Diet, supplements and stimulants, or how Poles care for their health [INFOGRAPHY]
Start Scientific Council Preventive examinations Cancer Diabetes Cardiological diseases What is wrong with Poles? Live a healthier report 2020 Report 2021 Report 2022

The National Health Test of Poles has shown that we often neglect disease prevention, in which a lifestyle that is friendly to our body plays the first fiddle. We eat too much meat, eat fast-food more often than we should, and it is difficult for us to give up stimulants that, day after day, worsen our health and increase susceptibility to diseases. Check what image of the lifestyle of Poles is provided by the answers to the questions contained in over 400 surveys completed by our readers.

Read also:

  1. Preventive examinations for women of all ages. Do regularly
  2. Not only obesity. What puts us at risk of diabetes?
  3. Diseases that Poles fear the most

You haven’t been able to find the cause of your ailments for a long time? Do you want to tell us your story or draw attention to a common health problem? Write to the address [email protected] #Together we can do more

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