Diet to speed up metabolism

Metabolism is called metabolism, which is responsible for the “processing” of nutrients that have entered the body. It also controls the withdrawal of waste residues of digested food without trace elements, vitamins, minerals. By converting calories into energy, a person gains strength.

On how quickly the body manages to cope with the processing of incoming food, its shape directly depends. Initially, people believed that the metabolism depends solely on heredity. But over time, researchers have proven otherwise. Only 10% depends on the predisposition at the gene level. All remaining percentages are connected only with the lifestyle of a particular person.

But not everyone is satisfied with the way their bodies cope with the responsibilities assigned to it. Hence the explicable desire to help him work in the right direction with the help of a correctly chosen diet. Because of this, the diet to speed up metabolism in recent years has evolved from a method of losing weight in a way of life.

Important Factors

Before you start planning nutrition according to medical recommendations, you should understand the aspects that affect the current metabolic rate.

The most important point is the physiological features. It’s not just age and gender. This includes weight, which may exceed the allowable limits due to some deviations, or due to their own uncontrolled laziness.

An important nuance is the current lifestyle, which implies the presence of bad habits, lack of physical activity, disruption of biological clocks. If you add to this unimportant physical, mental health, undermined by chronic diseases, stress, terrible ecology, the picture will be depressing.

Even healthy-looking people often need a corrective diet program that works to launch the processes necessary for normal functioning. What can we say about suffering from physical inactivity, obesity, chronic depression and lack of incentive to enjoy what is happening around.

Modern science has identified three basic types of shapes, which are directly dependent on how quickly the body is ready to process the incoming nutrients.

The first option is called ectomorphic. It is represented by thin patients who suffer from the inability to gain the optimal level of muscle, fat mass. Such people have almost reactive digestibility. Despite the public opinion that ectomorphs are lucky, from a medical point of view, they are no better than endomorphs.

The latter are distinguished by a rounded physique. It is easy for them to gain not only muscle, but also fat. Because of this, they are constantly struggling with excess weight, which is extremely reluctant to leave due to a slow metabolism.

Mesomorphs are considered the real lucky ones. It is problematic for them to accumulate fat, but muscle mass is gained simply by magic. For such lucky ones, everything is fine with the digestion and distribution of useful elements. But in ordinary life, mesomorphs are becoming more and more problematic to find.

Products for new life

Starting to work on yourself is to revise food habits. The refrigerator should break from a variety of products from the “white list”, which provides:

  • whole grain cereals;
  • high calcium foods;
  • various natural spices, including hot peppers;
  • cabbage;
  • green tea;
  • apples, pears;
  • Omega-3 in any form;
  • purified water.

Those who have previously favored pasta, potatoes and white rice will have to reconsider the bad habit. It is better to replace them with more healthy oatmeal, brown rice, buckwheat. They are high in complex carbohydrates, which are responsible for energy production. At the same time, losing weight will not face the problems of sudden spikes in insulin, which contributes to the preservation of fat in the body.

Every year, scientific staff prove the truth that calcium has a positive effect on the process of losing weight, provoking the acceleration of the processing of incoming food. But with the surplus other problems are possible, because of which it is important to fit into the maximum permissible limits 1200-1300 mg.

Cocoa beans, which are welcome as part of natural coffee, deserve special attention. Although some nutrition systems exclude it completely, nutritionists do not deny its positive effect on accelerating metabolism. Spices work according to an identical algorithm, which must be natural. No chemical seasonings like “chicken cubes” and other representatives of the food industry with emulsifiers, dyes, flavor enhancers are not relevant.

Giving up soups that do a good job of satisfying hunger by blocking attempts to snack on unhealthy snacks and other “culinary junk” is not a good idea if you want to start eating right.

It is also useful to lean on cabbage, which is rich in vitamins A, K, C.

If you add to this antioxidants, fiber, folic acid, then the usual vegetable turns into an almost bottomless energy store.

Of the gifts of nature, citrus fruits, literally gushing with vitamin C, as opposed to a fall in immunity, are noted separately. According to the season, it is recommended to eat apples with pears. But to drink all the best unsweetened green tea, or pure water without additives.

Tips for beginners

One of the most popular methods based on stimulating the body to start processing incoming food at full speed is the method of Hayley Pomeroy. When creating the author’s methodology, compiled on the basis of medical reports and the results of scientific research, the expert brought three important tips to beginners in the first place:

  1. Rejection of rigor. There are no serious restrictions on all fronts, including the rejection of a total ban on the usual delicacies.
  2. Strengthened physical activity, so that fats easily turned into a beautiful relief.
  3. Mood. Without a positive look at future changes in the menu is not enough. It is even forbidden to make a moral headwash if the person who wants to slim doesn’t keep from absorbing the cake. Otherwise, the body will remember the feeling of self-blame, stalled when receiving the desired results.

It is even better if relatives begin to support a person who has embarked on the path of correction, and does not begin to tease him.

Four stages

Diet, accelerating metabolism stuck in an unfavorable position, provides for almost a month. Moreover, each week still has its own gradual separation. The first segment received three stages:

  • two-day removal of negative emotions and work on the restoration of the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • muscle building for two days;
  • stimulation of heat exchange with cardiac activity in the remaining days.

The first phase requires breaking all meals into five visits, where two of them are snacks (lunch, afternoon tea). Emphasis is on cereals, and snacking is allowed only fruit.

The second segment excludes the use of fruits, cereals, replacing them with meat, fish, vegetables. But the breakdown by the number of meals is kept identical.

The final step relies on the same algorithm for splitting meals, but the diet is based on:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • legumes;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • seafood;
  • salads;
  • cereals.

The dressing is vegetable oil.

Successfully coping with the obstacles of the first week, you can safely move on to the second, where attention is focused not only on stress relief. A person must get rid of fear, excuses a sense of guilt. Since Mrs. Pomroy pays great attention to the psychological side of acquiring the desired forms, one cannot do without spiritual development.

The third week also becomes a great time to think about your own appearance. Against this background, one should not forget about five meals a day without snacks. There should be a maximum of four hours. And breakfast must have time to absorb half an hour after waking up. All the time you need to maintain an optimal water balance.

The final week will please the active splitting accumulated over the years of fat, as evidenced by the active phase of weight loss. If the patient notices positive changes, then Hayley Pomroy advises to stick to her technique for the rest of her life in order to maintain her physical, emotional state at the proper level.

With long-term use of the method, generally accepted truths are taken as a basis:

  • products of natural origin are in priority;
  • eat half an hour before the planned workout;
  • after waking up immediately you need to do breakfast, without delay cooking;
  • homemade food cooked by yourself is a guarantee of health;
  • say goodbye to alcohol, corn, soy, sugar, salt;
  • support beginning to change the body of vitamin supplements.

If you stick to the above and do not be discouraged, the positive developments will show themselves in all their glory very soon.

Original recipes

Following the Pomeroy scheme, which normalizes metabolism, efficiency can only be achieved with strict compliance with the recommended menu. An approximate table for the day looks like this:

  1. Breakfast. Fruit smoothie with oatmeal. For dessert, prepared toast with strawberries.
  2. Dinner. Tuna salad is the perfect solution. Cabbage or chicken soup is complemented by a turkey sandwich.
  3. Dinner. Boiled chicken with broccoli.
  4. Snacks include a watermelon smoothie, if you can’t eat a whole slice, or grapefruits.

The pillar of the diet program is a fat-burning smoothie, the secret of which lies in a simple recipe. You need to stock up on half a regular cup of mango pulp, then mix it with the same amount of water and ice. By adding mint and the juice of half a lemon, you get an excellent combination that fights excess weight.

It’s no harder to make tuna salad. You need to take 140 g of the main ingredient, chop and mix with pre-chopped apples, cucumber, carrots, red onions. Lemon juice as a dressing and spinach for taste will complement the picture well.

Many adherents of the technique transform it from a monthly diet into a permanent regimen. But here it is worth preparing for the fact that this will result in a significant load on the wallet. If you add to this the need to enroll in a gym or classes in power aerobics, then the costs just go up. But efficiency will be proportional to the invested costs.

But in order to determine the appropriateness of the method for yourself, it is better to try it out first, starting with a four-week schedule.

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