Different faces of dry skin. How to recognize and care for it?
Home Atopic skin care atopic dermatitis in children
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People who have dry skin are well aware of the fact that it requires special care, especially in the fall and winter season. Dry, warm air in the apartments and frost outside the window are not conducive to the good condition of the epidermis. So how to take care of the skin’s hydro-lipid layer, its in-depth hydration and a healthy appearance? The key to success is the selection of appropriate dermocosmetics and following a few rules of proper care.

What is dry skin characterized by?

Dry skin causes discomfort for many people. Such epidermis is extremely sensitive to irritation, it tends to be red and often peels off. In addition, it is clearly tense, dull and underneath it, blood vessels are visible. Due to too little sebum, dry skin ages much faster and mimic wrinkles appear earlier.

What causes dry skin? Among the factors responsible for it are, first of all:

  1. age (the older the skin is, the thinner it is and the more it requires hydration);
  2. health condition – long-term use of certain medications (e.g. blood pressure regulators), chronic diseases (including hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, diabetes), hormonal changes;
  3. improperly selected care (use of cosmetics not suited to the type of skin);
  4. staying in air-conditioned and heated rooms;
  5. atmospheric factors (drying sun, strong wind, frost);
  6. allergens (this is the case, first of all, with atopic dermatitis in children and infants);
  7. a diet low in vitamins C, B, A and E.

Dry skin – different faces in chronic diseases

Depending on the state of health, human skin can have different faces. This is often a signal of many chronic diseases. Diseases that may manifest as dry skin in their course include:

  1. diabetes – can cause a feeling of swelling, hard skin, which is more prone to bacterial and fungal infections;
  2. hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism – as a result of disturbances in the level of thyroid gland hormones, the biosynthesis processes of skin glucosaminoglycans, including hyaluronic acid, are often disturbed. As a consequence, in people with impaired thyroid functioning, not only the epidermis on the whole body, but also the hair, dries out;
  3. atopic dermatitis – dry skin is very often accompanied by atopy, which occurs both in infancy and in adults. Atopic dermatitis, or AD, causes troublesome itching and makes the epidermis hypersensitive to all external factors;
  4. psoriasis – red-brown papules appear in its course, which clearly distinguishes them from a healthy epidermis. Seeds can appear all over the body, often as a result of a recent infection;
  5. chronic renal failure – itching and dry skin vary in severity and location. They can appear even in the early stages of the disease and be a heavy burden for the patient.

Dry skin doesn’t like it

In the daily care of dry skin, the most important thing is … delicacy. Therefore, do not rub it with a towel, and after washing it is better to gently drain excess water from it by applying a clean cotton towel. A common mistake is to wash dry skin with regular soap. It disturbs the natural pH of the skin and violates its hydro-lipid layer. It’s also better to avoid chlorinated water. In the case of sensitive and dry skin, the use of peels that mechanically exfoliate dead skin should be limited to a minimum. Such a cosmetic is more conducive to the care of combination and oily skin.

How to moisturize dry skin?

Sensitive and dry skin can be moisturized both inside and out. Every day, you must not forget about a balanced diet rich in a complex of the most important vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids and fiber. It is equally important to drink a minimum of 2 liters of mineral water a day.

It is wise to do a food intolerance test, as some of the foods you eat may cause a sudden onset of skin lesions, such as a spotted rash or red spots. Allergy tests help eliminate such products from the diet.

The precise selection of cosmetics allows to significantly minimize the symptoms of dry skin, including sensitive skin, prone to atopy, itching and psoriasis. When shopping, it’s best to be guided primarily by their composition. A good solution is to use emollients that retain water in the epidermis, creating a protective barrier on its surface. It is no less important to use preparations free of fragrances, irritants, parabens and preservatives. A properly selected dermocosmetic for dry, sensitive and atopic skin should combine care properties with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antibacterial properties.

A valuable ingredient is, for example, I-modulia ®, which is included in the products of the XeraCalm AD range of the French brand Avène. It is a biotechnologically active substance isolated from the springs of the famous Avène thermal water. I-modulia ® stimulates the innate immunity of the skin and does not affect the natural microbiome. What’s more, the composition of XeraCalm AD includes cer-omega, which is a complex of ceramides that moisturize and rebuild the skin’s barrier function. Thermal water used in production soothes and soothes irritations. XeraCalm AD can be successfully used both in children (including infants) and adults. The effectiveness and safety of the dermocosmetic formula has been confirmed by clinical trials in a group of over 7000 people with dry and very dry skin prone to atopy and itching. After just five days of use, you can feel an increase in the comfort of dry skin and a lower frequency of itching.

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