Diet to lower cholesterol

Disturbances in cholesterol management are a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases. It is important to know what role the diet plays in this process. Properly selected, it can be very helpful in the fight against too high cholesterol.

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1/ 10 Confectionery fats

Limitation or elimination from the diet should also apply to hard margarines, confectionery fats and fats used for baking in the food industry. They are the source of unfavorable forms of fatty acids (trans isomers).

2/ 10 Saturated fatty acids

Eating foods high in saturated fatty acids (SFA) should be limited or even eliminated from the diet. Such products include: fatty meat, fatty poultry, lard, milk and dairy products containing more than 1% fat, coffee whiteners and fatty sauces. Only about 7% of the energy in the diet should come from EFAs.

3/ 10 Some fruits

It is also worth limiting the amount of fruit consumed, which contain a lot of simple sugars and disaccharides, including bananas, grapes and dried fruit.

4/ 10 Animal fats

In meals, the amount of animal fats should be limited, i.e. fatty cold meats, meats, bacon, lard. When buying products, make sure they are lean.

5/10 Simple and double sugars

You should also control the consumption of products that contain a lot of simple sugars and disaccharides. These include: sugar, honey, jams, sweets, sweet drinks.

6/10 Alcohol

When taking care of a cholesterol-lowering diet, it is also worth remembering to limit the amount of alcohol consumed.

7/ 10 Antioxidants

The diet also includes products that are a source of antioxidants, such as vitamin E (found in almonds, walnuts and peanuts, wheat germ and wholegrain flour), vitamin C and beta-carotene. This group also includes: vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits.

8/ 10 Unsaturated fatty acids

However, it is recommended to eat products that are a source of monounsaturated fatty acids (JKT) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) from the omega 3 family. Products rich in JKT include: olive oil and rapeseed oil, they can be eaten raw and used for frying . Raw materials are also recommended: soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, grape seed oil and soft margarines. The amount of energy from JKT should not exceed 20%. The source of PUFA are oily sea fish, e.g. salmon, sardine, mackerel, herring, tuna, hake, stream trout. The amount of energy derived from these fatty acids should not exceed 10%.

9/10 Sterols and stanols

It is also worth taking care of products containing sterols and stanols, e.g. yoghurts or margarines. The consumption of these substances in the amount of 2-3g a day reduces cholesterol levels by 9-16%.

10/ 10 Vegetables

It is also recommended to take care of fiber-rich products, which include vegetables and fruits (their consumption should be between 0,5 and 1 kg / day), as well as legume seeds, oatmeal and barley. The daily fiber intake recommendation is 20-30 g.

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