Diets That Don’t Help

What people just do not go to get rid of excess weight! Goji berries, green coffee, chocolate, wine, pills, needles, belts, diet according to the gene code, according to the iris – newfangled ways to lose weight are becoming more day by day. Natalia Gorbenko, a nutritionist in Samara, Candidate of Medical Sciences, told all about the new diets.

Goji berries

It is abroad they are goji, in Russia – the fruits of the wolfberry, a woody plant from the nightshade family, among the people – wolf berries, – says nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences Natalya Gorbenko. – Recently, the fruits were recorded in the “miracle berries”. They contain vitamins, minerals, fiber. But our body is designed in such a way that it must receive proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Berries do not give it. People are always looking for a magic pill to lose weight. But there is no such thing. It is a myth. You cannot lose weight by eating a wolfberry – and it will remain so forever. To lose weight, you need to work hard. Weight will go away if proteins, fats and carbohydrates are properly balanced.

Chocolate Diet

– A huge amount of carbohydrates! Many believe that chocolate, which contains the “joy hormone”, can “suppress” appetite and thus reduce weight. This is wrong. With any diet, there can be a short-term result: you will with great difficulty get rid of one or two kilograms, but as soon as you complete it, the kilograms will return, and in larger quantities.


The plate is attached to the tongue and makes the process of chewing solid food unbearably painful.

– There are no “exotic” ways! Like everyone else, manipulations with the plate are aimed at not wanting to eat, chew. Food aversion is hunger, which we know is not good for you. Everything that you eat when you are hungry burns out, everything that you eat on a full stomach, “according to appetite” – goes into fats. You are hungry, you come home, and you start to eat, eat a lot, and you feel like you want more. Not because you were not full, but because you quickly consumed food and the signal from the stomach did not go to the center of “hunger-satiety”, there was no switching. So the stomach can be stretched to a bucket. Or you can – up to the size of a tennis ball. To keep your stomach normal, eat often and in small meals – no more than 300 grams. It will shrink in a week. And then, no matter how hungry you are, the feeling of satiety will quickly come. Control yourself.

Thai pills

– They contain specific substances similar to illegal drugs that block the center of hunger. The person becomes energetic, joyful and does not think about food. That is, by and large, this is the same as fasting. And starvation is unacceptable! You can’t starve. The stomach is designed so that it must always digest something. If it is empty, then it begins to digest itself, its mucous membrane. With this method, excess weight goes away, because there are no nutrients, but the kidneys and liver suffer from this.


– There are no magic pills and capsules. All of them are designed to be “withdrawn”. But liquid stool removes both harmful and useful substances from the body. You seem to have lost weight, but, having returned to your normal lifestyle, you gain weight again.

Alcohol diet

– Wine cannot replace food. Alcohol gives a feeling of euphoria. It is high in calories. A glass of vodka is equivalent to breakfast. Alcoholics drink, but hardly eat, but at the same time they have problems with the liver, pancreas, stomach.

Miracle belts

– Belts are just additional means to lose weight. They work if you eat well and exercise yourself physically.

As doctors say, it is necessary to start from the head. Stop prescribing diets and exhausting your body with them. If you really do decide to change yourself, stop starving and experimenting. Do you want to lose weight? Then there is less sweet, fatty and “intoxicating”.

Nutritionists believe that most of the ways to lose weight have nothing to do with nutrition. It’s all about psychology. When a dietitian develops a nutritional program, he does it based on the patient’s personal characteristics, taking into account his health status, heredity, and lifestyle.

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