
To obey is to do what the significant person has asked or demanded.

Obedience and love languages

To obey, to do what a loved one asked you to do, to fulfill agreements — this is one of the languages ​​of love. When a person is ready to sacrifice something (his time or comfort), ready to give up his freedom and conveniences for the sake of the interests of another person, expressed in his requests and agreements with him, this speaks of love — if only because it implies trust in each other .

The wife says to her husband: “Please go and wash yourself!” — if the husband trusts the taste and mind of his wife, he will kiss his wife, go and wash himself. Loves. And he will start to object (“What? Everything is fine!”) — her opinion and requests are not important to him, love is not felt.

It’s late, my wife is sitting at the computer. The husband says: «Let’s go to sleep, it’s time!», And the wife replies: «Yes, yes, well, a little more!» — and does not obey, continues to work. Either she got up and went … Where does the husband feel the great love of his wife?

He says that he loves, and she asked me to change her coat when they go to visit together — he waved his hand. It is difficult to talk about the manifestation of love here.

She says that she loves, but she does not respond to his requests to squeeze the tube from the tail, and not from the throat, does not respond. There is a feeling that — does not love …

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Obedience, obedient child

The upbringing of obedience in children is one of the important (main) tasks of their upbringing. If the child does not obey the Elders, the Elders cannot fulfill their duties: to ensure the safety, socialization and development of the child. How do we get our kids to listen to us? See →

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