Differences between influenza and SARS in adults
Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish ARVI from the flu. Fever, runny nose, chills – the symptoms are very similar. We found out from infectious disease expert Denis Usenko what other diseases are similar in symptoms to SARS and influenza, and in what cases it is necessary to see a doctor

What is flu

Influenza is an acute respiratory viral disease that is caused by influenza viruses and primarily affects the upper respiratory tract. Because of its high contagiousness, influenza can cause outbreaks, epidemics, and even pandemics.

Unlike other respiratory infections, influenza often occurs in a severe form with the development of complications: pneumonia, sinusitis, damage to the cardiovascular system and kidneys. It is with these complications that a large number of deaths are associated, both during the illness and after it.1.

What is SARS

SARS is a common name for a group of acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs. Unlike influenza, which is caused only by influenza viruses, ARVI has more than 200 pathogens: adenoviruses, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, etc. ARVI can be caused by one of them or several at the same time.

It is believed that ARVI is a common cold, which is often mild, but this is a delusion. Many respiratory viruses in patients with concomitant diseases of the heart, endocrine and nervous system, malformations, immunodeficiency states, overweight, as well as in the elderly and children, can be quite severe and require hospitalization2.

What is the difference between influenza and SARS in adults

The main difference is that ARVI develops smoothly, the patient’s condition worsens within one to two days. And with the flu, the temperature usually jumps sharply, and the disease develops rapidly.

Onset of diseaseGradualSharp, perceptible
TemperatureIncreases gradually, rarely rises to 38,5 CRapid rise to 39-40 C and above. Lasts 3-4 days
Runny noseYes, and very plentiful.Usually not, often only mild congestion
A sore throatAlmost always presentPain is not always, congestion in the nasopharynx predominates
Chest discomfortDry cough, manifested from the very beginning of the diseaseExcruciating cough, occurs on the second day of the disease, chest pain.
WeaknessYes, after the illness passes quicklyFatigue, weakness, insomnia persist for 2-3 weeks after the illness.
Eye rednessRarelyOften
Symptoms of intoxicationThe general condition, as a rule, does not sufferChills, profuse sweating, headache, body aches appear sharply

Other diseases with symptoms like flu and SARS

Symptoms similar to influenza and SARS can occur with lesions of the respiratory and oropharyngeal organs caused by bacteria: pneumonia, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, etc. Often, an enterovirus infection caused by intestinal viruses also begins with symptoms of damage to the oropharynx. Therefore, to diagnose these diseases, if they are severe enough, it is often necessary to use additional laboratory tests.3.

IMPORTANT. Adults and children can get a flu shot, which, if not one hundred percent prevent the disease, will greatly facilitate its course and reduce the risk of complications after the disease. Yes, the flu is evolving all the time, but the number of its strains is limited, and scientists are constantly monitoring their mutation. This allows updating existing vaccines every year, adapting them to the types of influenza that will run.

Popular questions and answers

Answers to popular questions related to influenza and SARS Doctor of Medical Sciences, Executive Director of the National Scientific Society of Infectious Diseases Denis Usenko.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

– You should consult a doctor if:


• body temperature not less than 40˚С;

• fever persists for more than 3 days or does not decrease well when taking antipyretics;

• there was difficulty in breathing (shortness of breath), severe pain in the chest when breathing, coughing;

• loss of consciousness;

• convulsions;

• rash on the body in the form of small purple dots;

• vomiting and/or diarrhea does not stop;

• no improvement after 5-7 days of treatment.

Can influenza and SARS be asymptomatic?

– Most experts today talk about the possibility of respiratory infections (less often – influenza) without obvious clinical symptoms. Such patients can be a source of infection for others.

What is the difference between influenza and parainfluenza?

– Unlike influenza, parainfluenza rarely causes severe intoxication and serious complications. Mostly young children are ill, in whom the disease occurs with hoarseness of voice (laryngitis) and cough (laryngotracheitis). At the same time, in young children, the development of a false croup with difficulty breathing, crying, anxiety, and in adults – pneumonia is possible. But in most cases, the disease proceeds without complications and ends with recovery after 7-9 days.

What is the treatment for influenza and SARS?

– Treatment should be individualized, taking into account the patient’s age, symptoms and individual characteristics (for example, intolerance to any drugs).

For responsible self-treatment of ARVI and influenza, antipyretic drugs (paracetamol, ibuprofen), drugs for the treatment of sore throats and local antiseptics (Lizobact), vasoconstrictor and isotonic nasal drops (Xylometazoline, Quix), cough medications are used. Each type of cough (dry, wet, with viscous sputum, spastic, etc.) requires the attention of a doctor.

In what cases are antibiotics used in the treatment of influenza and SARS?

These diseases are not treated with antibiotics. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed by a doctor when bacterial complications appear.

The main role in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections is assigned to symptomatic therapy, which should be aimed at reducing fever, sore throat, and cough.

What to do if a stuffy nose makes breathing difficult?

– To restore nasal breathing, irrigation and washing of the nasal passages using isotonic solutions are used. If the mucosa is edematous, hypertonic sprays are used. If necessary, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used. But they should be prescribed in a short course – no more than 5 days.


  1. Influenza: history, clinic, pathogenesis. Shchelkanov M.Yu., Kolobukhina L.V., Lvov D.K. Attending doctor. 2011. https://www.lvrach.ru/2011/10/15435275
  2. Sukhanov, Alexander Proper treatment of colds and flu as prevention of incurable diseases – M .: Peter, 2015. https://e-libra.ru/read/418358-pravil-noe-lechenie-prostudy-i-grippa-kak-profilaktika- neizlechimyh-zabolevaniy.html
  3. Yatsyshina S.B., Shipulin G.A. Improving the laboratory diagnosis of influenza and acute respiratory infections. Influenza and influenza-like infections (including especially dangerous forms of influenza infection). Fundamental and applied aspects of the study. 2008. https://www.cmd-online.ru/vracham/seminary-i-conferentsii/documents/sem-08-02-18/7.pdf

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