It is difficult for an inexperienced layman to tell the difference between whiskey and cognac. At first glance, these two drinks are identical: they are the same color and strength. But everything is not so simple, then we will analyze all the differences between cognac and whiskey so that you can decide which drink is better. For greater clarity, the comparison will be carried out by grouping the factors that reveal the differences.
The two most popular spirits are cognac and whiskey. They are loved all over the world, and fans heatedly argue about the advantages or disadvantages. It is difficult for those who are inexperienced in the intricacies of cognac or whiskey to find the difference between them, but it is significant, from the choice of raw materials to the effect on the body.
1. Raw materials and production technology.
Cognac is made only from spirits of grape origin, followed by aging in oak barrels. The basis of whiskey are cereals (wheat, barley, rye, rice and corn), then it is also aged in oak barrels.
In general, cognac production technology is somewhat more complicated, since it requires a more careful selection of ingredients. With the same aging period, cognac is more expensive than whiskey. This rule may not work in the case of well-known brands. For example, you will have to pay more for Jack Daniels whiskey than for brandy from a lesser known manufacturer, although the aging time for both drinks will be the same.
According to the production technology, brandy refers to brandy – alcohol obtained by distillation of fruit juice. Whiskey does not fall into this group, it is a cereal distillate.
2. Region of production.
Cognac can only be called a drink produced in France. The state strictly controls the producers, so the quality of this cognac is always excellent.
Whiskey is considered the national spirit of the Irish and Scots, but is produced in many countries of the world, except for Ireland and Scotland, these are the USA, Canada and even Asian countries. There are no generally accepted global quality control standards, so the risk of buying low-quality whiskey is much higher than in the case of cognac.
3. Strength.
French legislation prohibits the sale of cognac if its strength is below 40%, the maximum concentration of alcohol is not limited, but in practice all cognacs contain 40-41% alcohol. The strength of whiskey is not regulated and depends on the manufacturer, in most cases it ranges from 40 to 50%, but you can also find varieties with a strength of 70% on sale.
4. Taste.
Most people choose cognac or whiskey, focusing on this indicator. But it is very difficult to compare the taste, as each person has his own preferences. The author of this material believes that cognac has a more subtle and rich taste. But each of these drinks has millions of connoisseurs around the world, so it’s impossible to call the taste of one of them the best in principle.

5. Harm to health.
The concentration of esters and fusel oils in whiskey is about twice as high as in cognac. With equal doses and the same quality, whiskey is considered more harmful. This also applies to a hangover, a good cognac is quickly excreted from the body, without causing severe headaches in the morning.
6. Difficulties of choice
Deciding which is better can only be based on personal preferences and experience. However, there are scientific research results that prove that good cognacs in small quantities can relieve headaches, have a tonic effect and improve digestion.