Diet table number 1
When a doctor prescribes diet table number 1, the first question that arises for everyone is what you can eat during the week. KP has prepared a menu for every day with recipes and advice from a nutritionist

Diet table number 1 is considered one of the most stringent restrictions. Its purpose is to help restore the gastrointestinal tract, so it is as gentle as possible, eliminating any foods that can irritate the stomach.

Who needs to follow the diet table number 1

Diet table number 1 is prescribed for the nutrition of people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • gastritis with high acidity during the period of exacerbation and recovery,
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum during the period of remission and after exacerbation,
  • rehabilitation period after gastric surgery,
  • esophageal burns.

What is possible with a diet table number 1

In the diet, table number 1 is especially important not only what to eat, but also how. Products can be boiled, baked (without a crispy crust) or steamed. Salt is minimal. Food and drinks should not be too cold or hot. You need to eat fractionally, 5-6 times a day, healthy snacks are allowed. For a natural decrease in the secretion of gastric juice, therapeutic mineral water is recommended (the content of carbonates and sulfates is 2-6 g / l). Eating at night is not welcome, so the latest dinner should be at least 2,5 hours before bedtime.

What foods can be eaten during the diet number 1

Low fat dairy productsmilk, kefir, fermented baked milk cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, in small quantities – low-fat cheese.
Oilcreamy unsalted, melted, vegetable.
Eggsoft-boiled or in an omelet.
Low-fat meatveal, beef, rabbit.
Fishlean types.
Vegetables (boiled, stewed or baked)potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, young zucchini, pumpkin.
Cerealsoats, rice, semolina, buckwheat. But porridge should be well boiled, and even better – mashed.
Confectionmarshmallow, marshmallow, sweet fruit
What else can youpasta, jelly and berry puree, honey, dried bread and bakery products, cookies.

At first, dishes without seasonings, with a minimum of salt, may seem too bland and tasteless. It is allowed to “decorate” their taste a little by adding a bay leaf, a small amount of finely chopped dill or parsley.

The diet “Table No. 1” provides for the use of 1,5 liters of free fluid. Preferably – mineral medicinal table water.

What is impossible with a diet table number 1

For the duration of treatment, it is necessary to exclude products that irritate the stomach and aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

List of prohibited products:

  • alcohol.
  • strong coffee.
  • rye and any fresh bread.
  • fat meat
  • fried foods.
  • canned and pickled foods.
  • acidic foods (including citrus fruits and tomatoes).
  • vinegar, mayonnaise, ketchup.
  • smoked meat
  • concentrated fruit juices.
  • cucumbers.
  • cabbage.
  • turnip and radish.
  • mushrooms.
  • cereals from corn, barley and barley groats.

Menu for the week

Day 1

Breakfast: steamed fish quenelles, vermicelli casserole, weak black tea.

Lunch: 1 banana, rosehip syrup.

Dinner: oatmeal puree soup, boiled turkey fillet, buckwheat porridge with butter, kissel.

Afternoon snack: biscuit cookies, weak tea.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with cocoa raisins.

Second Supper: a glass of milk.

Day 2

Breakfast: rice porridge in milk with butter, prunes 1 soft-boiled egg, tea with milk.

Lunch: pear, tea.

Dinner: vegetable puree soup, beef cutlets, stewed zucchini, sweet compote.

Afternoon snack: 1 peach.

Dinner: omelette with peas, berry jelly.

Second dinner: curdled milk.

Day 3

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with raisins, buckwheat porridge on the water, green tea.

Lunch: applesauce, cocoa.

Dinner: pink salmon soup with potatoes, steamed chicken cutlets, dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with sour cream, tea.

Dinner: stewed vegetables, black tea.

Second Supper: milk.

Day 4

Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with butter, one soft-boiled egg, cocoa.

Lunch: berry jelly.

Dinner: rice-based potato-carrot soup*, beef cutlets, green tea. 

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with strawberry jam, prunes.

Dinner: baked vegetables, sweet black tea.

Second Supper: milk.

Potato-carrot soup-puree on rice broth


  • rice – 30 g
  • water for boiling it – 1 cups
  • potatoes – 100 g
  • carrots – 75 g
  • Butter – 20 g
  • milk – 200 ml
  • egg yolk – 1 pcs.


  1. Boil rice until cooked, wipe.
  2. Boil potatoes and carrots.
  3. Mix everything, dilute with boiling milk, season with yolk and butter.

Day 5

Breakfast: pasta casserole, sandwich with white bread, low-fat cheese and butter, black tea.

Lunch: applesauce, cocoa.

Dinner: vegetable puree soup with melted cheese, boiled turkey fillet, berry jelly.

Afternoon snack: biscuit cookies, weak tea.

Dinner: mashed potatoes, milk scrambled eggs, chicory drink with milk.

Second Supper: milk.

Day 6

Breakfast: steam omelet, vermicelli with grated cheese, weak tea, meringue**.

Lunch: berry jelly, compote.

Dinner: pureed vegetable soup, boiled carp with bechamel sauce, boiled rice, jelly.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, weak tea.

Dinner: turkey meatballs with cauliflower garnish, vegetable salad.

Second Supper: milk.



  • egg white – 3 pcs
  • powdered sugar – ½ cup.


  1. proteins are separated from the yolks, placed in a completely dry bowl, which we put in a larger bowl filled with warm water.
  2. When the proteins have warmed up a little (we do this to get a denser mass), we begin to beat them with a mixer at low speeds.
  3. When the proteins become cloudy, you can add powdered sugar (or sugar) to them gradually by a teaspoon and increase the speed of the mixer.
  4. When the mass has become dense, put it in a pastry bag (if there is none, you can put it in a bag with a cut off corner or just use a spoon) and put the mini meringue cakes on a baking sheet.
  5. Covered with baking paper.
  6. We put in an oven preheated to 80 degrees and leave to dry for an hour, reducing the temperature to 60 degrees.
  7. After turning off the oven, do not get the dessert until it cools completely.

Day 7

Breakfast: poached egg, tea with milk.

Lunch: carrot jelly, rosehip decoction.

Dinner: oatmeal milk soup, diet pate***.

Afternoon snack: fruit pudding.

Dinner: mashed rice porridge, lean fish meatballs.

Second Supper: milk.

Diet pate


  • lean beef – 100 g
  • potatoes – 2 pieces
  • carrots – 1 sh
  • milk – 100 ml.


  1. beef., potatoes, boil carrots, pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Pour milk into this stuffing and put on a slow fire, simmer for three minutes.
  3. The finished dish can be slightly salted.

Important! You should try to eat at the same time every day. Gastric juice will be produced at set hours, and food will be better digested.

What is “A” and “B”

Diet table number 1 has two options “Table 1A” and “Table 1B”. There are no fundamental differences. But diet 1A is the most gentle, it is prescribed in the first week of treatment for exacerbation of peptic ulcer and with exacerbation of gastritis. The menu is based on liquid, enveloping dishes: mashed soups, kissels, cereals.

When the patient’s well-being improves, stomach irritation disappears, diet 1B or directly No. 1 is prescribed in the menu of which the list of allowed products is expanding.

The result of the diet table number 1

Diet increases the effectiveness of treatment, helps the body recover. If you stick to it for as long as the doctor prescribed, you can achieve a very good result – healing of ulcers, reducing inflammation, normalizing peristalsis.

Many patients also note such a pleasant side effect as weight loss. Someone loses 2 kg per week, someone 4-5 kg ​​per month. Due to the fact that soda, fast food, fatty foods disappear from the diet, the skin condition changes for the better.

Dietitian Reviews

– In principle, this is a good diet for solving certain problems. Five meals a day is the best approach for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, says nutritionist Irina Yablonskaya. – But this is primarily a therapeutic diet, so I do not recommend it to everyone. Diet and nutrition is always an individual approach. To determine which diet is right for you, you need to consult with a dietitian.

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