Diet table number 4

Diet number 4 in cars

The therapeutic nutrition system table number four is prescribed for enterocolitis and chronic colitis in the acute stage, for acute gastroenterocolitis in the initial stage of the disease, for typhoid fever and dysentery. While following this diet, carbohydrates and fats are limited, and protein intake is maintained at the same level. The amount of salt in the diet is reduced, the intake of chemical and mechanical stimuli of the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract and mucous membrane is sharply reduced.

Excluded are dishes and foods that enhance the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines, as well as strong stimulants of bile secretion and substances that irritate the liver. The goal of the diet table number four is to reduce inflammation, normalize the functions of the intestines and other digestive organs, and ensure the full absorption of nutrients. All dishes in this diet are steamed or boiled and rubbed. 5-6 meals a day are provided (fractional nutrition).

Diet number 4 for colitis: what is possible, what is not?

Products recommended for diet table number 4:

Diet table number 4

  • Stale white bread.

  • Lean varieties of poultry, veal, beef in the form of stewed meatballs, meatballs or steam cutlets. Soufflé from boiled meat.

  • Boiled or baked lean fish.

  • From dairy products – mashed unleavened cottage cheese or calcined freshly prepared cottage cheese.

  • You can add fresh butter to dishes.

  • A couple of eggs a day in the form of a steam omelet or soft-boiled.

  • Pureed cereals cooked on water (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice).

  • Vegetables in the form of decoctions added to soups.

  • Cocoa and black coffee on the water, tea (preferably green), diluted fruit juices from fruits and berries (with the exception of grapes, apricots, plums), rosehip broth.

  • Raw pureed apples.

During the diet are excluded:

  • Various spicy snacks.

  • Fatty and strong broths, soups with vegetables and cereals.

  • Fish, meat and poultry of fatty varieties, canned fish and meat, smoked meats.

  • Barley and pearl barley, millet.

  • Berries, vegetables and fruits in their natural form, legumes.

  • Cold and carbonated drinks, cocoa and coffee with milk, all sweets.

Diet menu №4

Depending on the disease and its nature, various options for the diet table number four can be used. A sample menu for one day includes the following products: first breakfast – freshly grated cottage cheese, oatmeal on the water, tea. The second breakfast is a decoction made from dried blueberries. Lunch – meat broth with semolina, steamed meatballs, jelly, rice porridge on the water. Snack – a warm unsweetened rosehip broth. Dinner – buckwheat porridge on the water, steam omelet, tea. At night, you can drink jelly.

Diet Recipes Number 4

Fish steam meatballs from carp fillet. Ingredients: 1 egg, 20 g wheat bread, 80 g carp fillet. Pass the carp fillet through a meat grinder, add wheat bread, salt and egg soaked in water and squeezed out in advance, mix, pass through a meat grinder and beat thoroughly. Steam cut meatballs.

Pike perch meatballs. Ingredients: 50 ml of water, 15 g of butter, 15 g of rice, 120 g of pike perch. Boil and cool viscous rice porridge. Pass the porridge together with the pike perch pulp twice through a meat grinder, add about five grams of melted butter, beat it well, mold the meatballs and bring to steam.

Steam meatballs with rice. Ingredients: 20 g rice, 100 g beef. Turn the prepared meat three times through a meat grinder. Rice must be washed, sorted and boiled. After the rice has cooled, you need to rub it through a sieve and add to the minced meat, then salt and beat it thoroughly. Cut the mass into balls and boil for a couple.

Liquid semolina porridge on the water. Ingredients: 5 g butter, 5 g granulated sugar, 250 ml water, 50 g semolina. Gradually pour semolina into boiling water, stirring it constantly, add granulated sugar and salt, cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Before serving, add a piece of butter.

Mashed potatoes. Ingredients: 50 ml water, 5 g butter, 200 g peeled potatoes. Rinse the peeled potatoes, boil them in salted water until tender, drain the water. Grind and mash potatoes, dilute with hot water and add butter.

Dried blueberry drink. Ingredients: 15 g of granulated sugar, 250 ml of water, 20 g of dried blueberries. Rinse dried blueberries with cold water, pour hot water over, boil for 10-15 minutes. Infuse for 3-4 hours, then strain the drink and put sugar.

Diet table number 4 for children

Diet table number 4

In all cases of exacerbation of chronic colitis, as well as in enterocolitis and dysentery, the medical nutrition of the child begins with an unloading tea diet. During the first day, the baby is allowed to drink tea in small quantities and Borjomi mineral water. The total amount of liquid, depending on the condition of the child and his age, should not exceed 1-1,5 liters, on the second day the patient is transferred to a sparing diet No. 4. The nutrition of babies is fractional, at least 6 times a day.

The diet includes soups in low-fat broth with the addition of mucous decoctions of rice or semolina, boiled or steamed fish and meat dishes. Instead of bread, mashed boiled rice is added to steam cutlets. Soups can be prepared with meatballs or minced meat. Pureed porridges are prepared from rice, buckwheat and oatmeal (and only from them).

Eggs are used to make a steam protein omelet; a child should eat freshly prepared cottage cheese in its natural form or in the form of a steam soufflé. Butter is only allowed to be used for dressing dishes. Decoctions of wild rose, blueberries, jelly, cocoa on the water, tea are suitable as drinks.

Pastry products, bread, vegetable and milk soups, sausages, smoked meats, canned food, salted and dried fish, fatty meats and poultry are strictly prohibited. It is also impossible to give the child milk, sour cream, cheese, fats, vegetables in any form, fresh fruits, compotes, carbonated drinks, grape juice.

After 5-6 days of following such a diet, the patient is transferred to diet No. 4b, which allows the use of some previously prohibited foods. You can now put some low-fiber vegetables in soups – zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, as well as well-boiled cereals and small vermicelli. Cooking porridges with the addition of a small amount of milk is allowed. Occasionally it is allowed to flavor dishes with a spoonful of sour cream.

Depending on the well-being of the child, diet table No. 4 is prescribed for a period of 2-3 weeks to several months.

At the stage of recovery and with persistent remission, the patient is transferred to diet No. 4c, gradually replacing some dishes. They are still steamed or boiled, but no longer wiped. Meat is increasingly given in a whole piece, casseroles are prepared from vegetables. It is allowed to use ripe watermelons, milk, seedless grapes, cereal puddings.

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