Diet three days: video

Diet three days: video

In an attempt to get rid of the hated kilograms, those who are losing weight are ready to make many sacrifices and believe everything that express diets promise, but in fact, not all promises are real. Therefore, before you find your diet, you should think about whether it is really possible in just three days to dump all that has been eaten over many months.

These are nutritional methods with strict restrictions on the volume of portions and calorie content of food, often monocomponent, according to which a weight loss of at least 3 kilograms is promised in just three days. The content of such diets may be different, some suggest drinking only kefir, others eat vegetable or, conversely, meat food, but one thing unites the diets: weight loss is achieved by placing the body in a situation where it is forced to process internal reserves to replenish its resources.

Any such diet is stressful, so it is much more beneficial to lose weight more slowly, but it is safer.

Is it possible to lose weight on express diets in three days

Yes, such weight loss is quite real and reviews on diets only confirm this, but it is achieved by no means due to the breakdown of fats. At best, the lost kilograms are the liquid retained in the tissues, and the results of the body’s vital activity remaining in the intestines. That is, the weight becomes less, but the volumes either do not decrease or decrease slightly.

Such diets are good only as a preparation for a significant event, when you need to freely zip a skirt or dress. They are ineffective as a remedy for shedding many pounds.

In the course of losing weight, fats are broken down.

In fact, even if the numbers on the scales do not decrease due to liquid or waste, the body processes protein mass, that is, muscles, because to break down fats, you need more active energy consumption than just hunger for several days. So the effectiveness and feasibility of such weight loss is highly questionable.

The results achieved are durable.

Alas, as soon as a person returns to the previous diet, those lost kilograms immediately come to him. Sometimes, to regain lost weight, it is enough just to drink a couple of cups of tea at night, which confirms the fact that it is best to focus on volumes, and not on the kilograms themselves.

Express diets are more effective than long-term diets.

There is no doubt that these nutrition schemes allow you to see the desired decrease in numbers on the scales in just three days, but such effectiveness is only temporary, while those diets that do not promise mind-blowing results in a day allow you to lose weight completely and not worry about the pounds that have gone away. the next day.

It is also interesting to read: fasting day on kefir.

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