For a woman, male upbringing is senseless cruelty; for men, female upbringing is the upbringing of sluts.
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The difference in male and female psychology is obvious, the mechanisms of these differences and their boundaries are not obvious. Men and women have different values, their own entertainment, their own style of solving problems and different parenting styles. A boy and a girl, a man and a woman, are easy to distinguish from afar, and behind these differences are psychological differences.
Once, artist Nicole Hollander drew this little comic: two characters with frost-red ears stand outside on the coldest day of the year. One says: “Why do I need a hat, I don’t care about the cold.” Second: “I don’t wear a hat, it ruins my whole hairdo.” Which one is a boy and which one is a girl? Everyone knows the answer.
Male and female are two poles, between which we live with you, concrete people. Hardly any of the men embodies the completely Masculine, and which woman is only and completely Woman, each person combines both masculine and feminine qualities.
What is the nature of psychological differences between men and women? — On the one hand, boys and girls initially, in their genetics and biology, differ in interests, abilities and style. Differences between male and female are visible from early childhood: boys love to play cars and fight, girls play with dolls and talk to occurs in addition to the strength of social influences, it is “sewn in” biologically. On the other hand, male and female are not only biological gender, they are gender, social gender.
There are many studies that fix certain features of men and women in modern society, however, an unsystematic enumeration of certain features that are more characteristic of men or women does little to help understand the essential features of the masculine and feminine principles. Moving from a random enumeration of individual features to a conceptual description of the main differences between the Masculine and Feminine principles, we consider it possible to single out the following positions: a man is better oriented in the objective world, a woman is better in the world of relationships. For men, action is more important, he focuses on external objective indicators, for women, feelings are more important, they are their main guide. According to the style of influence, men are Siloviki, women are Dushki, men prefer explicit leadership, women prefer hidden.
Women usually want to marry not just a male being, but a real man. Similarly, men need not just a female doll, but a sweet and beautiful woman. To make this happen, caring parents raise boys as men and girls as women. On the other hand, it seems useful that women should not be locked into a narrow circle of «women’s affairs» and domestic duties, so that they can choose for themselves those activities that interest them and master them. Similarly, if men add to themselves those abilities and talents that women usually possess, this will also enrich them. At the same time, many difficult questions remain: how realistic is this and will men cease to be men after this, and women — women?
Masculine and feminine in practical psychology
There are two different points here: who works and with whom they work. “Who Works” is a conversation about the gender of a practical psychologist, a conversation about the male and female approach in practical psychology. “Who works with” is a conversation about the gender of the target audience, a conversation about the characteristics of male and female language and perception. See →
Video from Yana Shchastya: interview with professor of psychology N.I. Kozlov
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