Diet without salt and sugar: video

Diet without salt and sugar: video

Salt-free and refined sugar-free food systems are becoming more popular and effective. However, with apparent simplicity, the rejection of these products means a serious restructuring not only of the diet, but sometimes of many life habits.

Diet without salt and sugar

Is it possible to lose weight by eliminating only two products from the diet – sugar and salt? Of course, yes, because as a result, a huge number of harmful and unnecessary dishes will disappear from your menu: sweets, pastries, pickles, smoked meats, canned food. It is these foods that can lead to obesity, cellulite, diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Avoiding refined sugar can, without exaggeration, give you a few extra years of healthy life, boost immunity and insure against many diseases. Salt in minimal quantities, of course, is useful, but in everyday life, the average person consumes it many times more than the norm, without even noticing it. Salt retains fluid in the body, is deposited in internal organs and joints, and can intensify the course of some ailments, such as hypertension.

Typically, it takes at least three weeks to develop a certain habit. Try to hold out for this period and after that the once familiar dishes will seem terribly salty, sugary and unpleasant to you.

Healthy Sugar and Salt Alternative

You will probably be surprised to learn how many ways there are to easily do without salt and sugar, not only in your diet, but in general throughout your life. The main thing is to want it and be ready to completely change your eating habits. With salt, everything is simple: you just need to overcome yourself and get used to it.

To make it easier to quit salt and sugar, don’t do it abruptly. Reduce the content of these foods in the menu gradually so that the body has time to get used to

The secret to help you give up salt is seasonings. Discover the world of aromatic and aromatic herbs, roots, spices. Of course, you will have to give up most of the promoted and well-known brands, since the vast majority of store-bought seasonings contain a lot of salt. Shop at eco-food stores, order online or prepare yourself. After a while, you will begin to feel the taste of familiar dishes in a new way, and the need for salt and enhancers will disappear by itself. With sugar, there are many more variations and ways.

There are hundreds of recipes online to help you remove refined sugar from your diet and replace it with alternative and even tastier options:

  • organic homemade desserts made from dried fruits, nuts and cocoa that taste much better than regular chocolates
  • sweets with natural substitutes such as stevia
  • natural smoothies, lemonades and sherbets that will make you forget about ice cream and sugary drinks

Possible problems and errors

One of the biggest mistakes in avoiding sugar is using sweeteners or fructose. Remember that in this case, you make the body even worse, while consuming no less calories.

Your goal is to give up the sugar habit altogether and not start eating even more harmful foods.

Snacking outside of the home is a major problem. Of course, you can carry food with you to work or school. But what if you find yourself in an ordinary cafe with friends? It is extremely difficult to find dishes cooked without salt in catering establishments. Try to choose places where food is not prepared in advance. Then you always have a chance to order food on your own and ask the waiter not to salt it. Be prepared that meat or fish dishes are usually marinated or half cooked in advance, and in most cases are already salted. Give preference to vegetable and fruit salads, fresh juices, coffee and tea.

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