Hair is our feminine calling card. Men also like to take care of them, as they have to deal with e.g. baldness much more often. When taking care of your hair, it is enough to know at least a few supplements, vitamins or micro- and macroelements that affect the condition of the hair perfectly. Knowledge of these naturally occurring particles in many products, vegetables or fruits will allow you to properly care for your hair in any situation. Hair and nails need our help to grow properly and healthily!
Supplements from the pharmacy:
In the pharmacy you will find a lot of special drugs, as well as simply supplements that have a great effect on the condition of the hair and the condition of the scalp, preventing, for example, the appearance of dandruff. These include, among others, products such as:
- Special shampoos that strengthen hair, prevent split ends or have anti-pruritic properties
- Products for the care of hair and scalp with dandruff. From olives, through conditioners, to the simplest shampoos
- Dietary supplements, which include field horsetail, nettle or fucus. They are designed to strengthen the hair, but also nails and skin of our body
- Dietary supplements containing biotin, niacin and pantothenic acid. Their task is also to increase the volume of the hair, care for it and proper care. Designed for brittle and weak hair
- Tablets containing selenium, zinc or silicon, which also properly nourish the hair, give it shine and strengthen it like no other substances. Supplements of this type also prevent splitting of nails
- Supplements and cosmetics containing algae extract, which is gaining more and more popularity in pharmacy, may also be helpful. Care of damaged hair is more effective with this specificity
Taking care of your own diet
Supplements, medicines and cosmetics that we can buy in every pharmacy are one thing, and the other is taking care of our own diet, which also brings a lot of beneficial nutritional values to the body. What should you pay attention to when preparing meals? For example, how to prepare them. We lose more by frying food than by cooking it. Steaming is best, and some of the products can be eaten without much preparation.
It is worth choosing among vegetables, fruits and products that contain a lot of vitamins, such as B vitamins (especially B1, B2, B6 and B12). Vitamins C and E as well as vitamin A are also important for proper hair growth. Zinc, copper, iron, silicon and selenium are important for hair growth. Even when choosing ready-made products, it is always worth checking the composition of the substances listed above and choosing those that contain the most of them.