Diet table number 2

Diet table number 2

Diet table number two was developed by the Soviet dietitian Mikhail Pevzner. This system of therapeutic nutrition is a fairly complete diet with a number of restrictions in cooking methods and food choices. On the recommendation of a doctor, diet table number two can be prescribed for acute and chronic gastritis, colitis and enteritis. It stimulates the secretory function of the digestive organs, normalizes the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet number 2 for gastritis: what is possible, what is not?

If you follow this diet, it is recommended to eat baked, stewed, boiled foods, fried foods should be without a rough crust (you can not bread in flour or breadcrumbs). It is also necessary to eat pureed food from foods rich in fiber or connective tissue. But foods that are difficult to digest, linger in the stomach for a long time and irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, should be excluded from the diet. In addition, spicy seasonings and too hot and cold dishes are prohibited.

The amount of salt consumed per day should be reduced to 15 g, the volume of free fluid – up to one and a half liters. The diet is fractional, 4-5 times a day.

During the diet are allowed:

  • Ghee, butter, vegetable refined oil.

  • Juices berry, fruit, vegetable, diluted with water.

  • Condensed and whole milk, cottage cheese (cheese, dumplings), curdled milk and other fermented milk products. Sour cream – no more than 25 g per dish, cheese in pieces or grated.

  • Steam omelette, soft-boiled eggs.

  • Yesterday’s baking wheat bread, dry biscuit, biscuit cookies and white crackers.

  • Viscous cereals cooked on water (you can use milk), small pasta (chopped or vermicelli).

  • Soups on a weak low-fat broth with grated cereals and vegetables.

  • Vegetables in the form of cutlets, casseroles, puddings, stewed and boiled mashed potatoes. Cauliflower, carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes. With good tolerance – tomatoes, white cabbage, green peas.

  • Coffee, cocoa, tea with cream, milk or lemon if desired.

  • Sweets, jam, honey, sugar.

It is necessary to exclude:

  • Flour products from puff and pastry, fresh bread.

  • Bean, pea, milk soup, okroshka, millet soup.

  • Rich in connective tissue and fatty meat, poultry, smoked meats, goose, duck. Lamb and pork should be limited.

  • Canned fish in oil, smoked and salted fish.

  • Hard boiled eggs.

  • Limit barley, pearl barley, corn grits.

  • Excessively fatty and spicy snacks, smoked meats.

  • Spicy and fatty sauces, horseradish, pepper, mustard.

  • Kvass, grape juice.

  • Pork fat, lamb, beef and cooking fats.

Diet menu number 2

Diet table number 2

An approximate diet menu table number two may look like this: breakfast – fried meatballs (without breading) or fish meatballs, boiled potatoes, mashed porridge with butter, cheese, coffee or tea with milk. Second breakfast – fresh or baked apples. Lunch – soup on meat broth from prefabricated finely chopped vegetables, meat schnitzel, fruit jelly from juice. Snack – tea, cheesecake with cottage cheese. Dinner – jellied fish, rice pudding, tea. Before going to bed, drink kefir.

It should be noted that the consumption of only crushed food for more than 1-2 months in a row is undesirable. As you feel better and on the recommendation of your doctor, you can make changes to the diet table number two.

Diet table number 2 – recipe dish

Tomatoes with green salad. Ingredients: 10 g olive oil, 20 g green salad, 100 g tomatoes. Finely chop the peeled tomatoes. Rinse the lettuce thoroughly, finely chop it and mix with the tomatoes. Place in salad bowl and drizzle with olive oil.

Cucumbers with dill and sour cream. Ingredients: 20 g sour cream, 10 g dill, 100 g cucumbers. Peel fresh cucumbers, finely chop them and mix with pre-prepared dill. After adding a small amount of salt, season with sour cream.

Rice porridge with raisins and dried apricots. Ingredients: 5 g butter, 20 g raisins, 20 g dried apricots, 60 ml water, 100 ml milk, 50 g rice. Rinse raisins, dried apricots and rice, pour into boiling water, add sugar and salt, cook for ten minutes. Then add milk and bring to a boil over low heat. Serve with butter at the table.

Noodle baked with cheese. Ingredients: 5 g sour cream, 20 g mild cheese, 1-4 eggs, 5 g granulated sugar, 5 g butter, 350 ml water, 60 g noodles. Pour the noodles into salted boiling water, boil, place in a colander, let the water drain. After that, add grated cheese, egg, sugar, butter, mix well and put on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Lubricate with sour cream on top, bake in the oven.

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