Difficult temper or “intermittent temper disorder”?

Outbursts of aggression, verbal abuse, assault are characteristic reactions of a person suffering from irascibility. It would seem, “broke”, “freaked out”, who doesn’t happen to? But sometimes we are talking about an illness – a disorder of intermittent short temper. And it mostly affects men.

The hot-tempered character is a favorite comedy hero, his eccentric behavior gives the picture brightness and sharpness. But in everyday life, his behavior cannot be called comical. Living with such a person is like being on a volcano.

Attacks of rage and anger are unpredictable, and the consequences are sensitive and sometimes tragic. Such manifestations are attributed to people with a complex character, choleric temperament, but often a mental illness is hidden behind emotional imbalance – intermittent explosive disorder (IED).

Its characteristic feature is the inadequacy of the reaction to the slightest reason, whether it be criticism, ridicule, stress, difficulties in relationships. Anyone can lose their temper depending on the situation, but most of us are able to control our indignation at the same time.

In intermittent temper disorder, a person is unstoppable in his reaction, and his rampage always goes beyond the boundaries of reason and, moreover, is periodically repeated.

talk like a man

It is still not known exactly how many people suffer from intermittent temper disorder, but in most cases, up to 80%, it affects men, especially adolescents and young people. It is less common in adulthood.

Among the causes contributing to this disorder are psychological traumas received in childhood, parental alcoholism, and head injuries. Uncontrolled anger is often a defensive reaction to a possible threat from the narcissistic part of the self.

Which is quite understandable, given that men suffering from temper tantrums are characterized by a sense of helplessness, a sense of their own weakness, and low self-esteem.

There are also suggestions that in this disorder there are violations of the serotonin system.1. Its neurons regulate the processes of inhibition. With a deficiency of serotonin, as a result, resistance to internal, aggressive impulses weakens.

In a word, the psychological and biological causes of pathological irascibility complement each other. And this means that in most cases, patients with intermittent irritability need professional help.

Safety regulations

The difficulty for loved ones and others lies in the fact that during a fit of rage, a person suffering from this disorder is of little sane. To enter into an argument or confrontation with him is like adding fuel to the fire.

Attacks end as spontaneously as they begin. For some, they last a few minutes, for someone much longer, even hours. It is better to take care of your own safety and, if possible, make sure that the person does not harm himself.

In most cases, this harm is limited to fists smashed against furniture or a wall. But if piercing objects or weapons are used, calling the police will not be superfluous.

The patient himself understands that his irascibility is painful and beyond his control.

After an attack, a quick-tempered person, as a rule, begins to realize what has been done, feels guilty and feels sorry. (This is the difference between this disorder and antisocial conduct disorder: sociopaths do not know remorse.)

But restrain the desire to shame a person and take advantage of his psychological weakness – this is completely ineffective. The patient himself understands that his irascibility is painful and beyond his control.

By hurting him with this, you are more likely to cause resentment, which will sit inside until the next attack. If the relationship is dear to you, try to convince him to seek help. At the moment of realizing the problem, it is easier for a person to accept the argument that he needs help.

Of the psychological approaches, psychotherapy sessions aimed at recognizing and verbalizing thoughts or feelings that predispose to an emotional outburst can be effective.

However, psychotherapists admit that individual sessions are sometimes ineffective due to the anger and outbursts of rage of patients. Group psychotherapy and family therapy are more effective when a person can discuss his problem with those who are familiar with it and who are forced to face it.

Along with this, you can consider methods of pharmacological assistance, including drugs that increase serotonin levels, and mood stabilizers. In this matter, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

1 D. Seoet al. «Role of serotonin and dopamine system interactions in the neurobiology of impulsive aggression and its comorbidity with other clinical disorders», Aggression and Violent Behavior, 2008, № 13(5).

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