or bloating, can occur. It is therefore preferable to reduce the consumption of these foods: it is estimated that calories from fat should not exceed 30% of total calories.

Foods to avoid : poultry skin, breaded fish, fatty cheese (20% fat and more), fries, crisps (chips), cold meats, pastries, fatty cuts of meat …

Foods to limit : fresh fish (frozen or canned), seafood, hard cheese, margarine, mayonnaise, butter, vegetable oil, vinaigrette, cookies, meats, …

Suggestion : Use non-stick pans as often as possible to avoid using too much fat when cooking.


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