Different fillet – User question / dietician answer – Articles |

Chicken breast is a lean meat, one of the most purchased when it comes to chicken parts. It does not require long cooking or frying, so in these busy times, her career is not surprising. It is worth using it during the diet, but not in the form of a cutlet with breadcrumbs.

Instead of a bun

Breadcrumbs, in which we can find chicken breast on most tables, increases its caloric value (1 tablespoon of breadcrumbs is about 50 kcal). Breadcrumbs, or more and more often grated bread, are prepared with white bread. So it has low nutrient densitywhich means that with a large amount of calories, it has few nutrients. To make matters worse, it is most often found in ready-made, buyable breadcrumbs poor quality bread. However, it can be replaced with more valuable products, although not necessarily less caloric:

almond flakes or ground almonds – almonds are a good source of unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins. A tablespoon of grated or flaked almonds (10 g) has about 60 kcal.

sesame – like almonds, it is a good source of omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium. It also contains sesamol – an antioxidant, which, among others, prevents the fat contained in it from becoming rancid, and fights free radicals in our body. 1 tablespoon (10 g) is about 60 kcal.

ground nuts Italian – they have the best ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids of all nuts and seeds. They are also a source of calcium, magnesium and vitamin E. 1 tablespoon of nuts (10 g) is about 65 kcal.

bran – they are low in calories but rich in B vitamins, zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. 1 tablespoon of bran (4 g) is about 10 kcal.

cornflakes– it is a source of sodium, potassium and B vitamins. 1 tablespoon (5 g) is about 18 kcal.

Rye bread – is made from wholemeal flour. So it is rich in minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, but also vitamins from group B. 1 tablespoon of crushed wholemeal bread (10 g) is about 20 kcal.

Corn flakes are best crushed before coating the meats with them. In the case of wholemeal bread, it is best to cut the edges and grind them in a blender. It doesn’t have to be dry bread, it can be as fresh as possible. Such bread will not burn like dry bread crumbs.

Jumped up

If you want to save calories, you can bake or fry the breast bez panierki. Just break it gently, sprinkle with salt, pepper and your favorite herbs. Then the prepared meat can be fried on grill pan without adding fat or wrapped in foil or baking sleeve and bake in the oven. In the grill pan, the breast will be prepared much faster. A few minutes (about 5) on each side is enough for the meat to cook while remaining juicy inside.

In the stew

Another quick idea one pot dish with fillet in the lead role, it’s a combination of vegetables. Just dice the meat, sprinkle with salt, pepper, hot pepper and herbs, and then fry briefly with the onion and garlic. To this, add shredded vegetables, such as carrots, celery, parsley, kohlrabi, radish, turnips, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, etc. Water them from time to time. When the vegetables are soft, just season and sprinkle with parsley or dill on top. The advantage of such a dish is that it is easy to prepare a large portion of food with a small addition of meat. Thus, the meal becomes low in calories.

Poultry herbs

It is worth using the richness of herbs to bring out the flavor of the meat. The selection of spices also depends on the taste we want to achieve.

Polish note:

– pepper,

– herbal pepper,

– mustard,

– caraway seed,

– marjoram,

– Garlic,

– coriander,

– dill,

– bay leaf, allspice.

Mediterranean note:

– sweet pepper,

– Herbes de Provence,

– tarragon, thyme, savory, basil, oregano, mint.

Oriental note:

— curry,

– hot pepper, chilli,

– ginger, cardamom, turmeric,

— garam masala.

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