“How will the heart calm down?” – this seems to sound like a line of one of the most popular card fortune-telling … Speaking strictly from a medical point of view, you don’t have to go to a fortune-teller – the answer to the question is obvious: the heart will calm down with a special sparing diet, which in scientific medical circles is called “Table 10″. Namely: the special emphasis in the therapeutic diet 10 is placed on foods that improve blood circulation and strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
Features of the “Table 10” diet
Indications: cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, post-infarction conditions, heart defects, insufficient blood circulation, rheumatism, hypertension), diseases of the nervous system;
Duration: on the recommendation of a doctor;
Features: the consumption of fats and carbohydrates is reduced, at the same time, the intake of fluids and salt is limited, as well as foods that excite the nervous system, overload the liver and kidneys;
Energy value: on average 2300 – 2500 kK;
Fluid volume per day: maximum 1,2 l;
Best type of preparation: meat, fish and vegetables are boiled without salt, stewed, baked or steamed;
Frequency of meals on the “Table 10” diet: 5-6 times a day, the last meal – 3 hours before bedtime;
Diet “Table 10”: what is possible, what is not
Meat, poultry, fish. Mostly low-fat varieties should be chosen. For example: veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken. First, the meat and fish need to be boiled, then you can bake, sometimes lightly fry.
Eggs. In diet 10, 1 piece is allowed. per day (soft-boiled or “in a bag” – it does not matter), and you can also cook a steam omelet from several eggs once a week.
Bread and flour. You can: wheat bread, as well as dried and salt-free bread, unsweetened biscuits, non-sweet biscuits, etc. Pancakes, fritters, fresh baked goods are strictly prohibited.
Dairy. You can practically any dairy products, with the exception of those for which individual intolerance is observed. You can: milk, dairy products, cottage cheese (preferably low-fat), cheese. Care should be taken with salty and fatty cheeses.
Vegetables. You can eat any vegetables boiled, baked and raw. The basic set of vegetables for the daily diet of the “Table 10” diet can be as follows: potatoes, zucchini and eggplants, beets and carrots, lettuce, pumpkin, cucumbers and tomatoes, any greens. White cabbage and green peas are allowed to be eaten no more than once a week.
Cereals. You can: porridge in water or milk from almost any type of cereal. You can also grill, casseroles and any pasta made from durum wheat.
Fruit and desserts. You can: fruits and berries, mousses and jelly, compotes and homemade smoothies. You can use any low-fat desserts. The only delicacy banned is chocolate.
The drinks. On the “Table 10” diet, it is recommended to drink various teas (weak black, green, herbal), fruit and vegetable juices (which must be diluted with water 1: 1), milkshakes, decoctions of berries and herbs. Under the ban – sweet soda, energy drinks, alcohol, coffee.
Additional prohibitions. Following diet 10, soups are prepared with “second” and “third” broths, with preference given to vegetable and mushroom soups. It is worth excluding semi-finished products, hot sauces, fast food, sausages and smoked meats from the diet. Banned vegetables include spinach, sorrel, garlic and radish, as well as salted, pickled and fermented foods. Legumes are also excluded from the diet. Of fruits, you should be especially careful with fruits with coarse fiber (for example: apples, pears, blueberries, strawberries, grapefruit, orange, avocado, etc.)
It is important to understand that Table 10 is a medical diet, in the development and compilation of which qualified doctors took part. Therefore, despite the visible “pickle” of acceptable products and a large number of meals, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations and prohibitions, avoid overeating, and in no case do not allow alcohol, coffee, carbonated lemonades, questionable semi-finished products, fast food, junk in your diet. food and instant meals (like freeze-dried noodles, powdered mashed potatoes, etc.)
Diet 10: the table is strict, but generous!
Eating on the “Table 10” diet should be fractional – 5-6 times a day. An approximate menu for the day may look like this:
First breakfast: oatmeal with milk, yogurt or a boiled egg;
Lunch: fruit salad;
Lunch: fish soup (in secondary broth), veal meatballs with vegetable puree; tea or berry juice;
Snack: low-fat yogurt, one banana;
Dinner: potato casserole with mushrooms, rice pudding for dessert, herbal tea;
3 hours before bedtime: a glass of low-fat kefir;
Useful recipes for the Table 10 diet will help diversify your diet:
Banana smoothie with granola for breakfast
Ingredients: 1 glass of natural yogurt, 1 banana, 1 glass of milk, 1 glass of muesli (your choice).
Method of preparation:
Put the banana slices and yogurt in a blender and blend on low speed for about 30-40 seconds.
Pour the muesli into ½ of the prepared milk and place in the microwave for 1 minute (heating mode). Then add the rest of the milk.
Smoothies and muesli can be served separately or mixed together.
Fish soup in a slow cooker
Ingredients: 500-600 g of fish (for example: salmon, unsalted salmon, cod), 3 medium potatoes, 1 leek, 1 carrot, 1/2 cup millet, 2 tablespoons. olive oil, herbs.
Method of preparation:
Cut the fish into small pieces, put in the multicooker bowl. Add medium-sized diced potatoes, peeled carrots and diced leeks.
Rinse the millet thoroughly and add to the rest of the products.
Pour water into a bowl, do not add salt and spices (!), And cook in the “Soup” mode for 50-60 minutes.
Add finely chopped herbs to the finished dish and serve with wheat bread croutons.
Potato casserole with mushrooms
Ingredients: 1-1,5 kg of potatoes, 500 g of mushrooms (of your choice), 1 onion, low-fat mayonnaise (can be replaced with soft low-fat cottage cheese), butter, arugula sprigs for decoration.
Method of preparation:
Cook half of the potatoes and mash into a puree mass, adding 2 tsp. butter.
Finely chop the onion and mushrooms (it doesn’t matter – fresh or frozen). Place the onion and mushrooms in a skillet with high sides, add 1 tsp. butter and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes. no added salt.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking dish with a piece of butter. Put a layer of mashed potatoes about 1 cm thick on the bottom. Then add a layer of fried mushrooms. Then again a layer of potatoes and a layer of mushrooms. In principle, there can be as many layers as you can create, given the height of the dish.
Peel the second part of the potato and cut into thin slices. Lay out the top, finishing layer of the casserole from them. Put a layer of mayonnaise or soft cottage cheese on top of the potatoes.
Bake the dish in the oven for 40-45 minutes. at a temperature of 180 degrees. Decorate the casserole with arugula before serving.