Diet table number 5
Diet table number 5 is recommended for the nutrition of both people with diseases of the liver and gallbladder, and for general recovery. According to nutritionists, it also gives the effect of gentle, smooth weight loss, bringing sustainable results. Menu for the week will help you start eating right

What is possible with a diet table number 5

All dishes with this diet are steamed, boiled, stewed and served only warm. Sometimes it is allowed to bake a dish, but without a greasy crust. Be sure to drink a lot and eat fractionally: in small portions 5-6 times a day.

  • For the first, mashed vegetable, dairy and cereal soups without meat are allowed. As a main dish, various lean meats and fish, chopped into small pieces, minced meat, soufflé, which are steamed or boiled. Oils only as dressings for dishes.
  • You can eat dairy and sour-milk products with low fat content. Casseroles are made from cottage cheese. Eggs are limited, cooked soft-boiled or included in omelettes, no more than one yolk can be eaten per day.
  • Bread must not be consumed fresh, but yesterday’s, no more than twice a week you can bake pastries without oil and fat. Crackers, biscuits, dry biscuits are allowed. From cereals are recommended: buckwheat, oats, semolina, rice. As complex carbohydrates, durum wheat pasta can be used.
  • Vegetables are also boiled and baked, and eaten fresh. Especially isolated are peas, carrots, beets, pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes and cauliflower, cucumbers. Fruits can be eaten non-acidic: apples, bananas, pears. Greens and spices are limited.
  • Jelly, casseroles, puddings, dried fruits, honey are allowed for dessert. Limited allowed: marshmallow, jam, marmalade. Herbal teas, weak coffee with milk, weak tea, juices, jelly and compotes are suitable as drinks.

What is impossible with a diet table number 5

  • In dietary nutrition, spicy, fried, smoked foods are completely excluded, sour and salt are limited. You can not eat all the sauces: ketchup, mayonnaise, spicy seasonings.
  • Soda, alcohol, cocoa and black coffee are prohibited. Dishes should not be too hot or cold.
  • You can not cook soups on meat, fish and mushroom broths. Prohibited fatty meat and fish, offal, canned food, lard.
  • All fatty dairy products are excluded. Corn, barley and wheat porridge are not recommended. Fresh bread and pancakes, pancakes, products with cream are not allowed.
  • Chocolate and ice cream will have to be avoided, as well as sour fruits like cranberries or citrus fruits.
  • Mushrooms, garlic, radishes, green onions are excluded, greens are limited.

Weekly menu for diet table number 5

Day 1

Breakfast: steamed omelette with hard cheese, coffee with milk

Lunch: baked apple, you can add a little honey

Lunch: vegetable soup, low-fat meatloaf fruit compote

Snack: croutons (no fillers), rosehip drink

Dinner: buckwheat porridge, steamed turkey cutlets, tea

Before bedtime: kefir

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Day 2

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, oatmeal with milk and water, tea

Lunch: a handful of dried fruits, an apple

Dinner: beetroot, boiled chicken with white sauce, boiled rice, dried fruit compote

half dayto: apple jelly

Dinner: buckwheat krupenik, berry compote

Before bedtime: kefir

Krupenika recipe

  1. Boil 200 g of buckwheat in a large amount of water.
  2. Wipe 200 g of cottage cheese, add a tablespoon of sugar, 100 ml of milk and one egg.
  3. Combine porridge and curd mass.
  4. Bake under foil until done.

Day 3

Breakfast: steamed carrot pancakes, coffee with milk

Lunch: dry biscuits, dried fruit compote

Dinner: pearl barley soup, baked vegetables, fish meatballs, compote

Afternoon snack: fruit jelly

Dinner: steamed chicken dumplings, boiled cauliflower, herbal tea

Before bedtime: low fat yogurt

Day 4

Breakfast: milk rice porridge, tea

Lunch: dry biscuit, fruit compote

Lunch: vermicelli soup, boiled chicken, vegetable puree, tea

Afternoon snack: tea with biscuits

Dinner: steamed cabbage rolls, herbal tea

Before bedtime: banana

Day 5

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, tea

Lunch: wheat toast with grated cottage cheese

Dinner: vegetable puree soup, beef stew, tea

Snack: lazy dumplings, compote

Dinner: soup with milk vermicelli, biscuit, tea

Before bedtime: acidophilus

Day 6

Breakfast: protein omelette with boiled green beans, tea

Lunch: grated carrot salad with dried apricots

Lunch: cereal soup, steamed fish cakes, steamed vegetables, compote, biscuits

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese, baked apples

Dinner: meat soufflé, rye bread toast, chamomile tea

Before bedtime: kefir

The recipe is smooth

  1. Pass 200 g of boiled beef twice through a meat grinder, mix with one yolk.
  2. Pour 100 ml of milk into the minced meat and mix.
  3. Beat the protein into foam, mix with the minced meat.
  4. Prepare for a couple.

Day 7

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with banana and honey, coffee with milk

Lunch: borscht, stewed fish with vegetables, bread, tea

Snack: milk pudding

Dinner: boiled veal tongue, rice, herbal tea

Before bedtime: fat-free kefir

*This is an exemplary menu in which you can make your own changes, come up with your own recipes. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules: eat fractionally, eat dishes only from permitted products.

The benefits and disadvantages of diet table number 5

Table No. 5 is a therapeutic diet developed by the founder of diet therapy, Pevzner. Diet creates favorable conditions for the restoration of the body and helps to avoid exacerbations of diseases. Usually diet table number 5 is prescribed for cholecystitis, hepatitis and cholelithiasis.

The diet is long and can be applied for several months and even years. It is the basis of proper and rational nutrition, useful for every person.

As a rule, those who adhere to this diet for a long time note its positive effect on well-being, but pay attention to some disadvantages. For example, that dishes from the menu of table No. 5 have to be prepared separately for themselves, since not all family members are willing to voluntarily switch to steamed-boiled and rather bland food. For the same reason, sometimes there is nothing to eat at a party or in a restaurant.

The results

The most important result that is achieved with this diet is the restoration of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the improvement of well-being. But in addition to the therapeutic effect, this diet can be the most gentle way to lose weight, as it is balanced in terms of the ratio of substances and does not cause stress in the body. Extra pounds go away rather slowly, but the general condition of the body improves and then the weight does not return, as happens with extreme weight loss.

It is important that a person who eats strictly within the framework of table number 5 loses weight without starving. For every month with such a diet, from 3 to 6 kilograms go away.

But since this diet is still primarily therapeutic, you should not prescribe it to yourself, without consulting a doctor, just for the sake of losing weight. The fact is that “Table No. 5” obliges to reduce fat intake. With problems in the work of the biliary system, this is what you need. But in general, fats are necessary for our body, because. they perform many important functions. Their consumption can be reduced to a reasonable limit, but not eliminated completely.

For weight loss, not only diet is important, but an integrated approach. Nutritionists warn that excessive and unreasonable food restrictions can provoke an eating disorder. And against the background of a low-calorie diet (less than 800 kcal per day), the risk of gallstones also increases.

Dietitian Reviews

– This is the most sparing and healthy diet. Of the advantages, one can note the ease of digestion of food, a menu balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates. However, table number 5 can scare off lovers of delicious and a lot of food. Diet meals can seem insipid, tasteless and boring, says Dilara Akhmetova, consultant nutritionist, nutrition coach.

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